Morning After

Kouji woke up off the ground. His body was sore from laying on the hard floor, despite being carpet. Of course, he had no plans on doing this. It more or less came about due to the unexpected arrival of Isako, his headmistress, as she had a little, more like way, too much to drink from a night celebrating her birthday. Though, this wasn't the strangest part of the night.

That honor would be brought by her sudden confession of love to him. As he stood up and stretched out his body, the boy peered over the woman who was still sleeping. She was barely covered by the blanket he put atop her after she passed out. So her butt that was only covered by panties was sticking out. Last night felt like a dream with how weird it turned out. Yet her being there was the only proof needed to confirmed that it truly occurred.

As of right now, his uncle still had yet to return. Hopefully that man wouldn't forget he still had work as Kouji left the room for the bathroom to get ready for the day. Given the time, which was abnormally early for him to be getting up at on a school day, he was going to have to wake up the woman. She had duties to still attend to, and the smell of alcohol along with her pencil skirt still laying on his bathroom floor needed to be handled.

The boy cleaned out the area and returned the articles of clothing she left strewed about to his own room for her to change back into. Then he took a much needed hot shower as the water from the shower head created the only sounds in his still home. It ran down his naked body as he tried to calm himself for what was to come. He needed to wake her up, and when that woman awoke, there was going to be a necessary conversation between them.

So when he got out of the shower wet, Kouji knew that once he changed into his school uniform, things were about to pick up once more. Or perhaps, they were about to pick up already as a banging on the door was heard. It was the headmistress trying to get in desperately as she vocally made her needs known.

"I'm so sorry, but may I please use the toilet right now?" He quickly opened up the door to witness the older woman tightly grabbing onto her crotch in a similar manner that he was used to seeing Waa do by now. With little care for who could see her, Isako rushed passed him and ripped down her panties to unleash the flood once more.

A bit embarrassed with seeing, and hearing, her relive herself while he was still in the same room. Kouji quietly closed the door while looking away and trying to ignore the sounds filling his head. The boy was confused as to why she needed to go again so soon. She had just urinated right before heading to bed, and he was certain she hadn't drunken anything else since. The effects of alcohol were still unknown to someone like him. At least she wasn't the type to be throwing up.

Still in his towel, the boy went into the previous of his own room to get dressed for school. He put on the usual pants and blazer as he scanned the room. It seemed she didn't pick up the things he left for her as they still laid about on the ground. Kouji sighed as he exited his room, running into the woman once more in an awkward fashion as she was still bare with only her underwear to cover her decency. As much as he wished he could resist, he couldn't hold back against the temptation as the boy sneaked a peek down there.

The kitchen was somewhat dirty as he walked downstairs. Being alone for the night meant the boy was a little lazy about his duties. Though he did have the excuse of a certain somebody making an unexpected arrival. Kouji went and grabbed some bread to make some quick toast for him and her to spread some jam on and eat. Since the woman would have to be returning home to get properly ready for school before heading there for work. She wasn't going to have much time to have a good breakfast. So it was the least he could do for her.

It didn't take long for her to also head downstairs. Isako held a hand onto her head from the hangover. Hopefully it wouldn't impact her ability to perform her daily tasks. "My head." She groaned. "Do you have any water?"

"I already poured you some." Kouji pointed out the plate and glass set about in front of him, all for her. The boy also had his own things just across the table from where she sat down. "I'm guessing you need to go home first." It seemed that she finally made herself decent in his home. The woman was back to wearing her pencil skirt and pantyhose, along with her blouse no longer appearing disheveled.

"I really made a fool of myself last night, didn't I?"

"Um, you were just drunk, that's all." He tried to avoid the subject of her confessing love to him. The boy was hoping that she might've forgot what happened and they could just go on to living their normal lives once more. In fact, he was also hoping she didn't have real feelings for him. That it was just the alcohol talking during that time.

"Though we can't really ignore the elephant in the room." She said, signaling to him that she not only remember, but wanted to continue to pursue the idea. "It was inappropriate of me to act out my feelings on you the way I did."

"It's… Fine, I guess." It totally was not fine with what she did to him, but Kouji was willing to let it go if she was willing to forget about it. Unfortunately, she wasn't. Worst of all, there was more to it than her simply being unsatisfied with dating men her age.

"I'm going to go home and get ready." She quickly wolfed down her meal and got headed for the door. "But, later today… We need to talk with the others."