
Elsa could feel her heart plummeting to the depths of her stomach. Pools of cold sweat rained down her forehead like a freezing waterfall. A sickening sensation began to lump within her throat all at the same time.

Truthfully, Elsa would never be afraid or have anxiety about facing any challenge. But her current situation leaves a lot left to be desired.

In that instance, Elsa forcefully turned her gaze off from Asher, Reese, and Kylee to stare straight ahead.

And seeing who came only caused more dread to course within her veins.

Slowly walking towards them as if they were in total control of everything was Senior Brother Fang's group.

Each of them spouted casual expressions that looked like they meant no harm. Although, the murderous aura leaking from each of them was genuine.

Facing off against Senior Brother Fang's group all alone, numerous thoughts ran through Elsa's mind.

For years she never experienced a true life or death situation. Everything she needed could be obtained by either her own means or her High-Class Family powers.

Even during this mission, Elsa didn't particularly feel on edge because of the abundance of powerful items they had.

But now?

Elsa felt like her eyes were getting wide open. It was at this moment she felt a multitude of emotions all at once.

Fear, anxiety, dread, and even….the desire to protect!

As of now, only she can protect her whole group's life. And even as she's severely injured, heavily low on her Origin Mana energy reserves, and nearing the verge of passing out, Elsa still stands tall.

For only a brief split second did a look of worry crossed her face. Afterward, her expression morphed, becoming entirely calm on the outside.

Leveling an even glare at Senior Brother Fang's group, Elsa practically spat out, "Despite us having no grievances with each other, you all are still determined to kill us no matter what, right?"

Hearing her sharp words and ice-cold tone, Senior Brother Fang and Tang, along with Xun and Xian, halted for a moment.

They all curled their eyebrows at the bold stature of this Mid-Stage Origin Tier girl. Looking beyond the girl, they all noticed the weak Spirit Tier cultivators all twitching against the walls, obviously experiencing some sort of injury.

Turning their gazes back on Elsa, everyone in Senior Brother Fang's group narrowed their eyes.

If not for anything, they could at least admit this little girl has some commendable principles.

However, everyone in Senior Brother Fang's group knows that commendable principle can only get you so far.

"My, my, look at this guys? Seems like this little girl has some steel within her."

Xun spoke in a vicious tone, her expression turning increasingly cruel. "Don't blame us, kids. Most obviously, since you have all those powerful and expensive items to perform those shitty tricks from before, at least one of you hails from a powerful organization. No ordinary person can get their hands on these. So with that in mind, we will stop the slightest of danger from leaking back to our Sect. This is just how our world works."

Despite her words being provocative and foreboding, Elsa did take what Xun said to heart.

So this is how the world truly is?

Elsa was quickly beginning to realize the utter harshness and brutality of their society.

Of course, living lavishly in Pearlcrest City, she never had a chance to truly touch upon the bluntness of reality. Even during her matches in the Burning Night Pit Organization, everything at least operated on some sort of rule.

But outside on their own, there were no rules or regulations. There isn't going to be any police force or Family coming to back her up.

Plus, even then, if one's not strong enough, the opposing force could simply swallow up everything thrown at them because of their greater strength.

As Elsa came to these realizations, she was simultaneously pushing her mind to come up with an idea to escape.

With her condition winning was undoubtedly out of the question. So the only reasonable thing she had was a tremendously risky move that could severely damage her future.

But, when weighing all of her desires, Elsa felt the determination to try such a risky move arise.

However, before she could fully steel herself for that, Xian suddenly spoke up.

"Hey now, Xun, you don't have to be so bloodthirsty all of the time. While what you said is true, I'm also sure we can find uses for this girl alive."

Her eyes ran over Elsa's entire face and body. And at that moment, a strange glint began to emerge within Xian's vision.

All of a sudden, Elsa felt a different kind of chill sweep through her entire being. The gazes these people were using on her caused her to feel gross feel goosebumps rise on her skin.

Elsa still maintains her calm facade. But their eyes, especially Senior Brother Tang's eyes, made her want to take Asher, Reese, and Kylee and leave right away.

And it was at this moment, Asher, who was struggling to stay up, suddenly swung his eyes wide open.

A faint shimmering blue glow began to bubble within his eyes as heavy negative feelings burst throughout his mind.

"Hmmm….you know, I see what you're saying, Xian. I didn't notice it at first, but this girl is certainly quite the beauty with a good character."

This time Senior Brother Tang spoke up. His tone and eyes didn't even bother to hide the undisguised lust generating inside him.

