First Date

Kouji really couldn't believe what he was doing. He was about to go on his first ever date. A strange thought seeing as he currently had five girlfriends. Most boys his age would say that was well beyond what they'd be able to achieve, especially given who these girls were.

Still, that wasn't going to deter him as he got himself dressed up to go meet with his first date. This would be Himawari, who had earned the distinction of being the first girl to confess to him, even if it was without words. While they had a brief stint separated due to her reasonable issues of being part of a harem with him, the pair had a bond for the longest time.

Finally, he got himself prepared and waited outside for her to come pick him up. Despite this being his first date, it wasn't what got him worried the most. No, all his dread was welling up due to what was pulling right up next to his house. The young lady had finally arrived in the limo, which should be something that gets any boys excited. However, he was more scared considering that meant getting into a vehicle.

Now, this wasn't a surprise by any means. They did agree to this the day before that she was coming to pick him up. Kouji stated he would continue to work on his fears, which he did make significant progress with after what happened with Anastasia. Though back then he had a ticking clock on his mind, so it was somewhat easier to bear. Now, all he could have in his brain was the fear of getting into that limo.

"Hello Kouji." She opened up the door, still sitting inside ready for him to enter. "Are you ready for a proper date with a proper girl?" Sure, she was fine with their current situation. That didn't mean Himawari wasn't still going to be competitive and show off just how amazing she was.

"Of course, sure." He nervously spoke as the boy slowly got into this ride. To most people, this was a ride of luxury. For him, this was more like getting into a hunk of metal death. "So… Where are you taking me?"

"Why, to only one of the finest restaurants in town." She answered. "A date should allow the pair of us some proper conversation." It was also another way for her to avoid having to deal with running into anyone they knew. Most girls from their school didn't date, so they wouldn't have a reason to be going out for lunch at this establishment.

"Makes sense to me." He responded. Now, they had plenty of room in this limo since it was built to carry a fair bit of people. However, there was only two of them, and it looked really weird that he was practically sitting far away from her in this space. All he did was stare outside the window, acting as if he need to be ready to leap out of the vehicle should things go wrong.

"You know, this doesn't feel like a date right now." She spoke to him irritated with his actions. "What is this? Just sit next to me."

"I'm fine with where I'm sitting right now." He replied. "Um, is there any way to roll down this window?"

"This is ridiculous." She scolded him. "Our ride's perfectly safe." Himawari sighed as he still would not budge from his position. "Fine… I'll come over to you." Gingerly, she moved over to his seat and sat down beside him. The girl was visibly anxious in doing so and became much more quiet after doing it.

"Himawari…" He took note of her actions as just her presence next to him calmed the boy's nerves. "I'm so sorry." There was a reason she wanted him to be the one to come over. She was in actuality nervous about this date like him. So doing anything like even getting closer to him was a bit much coming from a prideful girl like her. "I should be paying more attention to you."

Kouji put his around her shoulder. Both to get closer to her, and to also calm himself down more by having that feeling of an anchor.

"Wh-what are you doing?" She stiffened up as Himawari put her hand up onto the one over her shoulder. It seemed that he was correct in noticing her own anxiety. "Who said you could touch me?"

"You said you wanted a proper date, right?" He countered by asking a question of his own. "I was being too selfish about being scared, but you feel the same way about this date too, right?"

"Well, it's not easy when it's the first one I've ever been on." She answered, pointing her face down and away from him. "But, I don't want anyone to think I'm silly for being so scared about something as normal as that."

"If anything, I'm the one with a weird phobia." He referenced his fear of being in cars. "But, it's nice that we're doing this together." After all, she was also the first girl he ever liked in this manner. When she became brave by silently confessing to him, Himawari became a vital part of his life. Their fates were intertwined when she seal their lips for both of theirs first kisses.

"I don't know why I feel this way around you." At least, this was how she felt when they were alone. In public, she had gotten rather good at not feeling enamored with him. Some people even thought she still disliked him even though they were public about their friendship. "I hated your guts when we first met. I can't understand why I like a buffoon like you."

"I know I can't explain why I like you so much either." She was an arrogant girl who acted like she was an empress. Her status certainly attracted a lot of attention from boys who would surely treat her with a lot more kindness. "We're so different, but I can't keep you out of my mind."

"I guess it's true that opposites attract." She responded, turning her head to him as their faces neared the other. "But, I think we're a lot more similar than you think." It felt like time paused around them as they were about to engage in a passionate kiss. However, there was something that would throw a wrench into their unplanned action.

"We're at our destination." The limo came to a stop, throwing the pair out of their moment. "Please, enjoy yourselves."