6. We are officially dead

We endured another hour of lecture on affinities and reactions to natural elements.The lecture dragged on for ages.

I was thinking about my mom and how i'm gonna explain all of this to her when emma spoke " what about our family, how're we gonna explain all this!?"

"Well, that is up to you." Said uncle Fred "if you want, i could take all of you home right now"

"Yeah!" Said Percy " i think we owe our parents an explanation before we embark on a training or whatnot"

"Brace yourself lads we're about to leave the time realm" he said with a smirk that sent chills down my spine

" All hands on deck" said steve as a platform rose from the floor

"Hop on lads" said uncle Fred   "I'm going to phase all of you home" he said as they got on the platform with a thirty seconds countdown ticking

I made my way to the platform just to have him stop me half way through

" Not you lad you're teleporting out by yourself" he said " don't fret it's not hard" he added as he saw the look on my face

"Uhuh" i stuttered

"Ok" he said " there are two types of teleportation exclusive to you–and me, first the warping type, which is the bending of space using heat that is also the type emma can use and second the portal type" he said

"But now you're warping . So the moment they disappear from that pedestal i want you to focus all your mind on them feel the need to be with them" he said  "It's as simple as that"

"It's not" i said

" Yes it is" he insisted "you just picture yourself where you want to be, in this case beside these five"

"ok ill give it a try" i said as a light shone on them and they disappeared

"Okay!" I said closing my eyes "here goes nothing" i concentrated on percy. Just then i felt a tingling sensation all over my body i opened my eyes to the sight of my body crackling with electric currents. A second later i felt strange feeling like im being sucked into a tight pipe then everything went still.

I found myself at a cemetery with plenty of people standing beside six newly dug graves with coffins beside each. Everything was still. The air, the leaves, even the rain drops seemed to be frozen in time. As i was wondering what happened i noticed a faint light beside me which Percy and the rest materialised out of. The moment they appeared they froze too. A loud crack brought me back to my senses. I turned around and my uncle was standing right there with his arms folded i thought he was frozen too, but then he turned and smiled at me " wotcha Harry!"He said

" uncle Fred!" I said " wait how are you not frozen. I mean whats going on here, why is everyone frozen?"

" Nobody's frozen lad, we're just moving so fast that they appear to be frozen"

He pointed a finger gun at Percy and shot him with a lightning bolt. He suddenly jolted forward. Then at Hermione, Emma, Steve and Hazel they all jolted and started glancing around with obvious curiosity in their eyes

" Hey, harry what's going on?" asked Hazel

" How'd you get here?" Percy said

"I teleported"

" You say that as if it's obvious" said Emma rolling her eyes

"So why is everyone frozen other than us" asked percy

"It's a long story" i said

"Well we have all the time in the world, so we might as well tell them"  said uncle Fred.

The funeral we crashed turned out to be our own funeral.

"So to everyone out there, we are dead?" Asked hazel

"Precisely!" Said uncle Fred as he finished explaining the phenomena of warping in relation to heat generated upon reaching light speed

" How did we die?" I asked

" It's so weird to attend your own funeral" said Hazel

" You bet" said percy as he approached the frozen Mourners

I saw my mom holding my sister's hand with my dad and Mr and Mrs.Weasley with Beatrice–Steve's sister.

Everyone else stood there frozen

"How did this happen?"asked Hermione

" Well the Weasley manor got blown to bits, and you six were the only casualties"

Said uncle Fred

"How...?"Stuttered Hermione

" I got all of the staff out of the manor before i got you out, then Shimura planted fake bodies of you"

"So we're officially dead to the whole world" asked Steve "and we like got our own death certificate"

"Precisely" said uncle fred "now your one second is almost up" he said looking at his watch "we're going" he said " get in place all of you, hold on to me, Harry you're on your own" he said as they disappeared in a crack of lightning

"Great" I thought. I could keep standing there for as long as I like or as long as i can keep standing before i lose concentration and risk exposing meself. I was just having this thoughts when everything went wrong. Everything started to move again the rain started pelting and Hermione's dad had placed his bunch of flowers on her coffin. I panicked. Every cell in my body was telling me to teleport but i just froze there, incapable of moving.

I was just staring at my mom when Beatrice turned. Her red hair was splayed over her right shoulder and her eyes were all puffy. Our eyes met and she gave a very audible gasp. " Mother look, it's Harry" she said but Mrs Weasley didn't spare her a thought

"Mrs Watson look!" She said grabbing my mom's hand

" I'm so sorry dear i know how hard this must be on you, considering how much you loved him " she said still not looking at her " but i miss him,we all do. I know how hard it must be to accept but he's gone" she said as she sobbed onto Beatrice's shoulder seeing as how broke she was Beatrice didn't bring up again, but instead she hugged her and said "i'm so sorry Mrs watson, i must've been seeing things"

Seeing my mom so broke, i felt the urge to go to her, hug her and comfort her, to tell her that I'm here and i'm never gonna leave. But my body refused to move Beatrice stood up and started walking toward me i looked her in the eyes and nodded my head sideways, silently telling her not to come any closer, but she kept walking. Another few steps and there woulda would've been just in inch difference between us. In that moment the feeling returned to my limbs. I turned and started to walk away. " Wait Harry" she said as she broke into a sprint. I broke into a run and lightning started to corse through my body the grass sparked and caught fire from the electrical current sparking around me. I ran, and the scenery seemed to be a blur.

I started to lose focus. A few seconds later i crashed into what seemed to be a trash bin. I stood up dazed, feeling dizzy wondering where i was. The place looked like an alley behind a restaurant, and the chef's appeared to be speaking french. "How on earth did we get to Paris" i heard a voice behind me say

"did we teleport or something"  i instinctly replied " no i think we ran"  i noticed a little too late how odd the situation was

I turned around quickly and there was Beatrice standing there looking at me

" Oh!" She said "i knew something felt off. Tell me are all the others alive too?"

"Uhuh" was all i managed to say.