
Blood and guts squirted like a high-intensity fountain, spraying a gory crimson rain all around Asher. High in the air Dragon Grass's beheaded head swirled around, spewing an additional layer of blood.

Upon Dragon Grass's head, his dragon mask shattered to pieces from Asher's raw power, revealing a look of absolute dread. Even in death Dragon Grass wouldn't be able to understand just how he died.

His last thought continually revolves around one terrifying idea, Ghost prowess should be impossible for the Early Stage Spirit Tier realm!

After only a second, Dragon Grass's corpse slumped backward, hitting the stage with a sickening wet thumb at the same time with his beheaded head.

Asher didn't look away at all from his first kill. He stood completely still and calm, gazing down at his bloody mess.

For his first-ever kill of another human being, Asher felt….indifferent.

More than just indifferent, Asher couldn't stop a prickling feeling as if he had just squashed a bug. Asher assumed this feeling is his Ghost race coming to surface within his mind.

But, there was one simple reason that helped Asher so calmly take in everything. To be with Elsa, anything would be worth it.

Focusing back on Dragon Grass, several other thoughts crossed Asher's mind. Though Dragon Grass appeared as almighty and powerful with veteran experience over him, he was simply nothing to Asher's overwhelming prowess.

This kill taught Asher something. No matter the skill or experience one may have over the other, it would all be for naught in the face of absolute power.

Now, all Asher could think of his rewards for this fight. Right then, while Asher mused about his rewards, he suddenly heard the audience erupt in an uproar.

"Splendid show!"

"That power! Is that really just an Early Stage Spirit Tier Warrior?!"

Everyone in the audience, no matter their level of impressed, they couldn't deny that Asher's prowess was simply unfathomable for an Early Stage Spirit Tier cultivator.

Dragon Grass stood no chance as if he was facing off against someone at the Mid Stage of the Spirit Tier realm!

This was Asher's first battle, and yet his name was already destined to spread far and wide in no time at all.


All the way back at the corridor exit, Elsa crossed her gaze between Asher and Dragon Grass corpse.

Elsa didn't sense any chaotic aura from Asher, nor did she see him being affected by the killing. If Elsa didn't know Asher at all, she could legitimately think he is also a veteran warrior in killing.

With how Asher calmly took this battle, it made Elsa realize something critical. The only reason he's going so hard was because of her trouble with the Melton Family.

All just to save their relationship, Asher firmly steeled himself to the point where his mental state won't be affected at all.

'And I….I see….' Elsa took a quiet breath to herself, her mind seemingly connecting on something.

Back on the center stage, the announcer had suddenly appeared after only a few seconds the audience uproar started. Immediately, he began to address the whole audience, announcing to them,

"The Winner! Ghost! And in two clean strikes, no less! Dragon Grass stood no choice at all!"

'See what I mean? These money-grubbing people are already suspecting your prowess is approaching beyond the limits of the Early Stage Spirit Tier realm. But, keep going like this; we'll rake in cash in no time!' Yuki suddenly said to Asher.

Quickly analyzing that battle in his mind, Asher realized his prowess steadily increasing even beyond his expectations.

What mainly helped with completely trashing on Dragon Grass was the fact his Spirit Mana is at the intermediate control level. His quality of Spirit Mana is already at such high purity that it made Asher wonder if his prowess would grow even more at later control levels.

Asher thought more about all of his abilities, wondering if he should try using subtle Ghost telekinesis powers to make his fights seem even more overwhelming.

But before Asher could think long on it, he suddenly sensed the announcer direct his gaze right on him.

"For a first-timer, your rewards will actually be quite plentiful. Come with me." Immediately after saying so the announcer walked off the stage, going toward the same exit corridor where Elsa stood.

Asher promptly followed behind, and he and the announcer reached the corridor; the announcer only took one look over at Elsa.

"I'm presuming you two are a team? I noticed her waiting over from the start of the match." The announcer inquired though he already guessed their response.

Even as Elsa is at a higher realm, there have been weirder mismatched couples he's seen in his time.

Asher readily nodded, asking the announcer, "We are a team. It won't be a problem for her to come to the reward room as well, would it?"

"Not at all. Follow behind me."

The announcer promptly began to walk in a different direction, going away from the Vendor hall area.

Before following behind, Elsa took a look over to Asher, wanting to ask him a question.

