
"I hope one day I don't have to worry about being called a perv." Kouji lamented out loud as the pair got separated from their awkward position.

"Well, maybe if you weren't so clumsy, we wouldn't be having this problem. Teru cursed herself for the words coming out of her mouth. It was just too much for a girl of her pride to just admit that she was in the wrong. Especially not towards someone she was in love with. However, her insulting was probably worse than just saying she was being dumb. "Sorry, let's just get back on the board."

"Sure." While there was some fun to be had learning how to skate. Kouji had yet to see why someone would pick this as their choice for a first date. It's not that he was expecting her to be the same as Himawari and give the boy a nice dinner date. If anything, it might be a little boring to do that five times in a row, which was also why he suggested the girls be the ones to decide. Then again, he did ask they do something they personally enjoyed, so it was unlikely he'd like everything that was going to be happening.

Even with his doubts, the boy couldn't deny that it was a little fun to have a more casual outing with this girl. There was a lot of stress with the expectations of eating a fancy dinner that it nearly distracted Kouji from having fun with a girl he loved. Today was a lot more relaxing, even if somewhat painful from the falls and bumps and everything associated with skateboarding.

"I think you're really getting it now." She commented as he rolled around without her guidance. "Told you it's easy once you get good."

"I'm just glad I'm not falling anymore." He rubbed on his elbow. It was getting sore with how many times it slammed onto the cold hard concrete. "But I'm sure it's not all fun for you if this is the best I can do."

"Obviously." She took his hand and pulled him to their next destination as he stayed on the board. "One of the first things I ever did was this." Teru pointed down into what was referred to as the pool. It was basically a big bowl for skaters to roll in and out of for some of the more vertical tricks.

"Are you sure?" He asked nervously. It seemed rather deep and uneven. Since he only had practice going on the safer flat land around, Kouji believed that he would wipe out upon making an attempt. Without any protective gear, that would hurt a lot.

"It's easy, I did it for the first time when I was only, like, five years old." It felt like she was bragging how early she did such a move. "Now, I can't exactly hold onto you. So… Just do it."

"Thanks for the lesson." He sarcastically responded, then stared down into the bowl. The image of it seemed to stretch out underneath him as the boy tried to calm his nerves. "Here goes nothing."

With a push down onto his board, Kouji felt himself falling down forwards into the bowl. The wheels hit the ground as he went downwards at full force, the speed and gravity compressed him into the board as he hit the transition from vertical back to horizontal.

"You did it!" She jumped up and clapped in joy over his first milestone. Sure, compared to her other tricks, this was bottom of the barrel in terms of skill. However, for someone who was nearly a full beginner, she was proud to be able to teach him a thing or two. After all those hours of him being the tutor, it meant a lot for her confidence that there were things she had over him.

"I did." He was grinning ear-to-ear over the accomplishment. The boy was now learning why she enjoying skating so much. The rush of adrenaline gave him euphoria from the mix of fear and excitement of rolling down at full speed. Kouji had practically felt like he had elevated to cloud nine. "I really did it."

"Wait, you gotta-" Teru's voice broke him out of the trance, though a bit too late considering her warning. He had traveled along the entire bowl and hit the end of it. Which was the other side of the incline as he rolled up onto it, then as it slowed, the boy found himself tumbling back onto the ground.

"Ouch." He rubbed onto his butt as it had gotten rather sore throughout today.

"You all right?" She asked as she slid down into the bowl. "I hope so because that's not the worst wipe out I've ever seen."

"I'll be fine." He got back up and handed the board back. "What about you? Have you ever messed up like that before?'

"Can't say I've done something as silly as that." She laughed at his novice status. "But of course I've fallen hard, even the best can't land every trick." She helped him out of the bowl as they exited that section of the park.

"If even you fall like I've done all day, then how come you don't wear anything to protect you?" Kouji would've loved at least some elbow pads to prevent most of the soreness he was feeling today. These injuries were certainly going to hit him even harder come tomorrow morning.

"Because I don't like the way its restricts me." That was her primary reasoning of doing so. Though if she wore them more often, then surely the girl would get used to them be quickly. "Plus, it looks really lame to wear all those pads while skating." Kouji didn't particularly agree with that reasoning, but it was expected coming out of her.

"Well, I guess we're just about wrapped up here." He commented on the time.

"Let me just get one good trick in." She said as she got back onto her own board. Teru skated towards some stairs as she was going to ollie and grind down the rails. So she went and leaped up into the air and…

Messed up by not getting enough air, so her the top of her board caught onto the railing and she was sent falling down the steps.

"T-Teru!" Kouji cried out to her.