
Things had been interesting so far for Kouji. With who was left over at this point, it was likely that they'd stay that way. At the moment, the boy was yet again preparing to make himself decent for the public. As well as dress to impress Yuma. With just her and Anastasia left to go, he was glad that this was the tail end of the formal dates. Perhaps in the future he'll try to enjoy public outing with multiple, if not all of them. At least there would be less repetition.

Unlike the prior dates, he was going to be the one to pick her up. For whatever reason, she asked him to come over to her house. Perhaps this was because she wanted to enjoy their date there? It was not a bad guess seeing as the girl wasn't one to go out very often. As much as he didn't want to bring it up, her speaking ability did present challenges to daily life.

Either way, Kouji made his way to the Onodera residence. The trip there was uneventful as he walked up to the doors and rang the bell. Without having to wait long, there the head servant, Shinkai Isawa, answered.

"We've been expecting you." He allowed the boy in with the same usual tone that was expected from someone with his profession. "I shall bring the lady to you."

"Th-thank you." Kouji bowed down in respect. Being treated in this manner was never going to be something he was ever going to be used to. Though if Yuma's parent's plans of marrying him to her went through, then that was going to become his life.

Speaking of, that was still something they'd yet to discuss between him and her. A part of it came from her lack of initiative, and his own reluctance to be having a conversation about being married. Kouji is only 16 after all, there was still a long time to go before the boy was ready to become a husband.

Worst of all, the elephant in the room still loomed over his head. How could he ever expect to get married while having not one, not two, but five lovers? There was no way he could be married to all of them at the same time. Even leaving the country for a place that would allow it wasn't an option considering their family businesses.

"Hello…" While he was thinking, Kouji didn't even notice Yuma arriving. She was wearing a simple blue sundress. But with her being the wearer, it looked as stunning as ever. While it was a challenge to understand what was going on in that girl's mind, there was no way she could be that naive. Because the way her outfit showed off her large… Assets couldn't be a mistake.

"Hey." He gave a slightly nervous greeting from both finally getting to go on a date with her as well as the fact that her butler was still here. "So what are we doing? Whatever it is I'm really looking forward to it."

"...I was planning on… Taking us to the gardens." While he at first assumed she meant her family's garden, considering their history in farming, that wasn't what she meant. Yuma was referring to a location in town, known as the cherry blossom's botanical garden, famous with their beautiful flowers and trees during every season.

"I've never heard of that place. It sounds really interesting." Kouji couldn't say that this was what he expected out of her. Especially given that she asked to meet here instead of his home. One would assume that it was probably because it was more convenient this way. However he would guess wrong on the true intentions for his detour. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get going."

"There's… One other thing." After he took her by the hand, Yuma didn't budge from her spot. "We have… Some chaperons."


"Yes." Her butler spoke up to be the one to explain things. "You see, I don't trust you." That was incredibly straight and to the point. "So I suggested that I and my fellow servants attend this date too." While he said it as if she accepted a suggestion, the tone sounded more like this was done forcefully.

"Well boss, looks like we've got everything we need." Todoro made the other servants presence known as he picked up a large backpack.

"I really doubt we'll need most of it." His partner, Mikune was much less enthusiastic about this little field trip they were taking. She felt Yuma would be fine under the care of Kouji, but clearly her boss didn't agree. Considering their positions, he got the final say.

"Then, I guess it's a group date then." Kouji tried to keep a positive attitude about the affair, but it was difficult with the disappointment. "Let's head out." That was what they did as the group departed by car to the botanical gardens. The trip took forever, or at least it felt that way for the young boy. After all, it was uncomfortable to have what seemed to be the head butler staring daggers into him. While at the same time, the other servants sat between him and Yuma.

"You ever been to the gardens?" Asked Todoro. He seemed a lot more relaxed compared to everyone else in the car. "They're really beautiful at night."

"Well, I'm looking forward to my first them time." He responded, trying to look past the man just to catch a glimpse of his date. "Yuma, do you like the gardens?"

"She enjoys going when the weather permits." It was Shinkai who answered for her. While it might have been helpful seeing as she was a slow talker, they had plenty of time. Besides, Kouji enjoyed hearing her speak with that flat, yet soft, tone of hers.

"They're…" She spoke up after some pause after Shinkai's sentence. "...Really beautiful at night." Said Yuma. It was why she wanted to go there with Kouji. So that the pair could share a pleasant moment, but it was going to be nearly impossible with the others attending this date with them.