Leaders Meeting

Staring into Elsa's gorgeous, playful smirk combined with hearing her sweet soft voice made for a terrifying combination.

Even though Elsa would never be the type of person to ever guide or really teach anyone else. Asher reckons if she were to do so, her already insanely high popularity would be boosted to even more unimaginable heights.

From all of their times together, Asher was quite used to seeing Elsa's different sides.

But even he couldn't stop his motivation from getting increasingly fueled because of Elsa's compliment. And this sweet, guidance side to Elsa would be only for Asher to ever see.

Pushing past those amusing thoughts, Asher realized he could finally lower his head as Elsa gradually took her finger away after playfully poking it a few times.

Stretching his arms and leaking a small sigh, Asher began to say, "Still….how long did our spar last? A minute at most? I can already feel this would become a pattern for our later spars."

In response, Elsa had only crossed her arms under her bust while curling her eyebrows.

Even though this attitude would be typical for Asher, Elsa still couldn't help but feel impressed by it. It was like the power of Origin Mana energy had no bearing on his mental state at all, simply treating it as another hurdle to pass.

Just this firm attitude from Asher caused a slight warming throb within Elsa's chest. However, Elsa didn't let what she was thinking show on her face, keeping it entirely indifferent as she told him,

"As short as our spars can be, I can tell you're making rapid progress already. Your phasing ability seems much more powerful, and your telekinesis has experienced a tremendous upgrade."

"You are right, but it's nowhere near enough. Alright, le-" Asher suddenly interrupted himself.

His gaze turned inquisitive as his mind subconsciously thought of Elsa's Family since they're the reason they're pushing themselves so hard.

Before Elsa had a chance to ask anything, Asher spoke first, asking her, "Actually, before we get down to it, Elsa, is your Family getting suspicious yet? I mean, you did go out in the evening yesterday and went out at the dusk of morning today."

Elsa didn't immediately respond, taking on a pondering expression as she recalled the various excuses she had to squeeze out to her Family.

More specifically, her mother and father.

And while Asher's caution was adequate to have in their situations, Elsa still ended up shaking her head. She ended up explaining to him,

"Both my Mother and Father are becoming a bit more attentive to my movements. But, they mainly just want an answer out of me about the events we need to go to. Thankfully, they both relented as I told them for the weekend tomorrow, I will be reaching a critical breakthrough in my Ice Magical Powers. And I need all day to train."

Asher felt his brows subconsciously furrowed, and his jaw clenched in slight leaking annoyance.

Those events Elsa seemingly off handily mention, Asher could tell it was much to it than that. He assumed it was most likely related to Samuel Melton or whatever High-Class noble parties she'll need to go to.

Asher didn't bother to press Elsa for this news, but he did let it stew in the back of his mind.

With a gaze that was equally determined and soft, Asher told Elsa, "Still, I can't help but worry your folks might start reaching into your personal life very soon. Ok….let's just keep going at it tonight. And remember, you don't have to force yourself, Elsa."

This time, when bringing up the match's topics, Elsa seemed far calmer than yesterday.

After having all night to ponder about it and the talks she had with her Family, Elsa felt as if she's making gradual progress to Asher's mental state.

Elsa stared right into Asher's light blue eyes, her gaze unwaveringly calm as she told him,

"I understand it well. Forcing myself won't do me any good. Still, we can't be lax for even a second. So let's get back to it."

"Ready whenever you are," Asher replied, sounding the least bit tired.

From their brief talk, Asher already sensed that nearly all of his Ghost energy reserves had regenerated back.

Then, with a simple nod, Elsa promptly took one leap back, crossing over eighty feet of distance, and faced off against Asher once again.

Asher as well got back into his battle stance, ready to spar as much as they could before they needed to leave for Balreth Academy.


A little time has passed since the dusk of morning, and the bright early sun was now fully shining down on Pearlcrest City. At this time, most, if not all System Soul cultivators or other residents would be brightly awake.

All the way, at the most eastern area of Pearlcrest City's General District, one particular high-class fancy restaurant already had three figures sitting inside it.

But though there were three people sitting inside, the high-class restaurant was closed to any other customers and even the staff and the boss.

If Asher were to see just who these three figures were, he would recognize them purely from their outfits alone. And at the same time, he would become increasingly shocked at the ones wearing these outfits.

At one fancy table inside the restaurant, bunched up together, sat three extraordinary youths who all wore the Kane Gang signature leather jackets!

