Constant Bundle Of Energy

The morning swiftly passed by, and the afternoon soon came.

Currently, within Balreth Academy, students are on their typical route of hanging out with their own friends since it is now break time.

As of now, Asher was seemingly roaming through the Ranking Student's halls without a single care. He appeared nonchalant, but his mind was contemplating several matters.

Just before, he had checked up on Reese and Kylee, asking about their progress and their plans for lunch today. And as he expected from them, they both informed him they would be practicing on their own.

Asher really had to commend Reese and Kylee's willingness to learn on their own rather than going to him for every little thing.

Even as Asher could guide them at a quicker rate, they would have a better foundation comprehending topics on their own.

With a better foundation, Asher was positive Reese and Kylee can achieve better results later down the line.

As for his own cultivation, Asher knew he couldn't make rapid progress within a short amount of time. So he only did a brief touch-up on several of his skills before he decided it was time to meet someone intriguing.

Of course, Scarlett made sure to remind Asher about their meeting today, detailing just how eager she was for this.

Asher felt a partial amount of similar eagerness but also an increasing amount of tension. He had no doubts in his mind that Scarlett would attempt another 'unique' greeting of hers.

For a whole minute now, Asher simply strolled through halls, heightening for any slight disturbance within his Aura Senses.

Even before detecting Scarlett, Asher already had massive streams of Spirit Mana energy reinforced inside his arms.

After a minute of walking and nothing of particular interest happening, Asher thought he could have a few minutes of downtime before the inevitable pain.

But right as he turned one ordinary corner, Asher stopped moving entirely. His eyebrow furrowed as he surged even more Spirit Mana energy within his arms.

'She's coming even faster than last time….'

Asher nearly leaked out a sigh. Not to his surprise, he sensed an aggressive Magical Aura shooting directly at him.

The wind started to crazily pick up as if there was a legitimate wild hurricane rapidly rushing at him, causing both his hair and clothes to frantically sway.

Even before Asher could spot that wild, aggressive girl, he heard her loud voice shout out at him.

"Asher! Good! You're just on time!!"

As her energetic blaring voice bounced off the walls, Asher spotted that signature trail of fiery red hair swiftly rush towards him.

Pushing past the ringing in his ears, Asher immediately blared out his Magical Aura and crossed his arms in front of his face. Asher made sure his feet were firmly planted into the ground so his stance would be rigid and unbreakable.

At the same time, the wild beauty Scarlett had already appeared within thirty feet from Asher.

Scarlett had a broad smile that showcased her shiny pearly white teeth as she dashed towards Asher. Then, in just a single leap, Scarlett jumped over thirty feet of distance, making it several feet right above Asher's head.

Without any hesitation, Scarlett proceeded to crash both her feet down towards Asher, becoming a nearly untraceable red blur to his eyes!


A tremendous impact like two hard metals crashing against each other echoed in the halls.

Asher and Scarlett's Magical Aura frantically clashed against each other, causing gushes of winds to sway all throughout the hall.

For a brief moment, Asher and Scarlett matched their gazes, and Asher saw a full bloom smile blossomed on Scarlett's gorgeous face.

"Hey! It's only been a day, but did you get stronger?"

Scarlett so casually spoke while still having her powerful feet rested on Asher's arms.

"Tch! Maybe I did. But you're certainly a bundle of energy at all times, huh? Asher had a slightly strained smirk as he responded back to Scarlett.

Perhaps it was because of all of his fighting yesterday, but Asher sensed his Spirit Mana energy did improve.

Unlike the first time he took on Scarlett's attack, Asher wasn't feeling like his arms were on the verge of snapping in half. Although Asher still felt a painful numbing sensation course within his arms, and his feet had slightly sunken into the ground just from Scarlett's bodily weight.

"My high energy is one of the first things people notice about me, among other things." Scarlett proudly said while also flicking her unkempt fiery red hair down at Asher.

Then, before Asher pointed it out, Scarlett had finally jumped off from Asher's arms, gracefully landing several feet from him.

Once on ground level, Scarlett haughtily crossed her arms while shooting an appreciative glance towards Asher.

