Danger At All Sides

Asher, Reese, Kylee, and Elsa all didn't even know what was happening to them. After that tremendous energy violently struck them, everything became a blur within their eyes.

They all were soaring at speeds that not even Elsa could reach at her full capacity. And as they blast through the air like mini rockets, each of them all had different variations of deliriousness.

While their Origin Cloak did help significantly lessen the force of that tremendous energy, it couldn't negate all the power behind it. Just that one attack used nearly all of the Origin Mana energy stored within the cloaks.

Reese and Kylee were in utter hell. They wanted to shriek more, but the pain was simply overwhelming.

It was impressive enough that they were even holding on to consciousness at this point. Although they were undoubtedly dipping in and out of the real world.

Asher was fairing better than his friends. But only just slightly better. With all he's been through, he was accustomed to experiencing such massive pain like that last attack.

However, Asher could sense it would be immensely difficult to move his body freely as he could still feel that painful invading energy coursing everywhere.

In turn, this would make it even more difficult to lessen Elsa's burden in battle.

A sensation of shame and frustration built up in Asher. If he was just a second faster, then none of this would've even happened to them.

All the while with Elsa, she also had difficulty with managing the invading energy running through her body. But, unlike the others, Elsa could at least suppress the energy better to be ready for any danger that lies ahead.

She sensed that her combat prowess wasn't really affected. So the only thing she'll need to deal with is this massive train of pain.

Even though she is the strongest in their group, Asher was the best with pain tolerance. There have been numerous times already where Asher had to deal with agonizing pain, and he pulled through every single time.

While for Elsa, this would count as the first time she was significantly damaged.

Still, Elsa kept a relatively calm mind throughout their flight. She focused on ignoring the pain and kept her guard.

Because of how fast they were going, it was impossible to try and stop their momentum. So Elsa focused on preparing for their near future.

Finally then, after several seconds, Asher, Reese, Kylee, and Elsa's visions were filled with a rapidly approaching bright light.

Before they could even process it, the four of them soared right into the next room. Four loud bangs echoed out in the room as they crashed to the ground like broken puppets with their strings cut.

Reese and Kylee were even more shaken up by the violent impact. They couldn't move their bodies at all, even if they wanted to.

Asher was fiercely grinding his teeth as he attempted to forcefully move his body up.

And immediately when Elsa hit the ground, she propped herself up to a half-sitting position. As she prepared to stand up and spread her Aura Sense around, a deathly cold feeling suddenly washed over her Aura Sense.

Multiple dangerous presences were right by them and were quickly gathering their energy!

Asher's group simply wasn't given a chance to breathe. But Elsa wasn't lax in her reaction time at all.

A bright layer of Ice Aura shrouded Elsa's body as her prowess soared to unimaginable heights. Against their current danger, Elsa didn't hold back at all. She immediately unleashed the full power of her Origin Aura!

Powerful Origin Mana energy burst from Elsa, unleashing a turbulent storm in their general area.

In an instant, Ice energy tore out of the ground, forming an Ice Wall that covered her whole group.

And at the same time Elsa's Ice Wall formed, four powerful attacks already neared them.


A loud deafening bang burst out as the ground violently shook under the impact of Origin Tier powers.

"Nng…." Elsa could feel a metallic taste drip from her mouth as even more pain flared up within her.

Not only was a stream of blood flowing out of her mouth, but she was also feeling a painful rumbling sensation within her veins.

In a brief moment of a stalemate, Elsa could properly identify just who attacked them. And upon doing so, her pupils immediately dilated. A burst of cold sweat poured down from her forehead as she felt a death crisis was among them.

Surrounding them in an inescapable net were six presences at Mid Stage Origin Tier realm!


Asher cursed while getting a good look at their current predicament.

He could at least sit up in a half-kneeling position and managed to suppress most of the energy invading his body. But this wouldn't help their situation at all.

At all angles, numerous sharp bone spikes were clashing right onto Elsa's Ice Wall. All bone spikes were writhing in power, desperately trying to break through the resistance and skewer them all alive.

For a brief moment, Asher turned his gaze away from the bone spikes and to Elsa.

"Tch! Shit, this is bad…." A rising panic filled Asher's mind when staring at Elsa's current state.

In order to keep the bone spikes at bay, Elsa was pouring her all into the Ice Wall. And she was struggling hard. Asher could even spot bloody stress veins on her hand and a trail of blood leaking from her nose.

If she were to keep this state up, Asher could tell it won't be long before she runs out of Mana energy.

Right then, Asher made a split decision. He let the energy running his body go wild as he completely ignored suppressing it.

In that instant, Asher took the spatial ring off his hand, took out another Mana energy potion, and began frantically donning it. At the same time, he tossed his spatial ring over to Elsa.

