What I'm Really Here for

"That really was one heck of a detour." Kouji said as they finally got some privacy around here. He ended up meeting Teru's mother for the first time. While it didn't go by smoothly at all, things could've easily gone worse. "Maybe we can finally talk about what I'm here for."

"I don't remember asking anything from you." She responded. While the girl had a clue on what his point of conversation was going to be. Teru wasn't a fan of the idea of talking things out with him. It was awkward to her, just sitting down in a calm and formal manner to discuss relationship issues. To a girl like her, that felt wrong. "And I definitely don't remember inviting you over."

"Well, first I want to apologize about the deal with showing up. Didn't mean to make things awkward with your mom."

"Good, now you can leave." Despite allowing him into her room all alone with her. Teru was more than ready to kick the can further down the road in this discussion he wished to speak with her about.

"Whoa now, you can't rid of me that easily." He was like a gnat in her face, though one much more welcoming than that. "After all, it's not often the two of us are alone like this."

"Y-you p-pervert." She insulted him as he moved up against her in a seductive manner. "You said you came to talk and now you're messing around?"

"I can do more than one thing at a time." He placed his fingers under her chin, lifting the girl's head level to his so that they'd be looking at one another in the eye. "And you're always so cute."

"Stop…" She turned her head away from him. "I know you're just trying to butter me up so I can see things your way." He sighed, dropping the act to get onto what he wished to have a chat with.

"It's not that I want you to do what I ask. I'm just worried about you after what happened, that's all."

"What's there to worry about? I'm just the only one against our headmistress dating you, that's all." Her sarcasm could be sensed from that statement. While she wasn't as upset with the matter as she was at first. The girl still had her reservations on if that was a good idea. In her mind, it was possibly a risk that could heavily damage the harem. "But clearly no one else agrees with me, so I'm not going to fight it that hard." Teru pushed him a bit hard to get some space after he pressed her towards the wall.

"But we all know it's not the only time you guys are going to disagree on things." He turned towards her as the girl situated herself onto her bed. "And well, you've always been a bit of a rebel when it comes to these things."

"Are you trying to say I'll fight everyone every time?" She thought that was a bit silly. Sure, she could be confrontational, but how strong can she possibly feel on every matter? "Sheesh, I thought you'd have a better opinion of me."

"Am I wrong?"

"Nah, but it's not like I hate when I lose." He was surprised about her taking this better than expected. From the way she talked, it was as if what happened from the last week was just business as usual. Which in some way, it really was when it came to this group. "But you want to make me feel better… Maybe find a way to make it up to me?"

"I'm not sure I like where this is going." While he certainly wasn't against anything romantic with this girl, the idea of doing so to make things up to her was worrisome. What exactly would she ask of him now that they were alone in her room?" Did she have some deep secret that turned her on that she'd only reveal now? "What do you want?"

"Finally, I get to ask you about what all the girl's keep talking about." Then again, given this was the same girl who wasn't aware of the difference between boys and girls until recently. It was unlikely she'd have anything beyond vanilla, if even that. "It's embarrassing when they say something about your first time, and I don't even know what that means." All she could tell was that it involved things that Waa was quite familiar with. So she didn't want to ask them since they'd make fun of her.

"My first time?" A blush grew on his face upon realizing that he'd have to explain the concept. "Right, I guess you don't know what sex is…"

"So that's what it's called…" She responded. For whatever reason, the girls also neglected saying what exactly they'd be doing with him. So she also had no clue as to what they were going to do for the first time with him. "But what is that? We've already kissed, hugged, held hands, and a bunch of other things. What else is there to do?"

"I see you really don't understand." Personally, he thought this discussion should be something she'd have with her parents. They were scientists, after all, shouldn't she at least have some basic knowledge of human biology? "You see, sex is when we… Make love…" Having to say this out loud was causing him to burn up in embarrassment. For a moment, he considered just telling her to ask her parents.

"So?" She pressed on anyway, compelling him to keep going. "How's that so special you haven't even done it with any of us?"

"Well, that thing of mine that you didn't know about until recently." He explained, referring to what he had down there, and how it differed from what she had. "It's supposed to go into that spot where you don't have it."

"Go into…" Her cheeks grew bright red as she placed her hands down onto her crotch. The thought of it made her grow quite ashamed. "Ewhh… That's so weird, I don't know why anyone would want to do that!?" In Teru's reaction, this also included throwing a pillow at him as if to punish him for telling her that information. "I'd never want you to do that."

"Well… I can see who's not taking my first time…" His day could've easily ended worse. So Kouji was content with how this turned out. At least now he didn't have to be worried about Teru's feelings on potential future problems and arguments.