
"That was definitely a movie." Kouji commented as the end credits rolled. It didn't even feel like there was an ending and that there was going to be a sequel in the works. Though according to Waa, this was supposed to be the conclusion.

"It was so awesome, wasn't it?" She seemed to be quite pleased with what she got. while he couldn't understand her enthusiasm, the boy wasn't planning on raining on her parade either. "After waiting all those years, I was worried this was gonna be a letdown."

"I'm glad that you're happy." He said as some of the people in the audience began to filter out of the theater. "You want to head out now?"

"Ah, well we've got some time before the next screening starts." She checked the time. There appeared to be about a good 15 minutes before the staff kicked them out. "Besides, why are you so eager to get out so soon?"

"I don't exactly know what else we'd be doing here." With the movie done, it didn't seem like they could do anything else but sit where they were or get up and leave.

"But we've got some privacy." Her tone revealed her intentions with the suggestion. Since they were in the back, where most people were paying them no mind. The two of them would be able to get away with things that they'd never do in the public eye.

"Here!?" He was anxious when she brought up the suggestion. "What have you been drinking?"

"Don't pretend you're some kind of saint." She reminded him of their prior endeavors. Even though they were usually done in the privacy of his home, it's not as if her body was foreign to him. Neither was his to her. "Nobody has to find out." Waa took his hand and slowly guided it off the arm rest where it fell onto her thigh.

"We're going to be in tons of trouble if we're caught." He said, cherishing her soft bare skin. It was no wonder she wore shorts for this occasion, aside from the growing heat of spring.

"I think the word you're looking for is less 'trouble', and more 'embarrassed'." It would certainly be a humiliating experience to have the rest of the school find out what they were doing in a movie theater. This wasn't anything extreme, but there was a reputation to behold. Regardless of whether they went to the academy or some plain normal high school.

"That just makes it harder for me to want to keep going." He said, remaining rather still. The theater continued to empty out, giving them more freedom away from the crowd. Even with less people, in fact, nearly no people around, Kouji was very hesitant. The pair sat quietly as his hand lamely rested on her thigh.

"This is going to be boring if you don't give it a shot." Again, she took his hand. "And to think that I was going to let you have a feel."

"But I'm already feeling…" Kouji's eyes widened as he realized just what she was referencing. "Are you crazy? I know the movie was trippy, but there's no way you actually just said that."

"Man, and I thought most boys would jump at the chance." She had a devilish grin on her face. "Stop acting all scared and innocent all the time." Waa somehow had a much more bold look on her face as she guided him to the promised private land. "It's cute, but there are some ladies who want someone who can assert themselves little."

"It's not really my worry that you'd get upset." Kouji could imagine him getting a slap on the face if he pulled the same thing with Himawari or Teru during the previous dates. The other two that he had yet to go on a date with were up in the air about how they'd react. "Just a little worried about getting caught."

"Well, we'll just have to be a little careful then, right?" She continued on sliding his hand until it reached the inner thigh. He was really just mere centimeters from being graced with a touch of what made her a girl. Sure, Kouji had already essentially fondled her breasts, but this was Waa they were talking about. Touching her chest was barely didn't different from touching his own. "You should take it from here."

The ball was on his side of the court now. It was up to the boy whether he would continue on with this path. Well, he didn't want to be called a pussy for not touching hers, so Kouji took one deep breath and began to move in closer to her. His eyes darted back and forth from fear of someone else getting a peep of him going in on his girl. They certainly would look like exhibitionists with an act like this. Well, that was exactly what they were doing, but it would be a shame if someone actually saw them.

Kouji got close now. He was moving really slowly, trying to keep focus on what would be a major step for him as a man. However, just as he was about to slip his hand under her shorts to get into her panties, Waa grabbed his hand and pushed it away.

"Huh?" He responded, confused why she would be the one to stop him. "Was that just a joke? Why are you the one scared?"

"Well, you see…" She tightly grabbed herself down there. Now her hand was the one touching herself down there instead of him. "Sorry, but that soda's starting to make its exit." She got up, bending over as she desperately held her urine in. "Toilet, toilet…" Quickly, the girl rushed out of the theater to hopefully reach the restrooms dry.

"Ah geez…" Kouji sunk back into his chair as he tried to calm himself down. There was a feeling he had down there that made it difficult to want to stand up as he waited alone in the theater. His face was burning hot from the idea of being so close to her, but having it taken away from him killed the mood. Perhaps one day in the future, his relationships can take a more intimate turn.