Another Confession

Kouji was nearly unable to move just from the shock of Isako's confession. Well, the fact that her full body weight on top of him made it difficult to move around too. This had to be the alcohol talking here. Why else would she be doing this to him right now?

"Whoa…" He said when she parted her lips from his for air. "H-headmistress, what are you doing?"

"Oh please, even after that you still don't call me by my name." Isako responded. She was right in the essence that doing something that intimate should lead to less formal methods of being addressed. "I'm laying here in bed with you and you still treat me like a teacher?"

"Because you are." He replied. "I mean, this is wrong." Kouji put his arms up against her to try and push the woman off of him and the bed. Though there was resistance coming from her as she tried to stay atop him.

"But somehow having all those girls wrapped under your finger is?" She poked holes in his hesitation. It was true that the boy already was used to atypical relationships and dating. But, there had to be a line somewhere he needed to draw, right? If he just let every single thing off as okay, then he'd start living a life far away from how he'd ever want it to become. "That's always your excuse."

"I just can't go around and sleep with just everyone." He told her, continuing to resist her attempts to lock lips with him again. "I already have five other girls and you're encouraging me to cheat? That's just ridiculous."

"At least you're not saying no because you think I'm ugly." She seemed to take the wrong message from his statement with her response. "But maybe you think I'm way too old for you." The gap in their ages were undeniable. She was nearly two decades his senior, even if some would say she looked young for her age. Not in the manner of saying she looked like a child, just that some would assume she was a woman in her twenties.

"What's going on with you anyway?" He said, finally taking a demoralized Isako off of him and plopping her besides him on the bed. "I guess you've been drinking too much if you think this is what you want."

"Who said that the alcohol brings out lies?" She responded. "Maybe this is what I've always wanted."

"Oh please. Don't give me jokes now." Kouji didn't want to believe it, but there was a case that this was simply her with lowered inhibitions.

"But it is true." She took his hand as if making a promise. "You're a truly wonderful boy, and if you were just a little bit older. I'd make no hesitation in revealing my honest feelings." Somehow, despite her drunk appearance, she had a genuine earnest look in her eyes.

"You're really not kidding?" He returned her gaze with a weird feeling in his gut. As if there were the feeling of butterflies that he had when first hearing the confession of the girls before. "Still, I don't know if I can accept your feelings." Kouji denied what he was feeling on inside. The difference in their age was a problem, but it wasn't the main issue. The boy still had all the other girls around to contend with. They seemed to be a bit competitive among themselves. So to throw another person out there, especially one that was twice their age was asking a bit much.

"You never know, until you ask." She offered in a suggestive tone. It seemed that this woman was trying really hard despite being well aware of their circumstances. "I think they're all very understanding girls…" Her voice began to taper off the more she talked. "And I think… I've grown fond of them… Myself." The effects of all that drinking caught up to her as Isako passed out.

"Isa… Headmistress…" Kouji spoke up as she got quiet. He wasn't sure on how he should be addressing her in this moment as they laid alone together in his room. The boy stayed still for a moment, the only sounds in his room were the snores of the sleeping woman.

What was he going to do with this revelation? There were too many questions going on in his mind that it was nearly impossible to come up with an answer to any one of them. There was no way he could just accept her feelings, right? While it seemed she was okay with being a part of the harem, rather than taking him away from it. That might still not fly with the others.

Sure, maybe some of them would be accepting of it, like Yuma or Waa. After all, he would try his best no matter what challenges came before them. Then again, there was still Himawari who got upset when Yuma came in. She might've been more fine when it came to Anastasia, but there had to be a limit to her patience.

While continuing to think things over, the boy went over to the woman and got her properly tucked into his bed. For a moment, he thought about where he should sleep for the night before finally deciding to lay on the ground of his own room. After all, she did say she wanted to sleep with him. Though he wasn't willing to sleep together with her as she might've been hoping.

"Good night, Isako." He said as Kouji laid down on the carpeted floor. The next morning and days to come were going to be interesting.