
"Hey…" Waa's tone turned more towards one of disdain towards his own tone. "What happened to that happy attitude you had?"

"Well, it's kind of weird to throw me into the last movie of a series." He told her. "Not only am I not going to get anything, but this is pretty much going to spoil the rest of it for me." Though to be fair, it was unlikely he was going to watch any of the others anyway.

"Come on, even if the story's not going make any sense. At least you can enjoy the visuals." She seemed to be very hyped up over being able to watch as they waited in line. It also seemed that there were a fair bit of other people who were looking forward to watching as well. Judging from who they were, most of them were probably a lot like Waa. The only difference was that she was a girl and had a date with her.

"I look really out of place here." He commented. Not that he wasn't used to feeling that way. After all, he was both the only boy and not rich person at school. "But I guess you don't really care about that."

"It's not like we have to talk to those nerds." She replied. While none of these boys were her type for many various reason. That still didn't stop her from feeling a little displeased that no one seemed to pay her any mind when she used to go here for the other movies. Did none of them really care that she was probably the only one of the opposite gender they could actually talk to?

The pair showed their tickets and went to find a good spot for them to sit. While the lobby seemed rather crowded, the theater itself wasn't that bad for them. Waa pointed out that they should sit somewhere towards the back so that she could get a better view above people's heads.

"Looks like a lot of people prefer to sit in the front row." Kouji commented as they sat down with their snacks and drinks. The couple shared a big bowl of popcorn while they had their own separate drinks. "Can't say I've really been to a theater in a while, but shouldn't we want to do the same thing?"

"Relax, we can still see the movie fine from here." Waa was more of the sit in the back type of person anyway. That was where the sounds were clearer to her with the speakers not vibrating her body from the heavy bass. The girl sipped on her drink, which was one of much larger size compared to his.

"You should that's a good idea?" He asked, remembering the last incident she had with a big drink.

"I've watched plenty of movies with the same cup." She responded, not at all concerned about it. "It's never once been a problem."

"All right then." He was skeptical about it given how she was confident the last time. And well, that nearly ended poorly for her.

Soon, the lights to the room dimmed as the opening previews before the film started to play. Considering most of the trailers that were being shown to them, Kouji had it in his mind that he'd rather be watching those movies instead of the one that she wrapped him into.

Seriously, just what was she thinking with this? To be fair, this was a good opportunity to go watch something she had been watching what was probably months or even years to see. In her mind, it sounded even better to be able to see it beside her boyfriend, instead of alone like all those other guys down a few rows.

But what was she thinking, just ignoring how he might feel over this? The girl clearly had to know that he wasn't into the same things as she was. Especially considering the rather naughty stuff that was probably bought more for her private girl time. At least he won't judge her over that, seeing as he wasn't that different with his own teenage desires.

As the film began, things didn't really turn in his favor. It seemed that things were opening up with an action sequence with a bunch of people he didn't know. Were those the main characters? Maybe not seeing as some of them got killed rather quickly.

Then there were some people talking, whose designs certainly described 'important character'. But he didn't really care about what they were talking about. The terms they were saying didn't sound like anything he had ever heard of. It was likely some terminology that was created for the purposes of this world's lore. Something that he had no clue on.

Kouji felt like he was a person who got so-called isekai'd as Waa would put it. Those main characters usually got killed or summoned to live in a world unlike Earth, let alone Japan. Yet even those people got acclaimed to their new homes very quickly, a lot quicker than how he felt about this movie.

He chuckled over the thought. She really did have an impact on him if he was comparing this experience to something from one of those manga that she read. Kouji turned his head towards her to see the girl watching intently while munching on their popcorn and taking a sip of her drink.

Waa noticed that he was staring as her eyes turned to him. She gave a warm smile, which caused him to feel a tightness growing in his heart. Then the girl returned paying close attention to the movie.

Kouji put a hand over his chest as he turned his head back towards the screen. Somehow even someone like her could cause his heart to skip a beat just from smiling at him. This feeling to him was more foreign to him than any weird movie or anime could give him. So this was what it was like to feel in love. "This movie's all right so far." Gently, he whispered to her while still lost in thought.

"Shh, I'm trying to watch." She was too preoccupied to really take note of what he really meant.