But Asher only slightly shook his head, telling her, "After this."

Even without seeing her nonexpressive face or even touching her, Asher could easily pick up on something eating away at Elsa.

His Aura Sense almost became like an emotion reader for Elsa specifically, and Asher knows it wasn't the most opportune time to talk now.

And Though Elsa genuinely wanted to discuss something with him, she also understood that kind of talk would be more appropriate alone.

Elsa silently nodded, and she and Asher continue to follow right behind the announcer.


Soon enough, the announcer had led Asher and Elsa to a surprisingly small room. But though it was small, it was quite compact.

There were numerous shelves all fitted into this one small room. And filling up every shelf were strange electronic devices neither Asher nor Elsa thought could even exist.

The devices they had here genuinely looked more advanced than even the modern laptop and PCs available to the general public.

Even for Elsa's family's High-Class devices, she never spotted intricate and advanced devices like the ones on the shelves.

What made everything that more impressive to both Asher and Elsa was the fact that they could sense an abundance of what they could only assume was Burning Night Pit Organization's strange energy flowing through the devices.

"Ah, I do hope you don't mind the small space. This was the closest room available for us to secure your rewards."

The announcer's voice brought Asher and Elsa's attention back forward.

The announcer was currently behind and crouched under a sizable counter that actually didn't take up much space in the room. Though Asher and Elsa could spot several wires seemingly connected the counter to the numerous devices here.

The announcer only took a few moments to finish preparing whatever he was doing before coming back up and telling Asher, "Alright. Everything is set. Place your Night Badge on the counter. This will record your victory."

Doing as he said, Asher took out his Night Badge from his pocket and placed it upon the counter.

Afterward, Asher and Elsa watched on with intent curiosity as a white energy spark lit up the whole counter.

The white energy spark didn't just stop at the counter, continuing on to the shelves and lighting up the electrical devices there. This whole process only lasted for a few seconds until the white energy spark finally dissipated.

"Ok. Now that's done with, on to your rewards. Combined with the bets and Dragon Grass' own rewards, you will gain 250 Origin Crystals." The announcer so causally said.

But Asher and Elsa nearly froze on the spot, their minds recoiling from shock. They both counted their luck that they had their masks on since their faces were warped with shock.

250 Origin Crystals….that was truly rich!

On the outside, Asher knows this could last any average Spirit Tier families for years to come. And even for Elsa's High-Class wealth, this was no small sum at all.

With how almost too easily Asher cleared his match, this sum of riches almost seemed too easy to get.

Although, Asher and Elsa realize they are geniuses exceptions.

Asher could even tell that any Early Stage Spirit Tier genius from their Academy would not be able to beat Dragon Grass, much less kill.

When comparing their Magical Auras, Asher could detect that Dragon Grass' full power Spirit Aura was much more refined and pure than even Jayline's Spirit Aura.

While Jayline could probably put up a decent fight for a few seconds, Dragon Grass would be able to easily overwhelm him.

Furthermore, Asher and Elsa noted that they were strictly comparing geniuses from their Academies. Any ordinary Peak Early Stage Spirit Tier cultivator would undoubtedly fall to Dragon Grass within mere seconds.

Asher and Elsa only took a moment to stew over their prowess before quickly calming down from their initial shock.

"I must say, that's quite the hefty sum." Asher lightly remarked.

The announcer nodded and reached out to under the counter, pulled out a blue-gray sack while also saying, "Indeed it is. You have not only scored an amazingly quick kill. But you also killed a strong, reputable opponent."

When the announcer put the gray sack on the counter, Asher promptly took it and his Night Badge back into his pocket.

As he did so, he had then asked the announcer, "One more thing. Is there a limit on how many matches we can participate in each day? If not, I would like to fight immediately again."

For a moment, the announcer appeared surprised before his eyes lit up in realization.

"There is no limit on how many matches you can take a day, and you can immediately fight again. Your name is already spreading around, so another fight from you would surely rake in the bets."

Asher nodded, looked towards Elsa, and said to her, "Let's go."

His tone sounded completely calm as if these matches weren't a big deal at all to him.

Elsa already guessed what Asher would say to her following her question. However, she felt her curiosity growing enough to still ask.

Without looking back, the duo had then exited out of the small room. Neither of them didn't take notice at all of a certain gleam swirling within the announcer's eyes.