First To Kill

Soon enough, Asher and Elsa found their way down the corridor that had the matching symbol on Asher's Night Badges.

The duo was currently at the exit of the corridor, taking a moment to obverse the change in scenery.

Immediately they both noticed this underground arena was of a smaller size than the one they used for the Late Stage Spirit Tier fight. But though the size was smaller, the audience members were still filled out.

Even from afar, both Asher and Elsa could hear the high class bustling of the surrounding audience.

Glancing specifically on the center stage, Asher and Elsa already saw two figures waiting there.

One of the figures matched the portrait Asher saw on the tablet.

It was a tall man donning a uniquely crafted Chinese Dragon mask and spouting Martial Arts Clothings. Admittedly, Asher and Elsa could obverse a certain elegance to this man's outfit.

This man was, of course, Dragon Grass.

The other figure on stage was Asher, and Elsa assumed to be the announcer. But compared to the announcer they saw on their first time coming here, this man held no noble grace.

He looked like a plain ordinary staff here, spouting the same all-black suit and a black eye mask.

"Well, would you look at this? I'll admit it, this organization truly won't have you waiting like at all." Asher spoke in a relaxed, almost joking tone.

He was actually pretty grateful the wait here was near-instantaneous. After all, he and Elsa are on a strict time limit where every second they spend absolutely matters.

"Haah~. As expected from you. Even when close to this, your nerves are basically steel." Elsa sighed with slightly mixed emotions.

There wasn't even the slightest bit of hesitation in Asher's tone for this upcoming deathmatch.

Although she wouldn't admit it out loud, Elsa almost wishes she could have that kind of steel nerves right about now. The thought of killing another human being still hasn't completely sat well with her.

But for now, she put all of her focus on supporting Asher. And as he turned his head over to gaze at her, Elsa nudged her head towards the center stage, telling Asher,

"Well, go on then. I will wait over here. And I'm expecting for the name you choose to be worth the wait."

"Oh, you'll see that the name is actually quite fitting for me," Asher spoke with a smile forming behind his mask.

"Just go already."

After Elsa gave him one last snort while pointing her hand at the stage, Asher swiftly walked out of the corridor.

In just a few steps, Asher jumped right onto the left-most corner of the center stage, and he immediately felt all gazes landing square on him. From the surrounding audience members to Dragon Grass and the announcer, everyone scrutinized Asher.

Countless murmurs and whispers began to stream through the surrounding audience almost immediately.

Asher could hear it all with his profound hearing, detecting that people were already scrutinizing his fighting ability.

It was impossible to not want to scrutinize Asher. After all, he is a newcomer and already wants to take on a powerful opponent!

With such bold actions, people didn't know whether this was brave or plain foolish.

However, no matter what others were thinking, none of it registered in Asher's mind. He kept his serene, calm stride, already used to being scrutinized by thousands of people's gazes.

Asher simply focused on Dragon Grass, who was staring right back at him.

They both were sixty feet apart, and Asher could still feel the slumbering Killing Intent mixed within Dragon Grass's natural aura.

Asher simply didn't care at all for the Killing Intent directed at him. Because he knows the one dying today will not be him.

After only a moment Asher landed on stage, the announcer took his gaze off from Asher and began addressing the entire audience.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! We have a unique match on our hands. The frighteningly powerful Dragon Grass will face off against the newcomer Ghost!"

"Ghost? Fufu~. Of course, you would."

Elsa let out a genuine chuckle once hearing that codename. At that moment, she started pondering over what her codename will be since she is going to fight very soon.

When the announcer gave his codename, Asher started here more intriguing whispers from the audience.

"Ghost? Heh, that's odd. Wonder what gives this guy so much confidence?"

"Even though the match is basically decided, it should still give a decent payout."

While nobody saw Asher fight yet, they couldn't help but believe that Dragon Grass already won the match. Dragon Grass already has an established history, and nobody sensed anything remarkable from Asher.

Asher, on the other hand, felt innately curious about the people putting money into this fight.

His previous thoughts proved to be accurate; when he overwhelmingly crush Dragon Grass, there will be far more people willing to bet on him.

Looking over to Dragon Grass again, Asher could now sense a mixture of Killing Intent and disdain.

A smirk curled up Asher's lips. If this guy already has the confidence to win, it'll only make this much easier for Asher.

Only a few moments after the announcer introduced Asher and Dragon Grass, the atmosphere didn't really turn tense at all. With nobody anticipating for Asher to even put up a good fight, the audience was ready to see this match end already.

Right then, the announcer traded a look between Asher and Dragon Grass before finally saying,


Instantly when saying so, the announcer jumped right off the stage.

The moment the match started, nearly everyone's attention was on Dragon Grass, curious about how fast this would end.

