
Kouji had a wonderful time with Himawari, so things were off to a great start so far. However, there were still four more girls to go through who all deserved attention. Now it was Teru's turn to enjoy a nice date with him. He wasn't certain on what she would want to do, but considering that the girl told him to dress casual and with clothes he didn't mind getting dirty. It was clear what she had planned for them today.

It wasn't a surprise when she arrived at his house on her skateboard. In her arm was another one build for him, and her outfit also was the complete opposite as Himawari's, with her jean shorts and light T-shirt. Which informed him without words on their destination.

"You know how to ride one of these things?" She asked as he walked out to greet her on the sidewalk.

"Can't say I've been on one recently." He answered, which meant that the boy had to follow her on foot while she got the wheels. "You know, it's a good thing the skate park's not far from here."

"It's pretty cool that you can just walk to this one from your place." She responded. Teru sounded a lot more excited and positive than she usually was. Perhaps it was from getting more used to the thought of dating him. Or maybe it was just because the girl was looking forward to being able to enjoy her favorite hobby with the boy she liked.

Meanwhile, Kouji was a little less enthusiastic about this setting. Sure, doing something she enjoyed was what he hinted that they should be planning as dates for him. The boy did want to see their own likes and dislikes as they grew their relationships. However, a day at the skate park didn't seem like what he would consider romantic. Then again, considering the girl he was following, romantic would not be a word he'd use to describe her personality.

"Since I'm not really practiced on these things." He commented as they arrived at their destination. "Surely you've got something planned for me, right?" It would be a terrible date if all of it consisted of him sitting back and watching her show off her skills. That might make for a fine hang out session, but not a date.

"I'm not an idiot." She was actually sweating on the inside now that he called her out. Teru thought someone like him who used to be a delinquent knew how to ride on a board. As it would turn out, she was incorrect in that assumption and now there was a scramble in her mind to come up with a response. "I got something for you too. Relax, I didn't forget that this was a date."

"Oh, I see what you're doing." Her heart sank when she thought that her cover was blown. "Obviously you must've figured I'm not great at skating, so you want to teach me." Kouji figured that it would be a fun experience for the pair. Plus, from what he believed how the teaching process would be like, that they could share some intimate moments.

"Yeah, you're right." She took what he said and rolled with it. "Looks like you're not as stupid as you look." Teru breathed a sigh of relief as she sent over the board she brought for him.

"I would've thought after we started dating you'd stop with the insults." He chuckled. She continued to keep up the attitude even when they were alone. Almost as if trying to pretend as if they weren't dating in case someone caught them. As much as the boy might feel upset about it, her words were more comical to him rather than insulting. "Anyway, where are the pads?"

"What pads?" She asked. He clarified that people typically wear protective gear to prevent scrapes or head injuries. Upon the explanation, she laughed in his face. "Oh those pads. Ha, what are you, some kind of pussy? It's just some bumps and bruises." Teru thought it was silly to be so concerned about getting hurt. A part of the trill with riding for her came from the risk factor.

"Then let's just keep it simple then." Kouji held back on any risks as he was a beginner. Carefully, he stepped onto the board, and already it was a challenge to keep balance on it. Practically right away, it rolled out from under his feet and the boy fell onto his bottom.

"Ha, you really are new at this." She laughed at him as she effortless rode her board in circles around him.

"Oh haha." He sarcastically returned with his own laughter. "Aren't you supposed to be teaching me?" This was definitely a lot less fun so far compared to how his date with Himawari started.

"All right, don't worry." She kicked up her board and set it on some railing. "Get back on." Teru slid over his skateboard over to him. Again, Kouji slowly put his feet atop it and tried not to fall over himself again.

"It's shaking too much." He commented as the boy nearly wiped out shortly after getting on.

"It's because you're shaking too much." Right before he fell, she took his hands and restored balance for him. "Your legs are moving too much, so the wheels are going to take all those movements without stopping." The way she explained things to him made the girl sound so smart. It was almost like a different person when it came to a subject she really cared about.

"I… See." He noticed his footing feeling a lot more stable now. It gave the boy some confidence that he was learning how to skate now. Upon calming down, he noticed where both of his hands were now. Both of them were grabbed on tightly onto hers since she took them to help him maintain balance.

"What's wrong?" She asked, noticing him turning more quiet. That was when she also realized how close their distance to one another was. Now it was her turn to feel the nervousness as her hands tightly squeezed onto his. There was a lapse in his concentration as his feet slipped out over the board and Kouji toppled over Teru.

"Whoa, are you all right?" He asked, now laying out on top of her. It was nerve-racking to be so close to her body, but his instincts wanted to care for her first.

"G-get off of me, you pervert!" She yelled at him, trying to push the boy off of her chest. Even with the pair getting closer, it was still a challenge for her not to blush like a schoolgirl in love.