Secret's out

"Well isn't this some fine news for me to get now." Teru's mom responded, arms crossed and her face appearing scrunched in a bit of anger. "What do you mean by the two are dating?"

"Well, they're dating." Teru's dad answered. His hands were up for protection, but on the man's face was a smile, as if he wasn't afraid of what was to come. Probably because he wouldn't be the one in a world of trouble upon this news getting out. "You know what that's like, we did that before we got married."

"Of course I know what dating is like." She responded, a bit more irritated than before. "I mean, how come I'm only hearing of this now?" To be honestly, Kouji was surprised that man even knew in the first place. As far as he was aware, they never told him. And it was unlike Teru to be honest about something like that to him in private, right?

"Well, it's not like they knew I knew." He replied. "But I'm not a genius for nothing, so of course I noticed a lot of things going on in their lives without them realizing my awareness." When he said that, now both Kouji and Teru were afraid he also knew about the harem. Then again, if he knew but did nothing to put an end to it. Did that mean he accepted it the way it currently was?

"And somehow you didn't feel like this information wasn't important enough to share with me?"

"You hadn't met him yet, so I didn't want to until you got to know the boy a little first."

"Maybe you should've had us meet before they did this!" She yelled at him. For some reason, as she got more upset, the man appeared to be much less worried and more calm now seeing her response. A bit confusing to Kouji, but perhaps it was because Esora knew his wife's emotions better than anyone else. "And don't think you're escaping from this either." Then she pointed at Teru.

"I didn't mean to do anything wrong." She quickly responded. Sheesh, she must've really been scared of her mother. That girl certainly never willingly listened to him most of the time. "One thing led to another and well… Here we are."

"It's just that I cannot believe my own daughter would seduce her tutor for the sake of good grades."

...Everyone just sat there silently as they realized what her issue about this was. It wasn't simply a matter of disliking the idea of her daughter getting a boyfriend. "What's wrong with all of you? Honestly, a daughter of some of the brightest minds in Japan has to trick their tutor for good grades? That's just embarrassing."

"Um, honey." Esora spoke up first. "It's not that. The two of them actually do care about the other."

"Really?" She doubted that. "And how do you know this exactly?"

"I can't prove it with facts, but I just know it." For some scientist, he surely didn't follow the scientific method very well. "I do know her feelings are genuine, even if she'll still deny it." That was also another thing Kouji never understood. How hard is it to say you like a person when you're literally dating them? "But there was a time when he was going to quit. So she wanted to do anything to keep him around, not for the teaching, but because she had grown fond of him."

"Aww, that's a sweet way of putting it." Kouji complimented. It seemed this man did have some bright spots to him for the boy after all.

"And I know he has to be in love with her. After accidentally turning him invisible, I know he must not like the family that much." Well, he had a good thing for only a little bit.

"Wait a second, how come you believe she seduced me?" Asked Kouji. He remembered how things went about for them. Last time he checked, she was the one who confessed to him, and was part of a competition with some girls before they determined on being a harem. "Couldn't it have easily been me taking advantage of my position?" That wasn't what he did, but the boy almost would've thought that'd be her first concern.

"Well obviously because she's leagues above you." This woman was truly arrogant about her daughter. Not to be mean to Teru, but compared to the rest of the girls she lacked a lot of their feminine charm. Though according to Waa, apparently tomboys were becoming a trending thing for men online. "But I suppose things here are legitimate, so I'll allow it for now." The woman sighed. "I need a hard drink after all this, I'll see you all later."

Kouji could see why she was so afraid of that woman. It wasn't a matter of her being dangerous to mean, but that she treated the standards for her daughter to be absurdly high. While she might not view it as mean to mention her and her husband's skill set to her, it did add on top more pressure for her to reach approval.

"Dad, why did you tell her?" She asked now that the three were alone in the living room.

"It's important we both know about it." That was fair enough, it was her mom. "Besides, we got out of it intact, so I'll take that as a win." Kouji wasn't certain how to take his lackadaisical response to his reference to their lives still being considered alive. "But don't worry, I'll leave out the part where you're not the only one in his heart." So he did know about their harem after all.

"How did you figure that one out?" Kouji asked.

"I'm not a genius for nothing." That didn't answer his question at all, but apparently according to this man that was his only need of reasoning. How exactly was he a respected scientist? "Personally, I'm not against your little group, but I know she'd get absolutely livid if she found out. So we'll keep that our little secret for a while longer for now." That much, the pair could easily agree with.

"Anyway…" Kouji spoke up once they finally finished this bit of a detour. "I did come here for a reason, and it wasn't because of your mom."