However, these weren't ordinary members of the Kane Gang, not in the slightest.

These three youths actually hold the highest status out of their whole Gang. And just from their looks alone, anyone would be able to tell they hail from an extensively rich background.

Two of the youths were beautiful young maidens who completely didn't fit the general status quo other Kane Gang members had. These young women were not only beautiful but also exuded a high-class elegant air.

Their expressions were prim and proper; they both sat like they were true royal princesses and had oozed a noble aura that signified excellence.

The girl who sat at the head of the table even had a gorgeous daisy blue flower decorative sitting within her long, smooth black hair.

This girl was the true leader of the Kane Gang, Lydia Kane!

And the second elegant girl who sat to Lydia's right side was the vice leader of the Kane Gang, Xia Kane.

The third youth held a similar grand look that exuded graceful nobleness. This youth was a handsome young man who served as the perfect assemble to their classy appearances.

Both his expression and natural aura was one of utmost confidence, almost like he was truly looking down on anyone lesser than him.

This young man was the third leader of the Kane Gang, Yun Kane.

What made this specific trio presence that more unfathomable was the fact each of them was at the Late Stage of the Spirit Tier realm!

In Balreth Academy, each of them was high up on the Ranking List and have a famous reputation outside of their Gang status.

As of now, the meeting between the three Kane Gang leaders was just starting.

Lydia had taken a brief glance between Xia and Yun before lightly smiling. She started off the meeting by saying,

"My, hasn't it been some time since we needed a meeting like this? Before we start, just how is everyone? I know none of us had many opportunities to talk in person as of recently."

"It's been going fine. Well…." As Xia spoke, her prim expressions started to change as her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Thinking of one specific person of this past week left a sour taste in her mouth, and she continued on to say,

"It's all fine except for one constant annoyance."

"And I know exactly what that annoyance is." Yun suddenly spoke up, his expression similarly turning slightly sour.

He had then peered right into Lydia's eyes, asking her, "Ms.Lydia, let's not beat around the bush here. We all have strict time schedules, and we know why you're having this meeting. That Asher guy is becoming too much of a thorn in our sides."

Lydia's slight smile never left her face. She calmly took in both Xia and Yun's increasingly heated gazes like it couldn't affect her at all.

In a completely even voice, she told them then,

"I suppose I can't deny that. Asher Vipond is quite the intriguing one, even going so far as to easily dominate Jayline. And now's the time to….get along with him."



Both Xia and Yun nearly froze up in utter shock. They almost believed their ears had deceived them!

However, when staring into Lydia's unwavering gaze, showcasing that she's utterly serious about this, a storm of confusion swirled in Xia and Yun's minds.

"Hey Lydia, since when you're into making jokes? Because I can't find any other reason why you're suggesting that?" Xia promptly pressed on to Lydia, her tone just an utter mess of disbelief.

Lydia never once lost her calm stride as she began telling the other leaders,

"I know it's quite shocking to hear this from me. Especially since I never once stopped or reprimanded our subordinates' actions. However, during the course of this week, I've come to realize that Asher may just be our hope in dealing with the Bai Family."

"Tch….those guys? Come now, Ms.Lydia, that Family isn't so tough if we combine together." Yun said though he had small hopes in changing Lydia's mind.

Just from Lydia's adamant expression, it was clear she had her mind made up.

And Lydia had promptly said then, "Yun, you know that's just our false bravado. At this point, it's only a matter of time with the Bai Family. And we must get Asher to whether through this storm."

"You know Lydia….I never really called it out before. But aren't you always a little too obsessed with Asher? I mean, sure, your family skill can tell us whether he's worth it or not, but aren't there more talents just like him?" Xia couldn't help but ask.

"Truthfully Xia….you would be correct if this was still before the Ceremony. After the Ceremony, what I can perceive from Asher continues to change with each passing day. Just yesterday, it got to a point where I can perceive that Asher can change anyone's situation no matter who's he with. And yet, my family skill still can't fully see through him. No matter what, we must let him go. From here on out, we will be changing the way everyone one of us interacts with Asher. And eventually, we'll meet him face to face."

Lydia already laid out their entire plan without even waiting for Xia and Yun's agreements.

Although, Xia and Yun didn't raise any more complaints. They both went through various expressions before relenting.

No matter if they had their doubts, there wasn't any way they would go against Lydia's words. To them, Lydia's final words are absolute law.