12: Man behind the screen

Gu Jiuge heard the words and smiled.

Yu Fu is funny, even the little girl next to her is sharp.

Qi Ting's blood hit her, and Qi Ting's face became ugly.

"No slaves, slaves really just taught her, and didn't dare to treat Miss Yufu lightly."

She said, while kneeling and turning to look at Yufu, "Miss Yufu said something fair to Nu Nu. If the lady did not like the rules of Hou Fu, then Nu Nu would not teach Yao Lan in the future."

Yu Fu thought about it, nodded toward her, and looked at Gu Jiuge again.

"Second brother, she is also kind. After all, I 'm in your house, what if I do n't tell someone to see it and lose the general 's face? It 's just in the West Chamber, when there is no outsider, we do n't have to be polite. Now, second brother, would you say OK? "

Gu Jiuge didn't expect her to be so sensible, she would also take into account Hou's face.

Now that she has deliberately let go of Qi Ting, she will give her this face.

"Have you heard that? What Yufu said, you just do it. Qi Guanjia has been serving in the government for decades. When you are old, it is time to be raised. Don't you embarrass him, can you hear me?"

"Slave heard it."

Qi Ting lowered her head, clenched her lower lip, and was resentful in her heart.

Relying on the prestige of her grandfather, she has always been spoiled in the government, and no one has dared to disrespect and praise her.

There is no young lady in the house, and she thinks of herself as a half young lady. The masters look at Qi An's face and never blame her.

Who knew that he had only come up to serve today and was scolded by the second son like this.

She could not help but hate Yufu.

"It's nothing for you, go on."

Gu Jiuge let Qi Ting go down, but he didn't mean to leave, and Yao Lan hurriedly offered tea.

He looked at Yao Lan's behavior and saw that although she was young, her actions were very disciplined, calm and meticulous, unlike Qi Ting's unruly country girl.

When he saw an ingot of gold and silver rolling on the couch, he raised an eyebrow and finally looked at Yufu.

Yu Fuzheng was holding a tea cup to drink tea. His small face was not large enough. He drank tea with a smile.

When she put down the tea cup, Gu Jiuge sneered on the couch.

"Why throw gold and silver on the couch at random? Where did that come from?"

"It was brought by Yao Lan. Master was afraid that I would not have enough money to go out to practice, so let Yao Lan bring some more."

Gu Jiuge couldn't help but help.

Who is this Healing God?

He even brought so much property to a little girl, but imagined that when Yufu went down the mountain, how much gold and silver would he stuff into Yufu.

"No wonder, during dinner, my father clearly wanted us to misunderstand that you were his illegitimate daughter, but you actively denied it. I want to come to you because you are not unusual, so you don't want to go to Fuhou, do you? "

Yu Fu bit his corner of her lips little, her white teeth were like jade, her lips were red like cherry blossoms, and she looked exceptionally beautiful.

"Did you find it? Actually, it's not like that, the general is so good. Even if I'm not his bloodline, he won't be bullied by me, will he?"

She shook her head as she spoke, she seemed to have extra trust in Gu Huaijiang.

It's better to treat Huai Jiang with her than to treat her biological sons better.

Gu Jiugu could not help laughing, and reached out and touched her head.

"You're right, not only my father, but I won't let people bully you."

Such a lovely sister, he wants to bully himself, so as not to leave it to others!

Yufu didn't hear his heart, and just opened his lips and smiled, a pair of pears were as sweet as honey.

"Thank you brother!"


He rushed forward and hugged him.

Yufu's arms probably had some magic.

Gu Hanmo was surprised to find that all brothers in the house except him were trapped in her magic.

Even at the beginning, Gu Jiege, who was somewhat vigilant, also began to feed and play in the West Chamber.

"San brother, you don't know how fun Yufu is! Her face is softer than the marshmallow you eat!"

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi lingered around Gu Hanmo, wishing to let the whole world know how cute Yufu was.

They even want to tell the world that Yufu is their sister!

They finally have a sister!

Gu Hanmo, like an electric shock, put down the marshmallow in the dish, and picked up a piece of Taishi cake.

"I don't like eating marshmallows."

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi looked at his complexion. Wan Nianbing's face did not seem to be playing, chewing Taishi cake was expressionless.

"What look do you two have?"

Gu Hanmo suddenly jumped up from his seat, and Gu Xiang and Gu Yi stared at him as if staring at a unknowing fellow.

In that look, it was plainly written--

"You don't understand Yufu's cuteness, we have no common language with you!"

"No look."

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi are worthy of being twins, and they continue to stare at Gu Hanmo with that sultry look.

Gu Hanmo simply stood up after eating that piece of Taishi cake.

Can't afford it, he can hide.

"I'm going to practice sword."

He walked out of the room without expression.

"Practice sword again, every third brother knows sword practice every day!"

The two twins whispered secretly, and suddenly they saw crab cakes in the snack on the table, their eyes lit up.

"Go, send this to Yufu!"

Yufu loves crab cakes.

At the same time, Yu Fu had nothing to do, and went out of the door of the West Chamber to visit Gu Huaijiang.

After I didn't want to enter the yard, I saw everyone busy, with a look of joy on my face.

She pulled a small **** to ask questions.

"Miss Yufu, the eldest son is back. He brought back some gifts from Jinling. The carriage is just outside the door. We are going to move it!"

It was the legendary grandson

Yu Fu held a small face, and secretly thought to himself, what kind of character would the eldest son of Gu Huaijiang be.

She came along all the way, and they did not listen to Lao Jin's praise, saying that the young general was so heroic and handsome, Wen Tao Wu Lue, brilliant!

In their mouths, Gu Shubai is like a perfect person.

No, perfect is God, not human.

As Yufu thought, he walked towards the room of the upper room, turned over a curtain, and suddenly saw the sandalwood carving of Fulu Shou behind the four screens, and the heat broke out.

An almost perfect figure stood up from the tub behind the screen, showing the man's naked back.

Yufu was instantly stunned!