
The late evening couldn't come sooner for Asher. For his afternoon and early evening, he used all of his time to continue his guidance over Reese and Kylee.

During their spar earlier today, Asher had even gotten legitimately surprised by them.

Despite having low talents, both of them seemed to easily learn at a rapid pace. Though they both boasted how quickly they are learning before, Asher felt genuinely impressed to see them in action.

Just from the way they gather their Magical Energy, letting it flow from their veins to their entire body is already a step above ordinary students. Plus, they could also exude an exceedingly betting control over their Magical Powers within just a day.

With how impressed Asher felt with them, at the same time, he was also puzzled.

Just before their first-ever spar, neither honestly showed any unique kind of learning ability.

Plainly speaking, Asher would say there were average among average.

However, now, after he invigorated their fighting spirits and hype them up with the prospect of working with Elsa, it was like something snapped inside them.

For sure, Asher didn't sense any change within their Magical Auras or System Souls. But this potential they're showing is for sure going beyond what would be expected for them.

Once Asher finished guiding and sparring with Reese and Kylee, prime time evening had swiftly come.

The anticipation Asher had suppressed throughout his entire time with Reese and Kylee surged like a rocket.

Using the same clothes he had during his second date with Elsa, Asher swiftly met up with Elsa at the same secluded alleyway.

Immediately when they met up, the couple strolled right in the Burning Night Organization, with Elsa paying both of their ways in.

As of now, Asher and Elsa were blended into the bustling crowd inside the main hall of the Organization. Exactly the same since the first time they showed up here, there were a plethora of different species and System Soul cultivators.

When gazing around these people, Asher and Elsa felt a different mood swell within their chests.

Compared to their date night here, Asher and Elsa had come with an entirely different purpose. They weren't here to enjoy their time. They were here to fight, win and possibly kill.

And when peering around the variety of people walking here, Asher felt calm yet serious, absolutely ready to take anyone on. While Elsa felt a little bit mixed, knowing that any one of these people could be a potential opponent that she'll have to slay with her own hands.

Before their thoughts got too derailed, Asher focused back on searching for the corridor that had Examination above it.

While he did so, Asher gave Elsa's slightly tensed hand a gentle squeeze. He felt the slight tension in her ease up a bit, and Asher had then asked her,

"Elsa, are you ready for this? From here on out, we can't overly think about every matter. With the time limit, we'll need to go off more on instincts. Basically, just have trust in your judgment, have it ever led you astray so far?"

"Fuuu~. I suppose it hasn't ready….I'm ready."

After taking a small breath, Elsa steeled her nerves, falling back to her usual indifferent trance. Because Elsa felt calmer, Asher also felt any of his last slight nerves soothe from his body.

Feeling better and swirls of anticipation within their chests, Asher and Elsa continued to roam the bustling Main Hall.

Soon enough, the duo spotted the corridor which had the Examination sign up above it.

Exchanging a brief glance with each other, Asher and Elsa nodded towards each other; there was no turning back now.

In a calm stride, Asher and Elsa strolled right down the Examination Corridor. After a few seconds of walking, they had eventually ended up in the Examination Room.

Immediately, Asher and Elsa took notice of the smaller scale size of this room compared to other places within the Manor.

Furthermore, the room was sparse with cultivators, only having a few people sitting around in chairs placed by the entrance to the room. These people were all reading magazines with highly detailed art depicting Magical Beasts or other System Soul cultivators.

Taking their attention off from them, Asher and Elsa looked ahead at the front desk.

"Huh….lucky break?" Asher quietly muttered to Elsa, who also felt like they got strangely lucky.

It was like the duo came right on time as there wasn't anybody up at the front desk. Not the one to miss opportunities, Asher and Elsa had then quickly strolled right up to the front desk.

Their eyes were promptly greeted by the sight of a middle-aged man wearing only an eye mask and an all-black suit.

And fitting the strange common theme of this Organization, the receptionist man was only an ordinary mortal.

As soon Asher and Elsa got within a couple of feet from the desk, the receptionist snapped his attention up to them and spoke in a plain voice.

"Four Origin Crystal in total if both of you want to get examined."

