A Little Messy

The abrupt ending to their moment wasn't going to ruin their night however. There was still a lunch to enjoy at this fine establishment as Kouji was the first one off the limo. Of course he would do it to get out of this vehicle as fast as possible. Though the boy was also being a gentleman in helping her step out of the car.

"There we are." He commented as Kouji took her hand and gently led Himawari outside. "After you."

"Why thank you." She was able to speak with an air of elegance. It was a dream of hers to be treated like a princess when she fell in love. Though she'd never admit that to him seeing as it was a silly dream she got from reading books as a child. Himawari was concerned about her supposedly mature image to him. Since there were others, she felt a lot of pressure not to disappoint.

"This place really is fancy." Kouji felt a little bit out of his element as they stepped into the building. The walls were lined with high quality curtains and the lights gave a warm glow onto the specialty wooden tables. "It makes me feel really bad I'm not paying."

"You shouldn't worry, I am the one who decided on the location." She spoke in a slightly arrogant manner. Himawari was proud to be able to impress him with her choices as well as the fact that someone like her could afford going to a place like this. "You're always asking us to cheap out for your sake. So I wanted to show you what the high life can be like."

The pair approached the host of this fine establishment. Unsurprisingly, this was the kind of place that required reservations, which she had already obtained. The gentleman led them towards their table, a spot that left them a little out of the way from other patrons. After all, they were a couple of teens who would enjoy some privacy, and she didn't want to be spotted out by anyone they knew, just in case.

"Let me get this for you." Kouji pulled out a seat for her. He had seen that happening in TV shows, so it seemed to be the most appropriate thing to do here.

"Why thank you." So this was what it was like to have a boyfriend, she thought. Even if that boy had to be shared across five different girls, Himawari could live with this as long as they still had their moments. "How about I order for the two of us?"

"Go right ahead." He allowed her to pick his meal. This place was foreign to a boy like him, so some help was very much appreciated. "I assume at these prices, I'll enjoy anything you pick."

"Wonderful, then its decided." She already knew what they would be having for lunch as she set down the menu. However, that was the end of their hopeful spirits as the conversation grew silent between them.

"Um…" He awkwardly spoke up as they waited to be served. "What exactly do people talk about during their first dates?"

"That's a good question." She nervously sweated over the details, trying not to lose his interest. Normally most people would use this opportunity to learn more about their partner, but the problem was they had already drained through that source. After all, they had been romantically interested in each other for over half a year now. In fact, they already shared sleeping in the same bed together multiple times at this point.

"May I take your order?" Himawari thanked that a server came and saved her from having to come up with a topic. As she spoke, the only thing going on in her mind was coming up with anything that wouldn't bore the boy. Now was not the time to be messing up on their first time together.

"Right, we would both like to share one fugu plate." She answered.

"Fugu?" Kouji quietly whispered to himself as she ordered their drinks. Finally, he spoke his concerns to her after the man left. "I'm sorry, but we're going to be eating blowfish?"

"Don't worry, it's a fine establishment. We're completely safe from any poison." She assured him. Still, there was a thought in the back of his head about the potential dangers. As someone whose uncle had a rather close call with one of those meals, it was understandable that he'd be a little fearful.

Finally, they got their drinks. Which wasn't anything special seeing as all she got was some hot tea and water for the two of them. "We should remain light before our lunch gets here." She said as the girl poured out some tea into their cups. "Cheers."

"Cheers." He responded as they both took sips. However, hers didn't go down smoothly as she tipped her cup just a little too high. This resulted in a fair bit of the fluids to run down her cheeks and onto her red dress.

"Ah, I'm sorry about that." She quickly put it down and grabbed a napkin to dab herself dry. That hadn't happened to her in a long time. However, her nerves about this date were getting to her. It was the reason why Himawari made such a simple mistake in front of him.

Then making such a simple mistake also made her feel more anxious as she quickly dried herself. There was a lot of worry in her mind about making herself look like a fool, yet that was exactly what she felt she did in this moment.

"Are you all right?" He asked as Kouji handed her his own napkin. While he meant only care with is question, she took it as a bit of a comment over her being a little ditsy.

"I-I'm fine." She replied as this tea was still on her dress. At this rate, it might stain her fine outfit, so Himawari quickly got up to head to the restroom to get cleaned up. However, she was being to hasty in making an escape as she didn't see the server coming up with their food. A collision occurred that resulted in her falling over onto her butt with their fugu landing atop her.

"Himawari!" He jumped out of his seat to attend to her. The way Himawari fell down left her skirt pointing upward, exposing her fancy, purple lingerie panties to him. The girl looked to be a real mess, and she realized just how big of a fool she looked to the entire world. Most important of them all, Kouji. "Are you okay." He reached a hand down for her.

"Leave me alone!" Out of instinct, she slapped his hand out of the way as he attempted to help her back onto her feet. "I mean, I'm sorry." The girl stood up on her own and quickly hightailed it away from the scene of the mess. There was too much shame for her to stay. Just him looking at her caused the girl to feel her body burn up in embarrassment as she rushed for the restrooms.