
Kouji was feeling warm both inside and outside as the pair went into the clothing shop to seek out some coats. There were a wide assortment for both men and women. Especially some matching pairs for the couples traveling together.

"This looks good." He said aloud as the boy tried on one of the jackets. It didn't seem like the weather was going to be too cold, considering that it was spring. So Kouji picked out a black light jacket and some green snow pants for walking. "Did you find anything you liked?"

"I believe this will be great." She replied with a smile. Anastasia grabbed out a white jacket that matched her hair color. Along with it, she took out a blue scarf as an accent that went along with her eyes. However, the girl didn't pick out any new pants. Instead, she kept her regular denim jeans that she was wearing when they met.

"You sure that'll be enough?" He asked with worry in his voice. "The snow on the ground is going to be pretty cold."

"It is okay." She assured him. After all, colder weather was something she was more used to anyway. So what she was wearing now was no different than what most would've seen her in back in her homeland. "I am ready, so let us get to the bus and enjoy the tour."

Kouji nodded in agreement as the couple met up with their tour group. There seemed to be about a dozen and a half people joining them as they packed onto the bus. It was a bit smaller than a regular city bus, but the pair were able to find some good seats to be with each other. Anastasia took the window spot, while he was on the aisle.

"Ooh, ahh…" She was enamored with the sights as their ride drove along towards the primary destination. There were some words spoken by the guide telling everyone about what they were seeing. Kouji paid little mind to it as most of the stuff being discussed was already known by him, a local. In fact, it seemed that most of the people here definitely not locals.

"Not everyday I'm the only Japanese person around." He muttered under his voice as he scanned the bus. Which was funny considering he didn't actually look out of place considering his natural blonde hair. "You having fun?" The boy asked his date, but she had gotten a little too focused on seeing the sights. No problem, since he had a good idea of getting her attention. Kouji slid his hand over hers, and interlocked their fingers.

"Oh!" She let out a cute yelp from the surprise. Embarrassed, Anastasia's eyes darted around the bus to make sure that no one heard her silly little outburst. "I was not expecting you to make such a move." She whispered to him as they chatted along the ride.

"This is just what couples do, right?" He responded teasingly to her. It seemed to please her a lot as she squeed with joy.

"Heheh, this is still a little of something I have a hard time believing." She responded. A statement that is funny considering that she had romantic feelings for him longer than anyone else. The time when it actually occurred was not exactly known, but it must've been around the time when she broke down about failing him and him coming to comfort her. Even then though, before that moment she couldn't deny that he was one very attractive boy. Though she wouldn't say that out loud considering how shallow it made her sound.

Finally, after a short ride, their bus reached their destination. The tour guide informed everyone that it was time to get off to continue on with the main part of the tour. They followed the rest of the people, where upon hitting the snowy ground, Kouji realized just how cold this place was.

"I know they say the mountains are freezing, but this is crazy." He couldn't say this was an area he frequented. The last time he was here was when he was hitchhiking back when he was heading back to this town to live at his parent's old house. It was pretty insufferable back then too, since he was carrying everything he owned on his back. Where the things he had didn't include a warm coat.

Still, even with better clothing, the boy was feeling the chill of the icy wind hit his face. On the bright side, he wasn't alone like last time. There was a hot girl standing besides him both in regards of being very attractive and giving some warmth to him as he took her hand.

"I guess we should have gotten some gloves." She giggled over their oversight.

"Well, all that means is we can feel each other's skin." He responded. Though the cold made him feel numb so it wasn't like they were feeling anything at all. "Now, let's not fall behind."

The couple went along with the crowd. They stay around towards the back though, so they could enjoy each other's company in a slightly more private manner. This didn't stop Anastasia from getting excited over every new thing the guide stopped them for to show. He could've sworn that she snapped a good number of pictures with her phone of pretty much everything.

"This is all so beautiful." She said after taking her last photo. "Perhaps in the future we should all go on a trip with everyone?"

"That would be nice." He agreed, but there was something that Kouji was waiting from her. She kept thinking of the others, which was very kind. As expected coming from this girl. However, they were on a date together, with no one else. She seemed rather hesitant to really come in and make that connection with him.

It had been a good date so far, but there hadn't been anything yet to make it truly special...