Even Dragon Grass himself had a more causal stance facing off against Asher. Dragon Grass didn't even consider himself arrogant. He simply didn't sense anything potent from Asher's natural Magical Aura.

There wasn't any of that genuine sense of danger he would have when facing off against any other opponent.

With a thought, Dragon Grass was just about to surge a considerable sum of his energy to get this over with quickly.

However, at the same time, Asher immediately made his move.

For his plan to go over well, Asher wasn't going to hold back a single speck of his prowess.


In an abrupt instant, shocking everyone to their core, Asher simultaneously unleashed his Ghost Lightning Spirit Aura and a ferocious Killing Intent aura that was like the depths of hell!

"This….is this the power of just an Early Stage?!"

Most of the audience raised cries of surprise as Asher's overwhelming prowess swept through the entire underground arena.

Asher's prowess was akin to a raging, intense hurricane causing fierce gales of wind to kick up throughout the whole area.

"What power!!" Dragon Grass immediately turned incredibly serious.

It almost felt like whiplash to him. In just one second, Asher appeared as nothing but an average Spirit Tier cultivator. And then, in the very next moment, his prowess explosively increased to a point where he felt an indomitable pressure warping his entire body!

All at once, Dragon Grass was hit with a multitude of terrifying sensations.

His breathing turned extremely rugged, the hairs on the back of his neck rose in dread, and the haunting looming sensation of near-death drilled into his mind.

The moment Asher released his Spirit Aura, Dragon Grass only had a moment to surge the full extent of his Base Magical Aura.

The tremendous pressure didn't let up at all, but a faint green grass Magical Barrier was quickly coming into existence in front of him.

However, Asher wouldn't give Dragon Grass the chance to even think.

In just the split second Dragon Grass began to form his grass Magical Barrier; Asher burst forward towards him with an explosive discharge of speed!

A trail of blue Ghost Lightning split across the stage as Asher crossed over seventy feet of distance in just a mere split second.

Without stopping, Asher sailed his Lightning-covered fist straight at Dragon Grass's chest, uncaring for the Magical Barrier forming in front of him.



The painful wails of Dragon Grass boomed into everyone's eardrums.

Dragon Grass's body was sent blasting off like a ragdoll as Asher Lightning's fist easily destroyed his Magical Barrier and caved in his chest.

Dragon Grass violently crashed onto the ground after flying over thirty feet back and a pool of blood leaked from his mask. Even after the attack, Dragon Grass was continually groaning in tremendous pain.

Asher had also sent a colossal stream of Ghost Lightning into Dragon Grass's body just from his fist, wreaking utter havoc inside him and causing his nerves to painfully fry.

As Dragon Grass painfully laid on the ground, a sudden sense of rage struck him.

How could he be in such a bad state after only one measly move!

If he didn't push forth his Magical Aura to its full extent, he would've lost consciousness just from that Lightning fist alone!

He, a proud warrior, was nearly instantly defeated in one attack. There wasn't any way Dragon Grass could ever accept this!

"I will kill you!!" Dragon Grass forced down the tremendous anguish wracking his body and unleashed his full power Spirit Aura!


In an instant, Dragon Grass was back on his feet as a luminous grass Spirit Aura covered his entire body, his prowess explosively surging to clash against Asher's.

"Dragon Grass is already going all out….but this…."

"He's just too weak…."

The audience was initially surprised to see Dragon Grass go full power after one move. However, everyone could still sense that Asher's prowess massively suppresses his.

And, of course, Dragon Grass could sense that Asher's Magical Aura pressure still didn't lessen at all. In fact, when he brought his full power Spirit Aura, he felt a true suppression constrict his body!

Fearful shivers burst throughout Dragon Grass's entire body; he realized then, his death may just be assured!

In a last desperate attempt, Dragon Grass wanted to unleash a Battle Skill to give himself a fighting chance.

But right then, a blinding blue flash that was painful to gaze upon burst in front of Dragon Grass's face. He couldn't even trace what happened at all.

Like he was an actual Ghost, Asher had suddenly appeared within seven feet from Dragon Grass's face.

Asher had his axe in hand and was swiping it straight at Dragon Grass's neck at unbelievable speeds.

In the face of near-death, Dragon Grass's prowess soared as he unleashed his defensive Battle Skill, Vine Construct!

Numerous green vines shot off from the ground, attempting to form a protective wall in front of Dragon Grass. However, no matter how high Dragon Grass's prowess increased, it was simply futile.


Asher's Ghost Lightning-covered axe went unhindered as he sliced right through Dragon Grass's Magical Aura, shredding his vines in half and finally slicing right through Dragon Grass's neck like it was made of tofu.