"Ahh, Asher. I'm glad we can hang today. Seriously, you don't know just how boring it can get around here!"

As Asher slowly uncrossed his arms, he quirked his eyebrows at Scarlett.

Even though Scarlett most certainly has a unique personality compared to most other Ranking Students, Asher assumed she must have at least one other friend in here. Her honest qualities could be attractive to nearly any type of person.

Asher promptly began to recall how Scarlett would interact with Daisy, and he asked her then, "You know, I didn't ask this when we first hung out. But, aren't you friends with Daisy? Can't you hang out with her if you get bored?"

"Heh! Oh, please!"

Scarlett loudly scoffed as if Asher had just offended her. She even dismissively waved her hand just to emphasize her following point.

"That little missy can be far too stuffy at times for me. But for us?"

Scarlett had then flicked her wild fiery hair towards the end of the hallway, blatantly ignoring the damage they caused here. "Let's get going! I'm eager to show you something I can just never get bored off."

"Lead the way then." Asher gave a simple shrug in agreement.

Admittedly now, he was a bit intrigued by what an energetic girl like her does for fun.

Giving Asher one last mysterious-looking smirk, Scarlett promptly turned on her heels, walking towards the exit. And Asher followed right behind her.


Out of all places Asher expected Scarlett to take him, he genuinely didn't think she would take him to the Decrypted Woods. But after a short brisk walk through the Academy and the City, Scarlett had eventually led him right into the starting area of the Decrypted Woods.

As he walked through the ominous woods, Asher curled his eyebrows.

He shot an inquisitive look towards Scarlett, who only had a fired-up smile plastered on her gorgeous face.

Several questions ran through his mind, and Asher asked her first, "Say… .didn't know you also came out here. I've trained in these woods for years, but I never spotted you during my outings."

"Oh? You also….well actually, of course, you would come out here." Scarlett shot a look of understanding towards Asher.

Indeed, with how talented his prowess is, training out in the woods is the least surprising thing to Scarlett, and it caused her respect for him to rise just a slight notch.

Then, almost instantly, Scarlett's expression changed on a dime as she sourly scrunched her eyebrows.

"Heh, thinking about it, I wish I could come out here regularly. But I have so many damn Clan rules that I must 'obey.'"

Asher let out an amused smile as he watched Scarlett put up mocking air quotes when mentioning the obey part. Although he did note this in the back of his mind for a later discussion.

Wanting to uplift Scarlett's mood, Asher took out a look around the typical desolated woods and asked Scarlett, "I see. Well, since we're here, let's make the most of our time now. So? What are we going to do here?"

Instead of answering Asher, Scarlett swiftly snapped her gaze over to some random tree. Ponting to said tree, her expression instantly became brighter as she began telling Asher in an energetic tone,

"We will be comparing our pure physical prowess without any Magical Energy. I find testing our strength against each other is a far better way to bond than simply talking."

Asher thought about it for only a moment and quickly saw Scarlett's point.

In terms of pure strength, there weren't any lies or deceit a person could put out. Clashing blows of any kind bring out the most honest side of somebody, and somebody could reasonably tell more about a person than simply talking.

Now Asher didn't believe this would be true for every single person out there. But he already experienced numerous times where a person would show their true selves once pushed into a corner while in battle.

"This would be a unique way of getting along. But I'm down." Asher readily agreed after only a moment's thought.

Scarlett had already strolled up to the tree she pointed at, all the while spouting a confident smirk.

"Hmph. Take this into account, Asher. My refined muscles aren't just for eye candy."

"Is that so?"

Was all Asher said while strolling up to a tree close by to Scarlett's, having an equally confident smirk plastered on his face.

In all honesty, he wasn't that worried about showcasing a poor performance. Even without working out, Spirit Mana continually strengths his body beyond the ordinary limit.

Although Asher doesn't have toned muscles like other guys who work out, his physical prowess certainly wasn't weak at all.

Still, even when considering Spirit Mana's passive strengthening, Asher doubts he could match Scarlett's pure physical strength.

This woman simply has freakish physical strength!

At the same time, Asher and Scarlett matched their gazes. Both of them could spot a fire burning within their eyes, causing their competitive spirits to quickly rise.