'To think, even when putting your life on the line, you still have to pay some fee….' Asher mused to himself.

This price really just goes to show Asher that money will be as equally as important as personal prowess.

Compared to Asher, Elsa didn't have much thought over this price. She simply reached into her pocket, sparked a blue flash, and took out a gray color sack.

Tossing it over, the Recpistionst man caught the gray color sack and immediately brought a strange-looking phone.

'This again….'

Asher and Elsa watched with rapid intent as the strange-looking phone spewed out an azure light, causing it to instantly scan the gray color sack.

That strange-looking phone was precisely the same as the one that Vendor Ticker used on their first date here.

And just like that Vendor, the receptionist was finished scanning the gray color sack within a mere second. Afterward, the receptionist nodded at the duo, telling them,

"Wait for a moment. A guide will come to collect you to get examined."

After saying his piece, the receptionist promptly turned his attention back down his desk as if there was something far more critical there.

Since all they could do was wait, Asher and Elsa took a moment to obverse more around the examination room.

Most things around this room weren't anything else they've seen around the Manor. But when their gazes finally landed directly to the right of them, they noticed a particular sight.

Contrasting with the luxurious design of everything was just a simple white color door etched into the colorful walls of the examination room. There wasn't any sign on this door, simply looking as plain as it could be.

While Asher and Elsa curiously wondered about this door's out-of-place design, their attention was taken away the next second.

Coming from a corridor that was right beside the receptionist desk, Asher and Elsa detected the presence of another ordinary mortal.

And soon enough, the duo spotted another all-black suit-wearing middle-aged man coming out of the corridor. Immediately when he appeared, the new Staff set his attention right on Asher and Elsa.

"Come with me."

The Staff got straight to the point, not wasting any moment, promptly turning around and walking straight towards that odd white color door.

'Figures….' Both Asher and Elsa already guessed that door would be of critical importance. Most of the time, in their world, if something looks uniquely different from the rest, it would almost always be of some importance.

Wondering what kind of Examination they'll be undergoing, Asher and Elsa followed behind the Staff.

Once he reached a foot from the door, the Staff waved some kind of unique-looking device in his hands, causing the door to open on its own.

The Staff stepped in first, and Asher and Elsa promptly shuffled in after.

"Hm? This place…."

Asher subconsciously muttered upon his first step into the room. Elsa as well felt intrigued, quickly shuffling her gaze all around the room.

Asher and Elsa felt like they had just stepped into another world; this room was completely and utterly white! There weren't any of that classy design, painting, or even furniture that made up the rest of the Manor.

The only thing in this empty blank white space room were two star-shaped crystals mysteriously floating in midair.

As the door automatically closed behind them, Asher sensed that the energy flowing through the air here was similarly unique.

With his Aura Sense, he could easily detect there was Spirit Mana energy permeating the atmosphere here. And compared to other places, this quality of Spirit Mana energy was incredibly pure!

The pureness quality felt like it was a step above his own Mana Room. Along with this pure form of Spirit Mana Energy, Asher could also detect another form of energy, one that completely surpasses Spirit Mana in everywhere.

This type of energy Asher sensed was identical to the energy Elsa used during their training.

Origin Mana Energy!

And since Asher could sense it, of course, Elsa picked up on it as well.

More than Asher, Elsa could sense that the quality of Origin Mana Energy here was one of the purest she ever had the chance to experience.

Both Asher and Elsa could tell that by cultivating here, they could make significant leaps that would take them weeks to accomplish.

Right then, the couple was awoken from their thoughts as the Staff started to explain the Examination to them.

"To pass the Examination, you two will need to use only pure Mana Energy to shatter those star crystals. And know this, it's much easier to say than actually do. Without excellent control and comprehension, this will be impossible. The Spirit Tier Crystal is on the left, Origin Tier on the right."

Asher and Elsa didn't verbally respond, only nodding at the Staff before walking up to the star crystals. As the Staff explained, Asher went on the left while Elsa was on the right.

They both intently stared into the white color star-shaped crystals, feeling their anticipation rise.

After they pass this, it would be their time to fight for incredible riches!