It only took a mere split-second for Asher to finish the Mana energy potion, and he began telling Elsa, "Take the ring and your ring and combust all of our Origin talismans! I will phase us through the explosion!"

After saying so, Asher grabbed Reese and Kylee, pulling them towards his chest. For a brief moment, he checked on their current state. And as he expected, they both were struggling to stay conscious at this moment.

"Ok." Elsa gave a quick nod in agreement.

No matter how powerful and talented she is, it would be impossible for even her to face six Mid-Stage Origin Tier at the same time.

The only reason she could defend against their attacks as of now was because these were just sentient beings. If she was facing six humans at Mid Stage Origin Tier, they wouldn't be able to last for even a minute.

After all, humans or any other actual living beings could utilize Origin Mana energy far better than these skeletons. These skeletons' creatures were solely relying on their cultivation base to be a threat.

Promptly when Asher tossed his spatial ring, Elsa swiftly picked it up and brought out her own spatial ring with her same hand. Two bright purple flashes lit up her hand as she let all of their Origin Mana burst talismans.

At the same time, Elsa used one hand to grab on to Asher's shoulders while also using the other to frantically empower the talisman.

As she did so, more and more cracks began appearing on Elsa's Ice Wall.

The skeleton creature's boney spikes were inching ever so closer to piercing right through their defense. Pools of Origin Mana energy swirled around like a thunderous storm as Elsa's Ice Wall started to become on the verge of cracking open.

However, before a disaster could befall Asher's group, a bright blue aura covered each of their bodies.

"Is it ready?!" Asher shouted out. He was in a far higher state of tension as his Ghost energy was dropping much quicker than previously.

"Yes!" Elsa immediately answered Asher and snapped her finger.

In that instance, her Ice Wall dispersed, and the skeleton creature's boney spikes tore straight at them.

But right when the bone spikes were but an inch near Asher's group, Elsa crushed the Origin Mana talisman in her hand.


A chaotic ear-shattering explosion rang out throughout the whole room.

Everything got envelop in a blinding blue light as Elsa's combined Origin talismans combusted all at once.

Even though Asher, Reese, Kylee, and Elsa couldn't feel any of it, they all nearly went deaf from just how deafening the explosion was.

After several seconds, the blinding blue light eventually died down.

When their visions were cleared again, Asher and Elsa felt somewhat pleased. Gazing all around them, they didn't spot any of the skeleton creature's bones.

"Fuuu….now that was-uug…."

Asher attempted to stand, but a sickening dizzy feeling made his whole world spin around. He collapsed right onto his knees while simultaneously releasing Reese and Kylee from his hold.

"Oh....man….As-Asher!" After all this time, Reese and Kylee finally felt some of their consciousness come back to them.

And the first thing they tried to do was support Asher.

But as they attempted to stand up, they too were forced to stay on their hands and knees. Even now, that powerful energy from the previous room was running a chaotic amok in their bodies.

"D-Dammit!" This time, Reese and Kylee tried fiercely gritting their teeth to force past the pain.

They felt the most useless and helpless in their situation. The least they could do was support their friend who is working his ass off for them.

But right then, before anyone could try anything further, immense danger once again burst in their Aura Senses!


Both Asher and Elsa snapped their heads up, locking directly on to where this sense of danger was coming from.

And from just six feet ahead, they both felt their hearts dropped to the pits of their stomach. Out of all the skeleton creature's that were obliterated, only one long bone piece remained.

Without any hesitation, Elsa desperately gathered her Ice energy in an attempt to form another Ice Wall. However, Elsa couldn't create a complete Ice Wall in time.

As right then, a blinding white light burst from the single bone piece!


A mass swirl of Origin Mana energy burst out of the bone piece and swallowed Asher, Reese, Kylee, and Elsa whole.


Unable to protect themselves, the four of them were like broken whithered leaves in the wind as the Origin Mana energy burst blasted them straight towards the backend wall.

Immense pain flared up in everyone as they violently crashed right into the wall, causing four craters to form behind them.

Out of everyone, Elsa was the only one who quickly rose to her feet. She frantically pushed down the immense flaring pain wrecking havoc inside her body and turned her attention to the others.

'Not good!' Elsa felt increasingly panic at their terrible states.

Reese and Kylee had blood continuously pouring out of their mouths, and their eyes were inches away from closing shut.

While Asher was stubbornly persistent to keep himself up, though he could barely move his body at the moment.

Of course, Elsa was about to take out all her Healing pills to stabilize them first. But as she merely thought of the idea, a deadly cold shiver halted her from moving.

A man's voice that sounded like the grim reaper to Elsa cruelly spoke to her without a hint of remorse.

"Well, well. It seems you kids really are more than we thought. Last room and this room, color me impressed."