
Finally, after what felt like an eternity to him, Isako finished emptying her bladder. Her hissing stream slowed down to a trickle, then a few droplets as she was done peeing.

"Aww… Guess I broke the seal now." Kouji had no clue what she specifically meant with that, but it definitely had to do with relieving herself. Must've just been something to reference her female anatomy, he figured.

So now it was time for her to wipe as she finally released her death grip on his arms. The woman grabbed out some toilet paper as he tried his best not to watch her do so. If he did, then his mind would be filled with a hypothetical Waa making fun of him by calling the boy a degenerate. He heard the sounds of a little bit of ruffling as the boy did the best he could to avoid even glancing at her. "I don't need this anymore."

"Don't need what?" He asked. She flushed the toilet as he looked back at her, assuming that her business was done. Kouji was wrong in assuming so as she not only was still bare at the bottom, but also was in the process of taking off her pencil skirt completely. "W-what are you doing!?" At first, he yelled at her, then quickly turned away not to look. After all, the headmistress was naked from the bottom half now.

"I don't like wearing that tight thing all the time." She replied, still out of it. "You all only expect it because I'm your headmistress, but it's terrible for sleeping." That might've been the most articulated sentence she had given him all night. Perhaps the effects were beginning to wear down. At least, that was what Kouji was hoping for.

Though right now all he could do was turn away to not look at her in this manner. Yet at the same time, while the boy could've, should've left the bathroom by now. He stayed in the room with her. Which caused him to feel anxious as well as a bit… No, very aroused that he was so close to a half naked woman.

It was also very temping to look over at her and catch a nice view. She didn't seem like she would care if he really oogled her in this moment. Though the woman would most likely remember it if he committed such an act. That said, as he looked over at the mirror for a spot to look at. Kouji realized that he was standing at a perfect spot that gave him a reflected view of her bare butt without turning around.

There was a part of him trying to resist peeking, since there was also the guilt of doing this when he already had all those girls. Yet it was too much of a temptation that his eyes glued themselves right at it while she was completely unaware of what he was doing. There, he got a full view of his headmistresses naked bottom as she get stood up in front of the toilet.

Her bubble butt was well shaped. She must've had some type of fitness routine to maintain a figure like her at this age. Especially with how perky and firm that backside was. The way she bent over, exposing herself even more to him as she kicked aside the black tights from her feet. There, the woman slid up her white panties once more as the sight of glory disappeared behind them.

"There we are." She said, still a little unsteady as she turned around to face him. "I'm ready for bed now." Kouji thought that her normal self must've preferred to sleep like this when she was in the comfort of her own home. A woman wearing just her underwear with a shirt. Something that was completely fine were she on her own, or even with a lover. However, she was hanging out with someone nearly half her age who was one of the students at the school she ran.

"I'll take you to uncle's room." He said as he took her hand. As unraveled as he felt right now, with face burning bright red, hotter than any sun in existence. "Then we can go to bed."

"Aww… But I want to sleep in the same room as you." She turned it around by gripping his hand again and directing the pair back into his room.

"I don't think that's appropriate." Kouji was worried about her getting in trouble. She clearly wasn't in the right mindset at the moment. If anything, he was the one taking advantage of the woman as she was going to have to sober up throughout the night. Such as he stole that glance of her exposed body. Now the boy felt the need to do what boys his age do when they're confronted with something so titillating.

"Well, it doesn't matter where you sleep, I'll be with you." She told him. "It won't be like the last time…" He remembered the last time where she was pretty much already passed out on his bed. At least he didn't have to deal with her drunk self back then… Wait a second, did she do that on purpose then?

"Fine." He relented as he closed the door to his room behind them. "It's only for one night, so go ahead and sleep on my bed. I'll just take the ground." While it may have been his own room they were talking about, she seemed more in the state of deserving the comfortable route.

"That's what you think." She tightly hugged the boy and tackled him on top of the bed. "Stop being so nervous and reserved all the time… It's cute, but don't you think the other girls get tired of the act?"

"They're all really sweet." He replied. "So, I'm just grateful that they're willing to wait. And it's no act, and I'd never dream of leading them on." Kouji could figure that the question Waa asked might've also been her hint towards wanting to take their relationship to the next level. Maybe she might've also been saying out loud what the others were thinking.

"And you're really sweet too." She said as they stared into each others eye. Isako was still laying on top of him, where her weight kept him from moving or pushing her off. Then, the woman gave him a big smile right as she went in and stole a kiss from his lips.