Aren't we Forgetting Something?

Kouji never expected the start of his second year in high school to be this way. It was already enough he was a member of an all-girls academy, but now things were heating up after he had added Anastasia to his harem.

By the way, did he mention that he had a harem of rich girls?

Anyway, he had been thinking things over a lot since the day his Russian girlfriend returned from her homeland. It certainly was wonderful to be able to finally see her again after the pair confessed their feelings. So much so that it even made the other girls, who weren't in any danger of being kicked out, feel jealous of the pair.

Either way, they were still high school students and most of these girls were still as clueless as ever when it came to their coursework. Except for Waa, she was just too lazy to want to do her homework on her own. Which made for a good excuse to spend more time with Kouji during the allotted slot.

So things weren't really all that different than before. Other than romancing everyone, there was also the new year which brought them to a new class. Now that they were second years, the group also were placed into the same classroom. Mainly this was done for convenience's sake of his tutoring job. Though it was nice to be able to see all of them together throughout the day.

Unfortunately, there were still some things Kouji wished would change. Teru would still sneak off to snooze somewhere during lunch. The same went with Himawari, except she went to go hang out with some other friends. Said friends appeared to continue to dislike him, which was ironic considering their queen bee was quite enamored with him.

"Finally nice to get some privacy with you girls." He commented as they hung out in their study room. As per usual, they continued to be in the same room at the same time. "It's only the first day of school, and I already want it to be done."

"I think that this year will be exciting." Anastasia still kept her cheerful attitude leading the charge for their future. "My first year in Japan was so eventful, so I am looking forward to spending it with you all." She was surprisingly easy to get used to their harem. Actually, the only ones with some animosity were Himawari and Teru.

"Who said you could sit there?" The former asked with a confrontational tone to the latter as they took their seats. Of course Teru would sit besides Kouji as the pair aimed glares at the other.

"I'll sit anywhere I please." Teru responded. Her bravado knew no bounds as he tried to calm down the pair.

"You know, there's two spots next to me, right?" He tried to appeal to Himawari while Waa simply laughed about the show she was given.

"Hahaha." She rolled over the floor. "You guys always crack me up." A tear had to be wiped from how much she was laughing. "If you're going to be like this all year, let me get some popcorn first."

"It's fine…" Yuma's soft voice was more than enough to get the others to calm down a bit. "We'll all be able... to have time with Kouji." She was patient with how he conducted himself with the harem. However, Yuma was also one who understood the pressure the boy placed onto himself about this situation.

"Speaking of time…" Waa brought up a point that nearly all of them had forgotten about. They had been through so much that it was easy to act as if it was already taken care of. "Isn't there something you're supposed to do for us? You know, now that we're all dating?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" Kouji asked with unease. Since this question was coming from Waa, he was concerned she would want him to do something stupid.

"If you're going to be dating all of us, don't you think you should, I don't know, go on a date with us?" That was a good point she brought up. Officially speaking, he had yet to do on a date with any of them.

"Yeah, she's right…" Teru slowly spoke as all of the girls turned their gazes towards him. He felt himself heating up a bit from the pressure they were exerting onto him.

"Some gentlemen you are." Himawari was most miffed about the matter. After all, she was the first one to confess and they still hadn't gone on something considered normal for a couple.

"Okay, okay." He put up his hands to try and calm them down. "How about this? I go on seperate dates with each of you." That was the fairest way to handle taking care of a first date with every member of his harem. Just some alone time to finally get much closer.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Anastasia clasped her hands together in excitement. Since she was the last one to join this harem, that also left the pair having done precisely zero when it came to relationship interactions. "It also sounds hard, but you knew things would not end after I confessed. There are still a lot of things for us to do together."

"Now that we got that squared away." Said Waa. "How do you plan on working this out?"

"Well, the order can just be the order you girls confessed to me." That seemed most fair to him. The ones who waited longer should be served first. "But for the nature of each date, maybe you all should be the ones to come up with ideas." It would be challenging to come up with five dates for him. Plus each girl was different and would definitely come up with something to really show who they were to him.

"Great, let's talk about what our dates are going to be." Said Teru.

"Or maybe you should all be talking about your coursework." Isako made her presence known to them. After all, they were still a study group at school.