13: Big brother

From Yufu's perspective, the man's strong naked back can only be seen through the gap in the screen.

Wide shoulders and narrow waists, crane-like mantis-shaped, spine straight like pine and cypress shore.

Like the artwork crafted by the creator, each inch of muscle is just right, making people want to see the vigorous power under the honey-colored skin.

The arms that randomly lifted the water, the lines were slightly undulating, with the fortitude of those who practiced martial arts.

The water flowed down the lines of his spine, swiftly flowing down, splashing fine drops of water.

Yufu couldn't help but look at him.

Until the person behind the screen found the breath of a stranger, the sound of water suddenly burst, and water droplets penetrated the gap of the screen and hit Yufu's face directly!

Yu Fu reached out and touched his face, only that the drops of water splashing onto her face were unique to the man.

The person behind the screen has quickly spread his arms, put on a plain white coat, and walked out from behind the screen.

After Yufu saw his appearance clearly, he was so drowsy that he forgot to wipe even the drops of water on his face.

There are so handsome men in this world!

The man in front of him was tall and long, with an eyebrow like ink painting, undyed and black.

A pair of stars were dazzling, with a slight smile, looking at her kindly like a spring breeze.

The straight bridge of the nose, the pink lips slicked into a line, and her head bowed slightly, as if the divine house was born.

"Are you Xiaoyufu?"

His voice is gentle and low, full of magnetism, like the best piece of silk in the south of the Yangtze River.

Yu Fu opened his lips slightly in surprise, just stared at him, and forgot to answer.

It took her a while to nod.

"I am you, brother?"

Gu Huaijiang wants to recognize Yufu as his righteous daughter, naturally she is her younger sister, it is not wrong to call a big brother.

Gu Shubai Han smiled and nodded, Lang Ruoxing's eyes flashed with coddling light.

Yufu is smaller than he thought.

A girl who thought she was 12 years old should be taller and stronger.

But the small Yufu's limbs are slender, and the part of the bright wrists exposed outside the pink satin weave spring skirt is not as thick as the wicker newly sprout in early spring.

She stood in front of her before her small head reached his waist.

"Big brother!"

Yu Fu smiled into his arms and gave him a solid hug, refusing to give up for a long time.

Gu Shubai stumbled slightly.

This child is really lively.

But being held by her soft body was like holding a cloud, so that people could not bear to push away.

As soon as Xiaoxi from the hot water entered the door, he saw that Yu Fu spread his arms and feet and held tall Gu Shubai, which looked very funny.

He couldn't help but smile, and then hurriedly saluted to Gu Shubai.

"Daddy, all the slaves didn't catch it, so Miss Yufu came here by mistake!"


Then Yu Fu was willing to spread his hands and feet, and wiped the corners of his mouth, for fear that he would leak water.

Fortunately, no drooling, her first impression in front of his elder brother should be good!

Gu Shubai smiled and wiped her cheek.

"Did you feel the splash of water?"

His plain white sleeves were stained with water stains. Yufu looked at it, and his face turned red.

Not long after, Gu Jiuge and others also heard the news and went to the room to meet Gu Shubai.

He distributed the earthen instruments and other items brought back from Jinling to everyone, each person's gift was different, and everyone was satisfied.

For example, Gu Jiu Ge likes to drink, and he gives Jinling wine.

Gu Hanmo loved the sword, and he sent Jinling Yunjin's sword cover.

The crowd thanked each other, but Gu Gubai turned around, took another long box, and handed it to Yufu.

Yufu looked up empirically, opened his eyes and looked at him, his eyelashes blinked.

She didn't know she had a share.

"I received a letter from Fuzhong when I was in Jinling. I knew that my father had brought a little girl back. I thought that my daughter's house would like clothes and jewelry, so I brought you a few Jinling woven brocades."

He reached out and uncovered the copper clasp. The box was opened in front of everyone. The color of the brocade was bright and beautiful, as beautiful as clouds in the sky.

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi exclaimed.

"Big brother is so arrogant! This Jinling's Yunjin, known as 'inch Jin inch gold', is worth a small piece of money. Big brother even gave several pieces of Yufu, the sword cover you gave to third brother, can't be used up How much cloth! "

Gu Huaijiang just came out of the inner room, and when he heard what Gu Yi said, he hummed immediately.

"Our Guhou Mansion always treats women with strict education. What do you guys do compared to a little girl in Yufu?"

Said to Gu Shubai, "You did a good job, do these Yunjin cost a lot? Qi housekeeper, go to the storeroom to receive the same money and send it to the world ovary."

Gu Shubai hastily smiled and stopped.

"The father doesn't have to do this. It costs money. The child can afford it."

How could he give his sister a gift for his father to reimburse him?

Gu Jiuge interrupted with a smile.

"Father doesn't have to distress the silver for the eldest brother. The eldest brother is the son of Guhoufu anyway, and then' teach the children with strictness '. He can also get these silver."

Everyone laughed for a while, Yufu caressed Yun Jin in the box, and smiled softly and sweetly.

"Thank you, Big Brother!"

Gu Jiuge raised an eyebrow sharply.

The second brother, the third brother, and the fourth brother Yufu have always called that.

Why did you become the elder brother when you got to Gu Shubai?

The crowd didn't pay attention to this detail, and each sat down and listened to Gu Shubai's comments about going to Jinling.

"The aunt 's birthday banquet was very lively. Not only did local officials in Jinling go, but even the emperor also had a lot of people, and he went to Jinling Heshou hard."

Yufu only heard about this aunt in the mouths of the sons, but she didn't know who it was, she tilted her head in puzzlement and looked blank.

Gu Shubai saw her expression and explained with a smile: "This aunt is the eldest sister of her father and married to Jinling Su's family. This year is her 50th birthday, and my partial father is at the border battlefield. Go to Heshou on your behalf. "

When he heard the tone of the aunt, it seemed very respectful. Wanting to come to this elder sister had a unique meaning to Gu Huaijiang.

Gu Yi could not help laughing.

"The aunt Miss Su's house is better now?"