
Exploring the cold environment was plenty of fun for Kouji, Anastasia, and the rest of the tourists. However, it was also freezing, so staying outside was not optimal for long term enjoyment. This was not lost on the company hosting this tour, which is why a nice log cabin was their last stop.

"Oh, it's so warm." Kouji breathed a sigh of relief as they escaped the cold chills of the outdoors. The building was very well decorated, and the most important feature was the fireplace lit and warming the space. The company offered hot chocolate to the guest, where the pair grabbed their drinks.

"How about we get some privacy?" Anastasia pointed out a secluded spot where they could sit and enjoy the winter like view. So they went over, where most of the others huddled around the center where the fireplace was warmest. Though that didn't mean that place she chose was cold. They were still able to stay warm, but that was more thanks to the modern heating features of this building.

"This is nice." He commented as they stared outside of the window. A gentle snow was falling, which gave a bright sparkle atop the white landscape. Kouji was having a good time, but there was something missing with this date. The others had a heartwarming moment he shared with them. Except for Waa, where the moment was more something internal with him.

However, with Anastasia he wasn't getting that. Odd, considering that she was probably the one closest to him from the start. Was that the problem? Perhaps they had already exhausted most avenues of development in their relationship. No, that didn't sound right either. It wasn't as if the two went on some big journey together. He confessed through the encouragement of the others after thinking deeply on his own feelings for the girl.

"This looks a lot like my homeland." She commented as they continued to share in the view together. "In fact, my clothes, this building… It is all so much like Russia."

"Really…" He looked around, getting an idea of what her old life must've been like. Now that he considered it, even only knowing her while living here, she must've had a different life back then. "Do you… Miss living back there?" Since the boy was used to staying around this town of all places, he couldn't imagine going to a high school that was in a completely separate country.

"It… Has been difficult." She admitted to him. Judging from her tone, it was not a topic she enjoyed talking about. That upbeat energy was replaced with a more somber voice. "I believed I had gotten used to it by now." However, things can change easily. A good example was her return trip back after their first year had been completed to meet up again with friends and family. Those were people she didn't realize how much she would miss until it was time to return to Japan to continue with her studies.

"I get how you feel." While he might not have had the same luxury as her in being able to see his parents again, it was similar. After all, not being able to be with people you love a lot is tough on the heart. "But you don't have to feel lonely while you here." He softly held her hand, assuring her that he was there for her.

"I never feel lonely." She replied. While her smile didn't shine as bright as it usually did, there was still that warmth he enjoyed from the girl. "Not only do I have you, but there's everyone else too." In a sense, she viewed the friends made her in the same light as the ones she had known for years. Himawari, Teru, Waa, and Yuma, those were people she wanted to keep in her life for the rest of time. Even with the weird arrangement they all shared with one boy.

"Is that really the same though?" He always viewed the relationship shared among them all to be a bit dysfunctional. Could someone really cherish that as much as their more normal life? "We can all get a little crazy from time-to-time.

"So does my family back at home." She laughed. Being able to reminisce over past and present life seemed to bring her back to normal. "Maybe one day we should all get together."

"That really would be something." He thought about the fact that technically he had yet to meet all of the girl's parents. Such as Teru's and Yuma's mom, along with both parents of Himawari. There was some dread in doing so, considering his relationship with all the girls. Especially since he had no idea how any of those people would act with him. Would they be more accepting, or would he have to try and convince them like with Shinkai.

Though as nice as the thought was, they should still focus on their current date in this moment. "But this is supposed to be your moment." Kouji place his face close up to hers, nearly kissing the girl on her cheeks. "It's nice that you care about everyone, but try and think about yourself once in a while."

"Well… I have always been a little shy." That was a laughable statement coming from her. Though there was a difference between being outgoing and adventurous versus becoming a little more intimate. "And there are people who can see us."

"But they aren't paying attention to us." He assured her as he took her zipper and opened up her jacket. Since people were probably assuming that they were a couple, privacy was going to be given by most. "And you've been holding back."

The pair began to make out as he leaned over her. She laid back onto their couch away from the view of the others. So the two were able to enjoy themselves a little more than usual even when in his room. Meaning that Kouji got a take a much closer look and feel of this beautiful girl.