"Ah, for sure we can gain even greater rewards taking her back. But Tang, just make sure you don't rough her up too much."

Senior Brother Fang spoke in a more analytical tone. His eyes glazed over Elsa as if he was simply looking at a valuable product.

At this point, Senior Brother Fang's group stopped walking.

They all confidently stood against Elsa, positively assured there's nothing she can do. The only reason none of them are outright attacking was that they were curious if she would bring out another trick like last time.

And if it would happen, everyone in Senior Brother Fang's groups knew they could handle anything she had. After all, they all saw the signs of heavy battle, and her Origin energy was nearly wasted away.

Just hearing and seeing how nonchalant Senior Brother Fang's group was caused Elsa to tightly gripped her fist.

It was at this moment, she fully steeled herself to use her most risky move.

That is, combusting the blood in her Veins!

Everyone's System's soul is connected to their Veins, and by combusting the blood in it, one can erupt with power tremendously beyond their max capabilities.

However, this would come at the cost of permanently damaging one's Talent forever, essentially making them unable to advance. And most of the time, this move is known to simply outright kill a person since their bodies can't handle such a high volume of power or cripple their cultivation.

Unless one's in a highly critical situation, this move should never be used.

For a special person like Elsa, she should never even have the thought of using this move.

But with how the situation is shaping up, Elsa realized it's truly do-or-die time.

It was only a split second after Senior Brother Fang finished talking that Elsa steeled her mind.

But right then, before anyone could even think of starting their following actions, an incomparably freezing chill swept through the whole room.

At that moment, Elsa and everyone in the Senior Brother Fang group completely froze up.


A bright blue glow shot out of Asher's body like a rocket, drawing all attention to him. His power wasn't increasing, and his energy wasn't intensifying.

And yet, everyone in Senior Brother Fang's group couldn't take their eyes off him.

'Wh-what the hell is with this kid?!' Everyone in the group had the same trail of thought.

When looking at Asher, they felt as if they were facing hatred, death, and all other negative feelings themselves. However, what really sold his terrifying visage was the deathly glare he was leveling at each of them.

As of now, it honestly looked like Asher's previous injuries weren't affecting him at all.

Senior Brother Fang, Tang and Xun, and Xian wanted to move. They wanted to quickly squash Asher before he became a problem. However, it was like their bodies refused to listen to them.

They all felt as if they took another step forward; something horrific will happen to each of them.


Even Elsa, who's the most familiar with Asher, simply couldn't move at all. While she wasn't feeling overwhelming negative emotions, she also couldn't take her gaze off from him.

A rise of worry surged within her. That expression Asher had wasn't anything like she had seen before from him.

It genuinely felt like he became an entirely different person.

All the while everyone stood in utter shock over him; Asher couldn't focus at all on them.

It was right when he heard Senior Brother Fang's finished his sentence that he felt something shattered within his mind.

They wanted to touch Elsa?

Their dirty, filthy hands wanted his lover?!

And he wouldn't be able to do anything at all, just having to pathetically watch as they do unspeakable things to her?!

Asher's entire being couldn't accept this at all!

Hatred, pure unadulterated hatred exploded within Asher like a mighty tidal wave. And at the same time, a horrifying energy, one that could make anyone sick by just being in its vicinity, streamed out of Asher's Veins.

'Shit! Shit! Asher!! Calm down now!!'

In a frantic, desperate attempt, Yuki shouted with all her might. She even cursed and pushed forth all the energy she could muster to calm down Asher.

However, it all fell on death ears.

Without anything to stop him, Asher finally lost it.


Blood gushed out of Asher's body like a dam. Cracks appeared all over his skin, looking like he was about to burst open.

But instead imploding into a gory mess, a harsh blue energy flow blasted out from the numerous cracks on Asher's skin. This harsh blue energy was Asher's Negative Aura manifesting itself for the first time ever!

And when Asher's Negative Aura wrapped around his body like a cloak, he quickly shifted out of his position.

At speeds that not even Elsa or Senior Brother Fang could react to, Asher stood imposingly in front of Elsa.

Pure dreadful silence filled the room then.

Even Reese and Kylee, who should have passed out, had suddenly awoken. Their eyes immediately snapped towards Asher, feeling a variety of emotions.

Nobody wanted to move at this moment.

Asher's Negative Aura didn't provide a feeling of absolute power. But it was indeed frighteningly sinister as if they were facing off against an evil ancient Demon King from hell.