7. The lord of misty black daggers

I almost choked to death

"oh Harry, i thought you were dead" she said as she clung to my neck. I managed to pull her off after a bit of struggling.

"Ok , get a grip" I said "and as you can see i'm not dead"

"Yeah i can see that perfectly well, though i didn't believe for a second that you were dead either"

" How on earth are you here"

" Im the one who should be asking you" she said "how on earth did we get to Paris".

No sooner did she finish that statement than she started to glow

" I think all the answers to your questions lie ahead." I said waving at her and smirking.

" What's going on!? Harry!?" She said looking at me scared

" Don't worry you're going to be fine" i said grinning " just be careful so you don't throw up"

" Wait what..." She disappeared before she could say another word

I tried to teleport back to the time capsule, but this time i decided to try to open a portal. I managed it at the end after a series of huffs and puffs and screwing my face sore. The Portal looked like a round halo of electric blue circle. I tried to touch it. It felt like a thin layer of water. Taking a deep breath, i stepped in. It seemed more like a dimension than a portal. There was blue light everywhere and the atmosphere smelt of ozone. Everything was still like the calm before a storm. Another portal was glowing ahead, and i could see the faint silhouette of my uncle and the console in the time capsule. I took a step forward but was immediately pulled backwards by an invisible force. I fell on hard earth in a cave-like structure. I tried to move, but sharp pain flared through my back. It took almost everything i had to prevent myself from screaming. I tried opening another portal but the pain wouldn't let me concentrate so i decided to explore. . The cavern was huge with stalactites and stalagmites strewn around. Plenty flouresent stones emitted a faint light which barely enabled me to see my palms. I tried to open another portal but luck obviously wasn't on my side. I tried to teleport but it deemed fruitless. A dark passage way at the far end lead to possibly another cavern "hopefully it leads outside" i thought. I got up and took a step forward and a sudden migraine hit me like a hammer. My vision started to get blurry. Leaning against the wall for about thirty seconds or so, my vision cleared. I staggered through the passage way.I Walked for about two minutes but is seemed like forever. I started hearing voices. I took a glance into the other cavern and i almost gasped aloud. The cavern was much bigger than the one i left. Several wierd looking creatures were all bowing down behind a middle aged man who seemed to be bowing down at an empty dark throne. The man seemed to be conversing with someone invisible being. I heard him say " Lord kuragari, Gaja at your service"

Then a raspy voice like metal scrapped on stone said " tell me Gaja, did you fulfill your mission?"

Then the man named Gaja said in another language " Hai kuragari-sama, shikashi, karerawa shinimasen deshta" he said and weirdly enough i understood what he meant. Like an auto translator,a voice in my head said " yes kuragari-sama, but they lived"

" Naruhodo" A voice said as a dark mist started forming around the throne

" Hai" Said Gaja. This time the words were translated almost immediately in ny head "so they are indeed the chosen ones"

"Yes my lord" he said and with a smirk he added "and infact the Raijin decided to grace us with his presence tonight" he said as he glanced at my direction. My heart almost jumped out through my mouth i took a step backwards. He gave his finger a casual flick and i was suddenly flung forward. I landed at his feet face first. He gave his finger a snap and invisible ropes materialised and bound me tight. The creatures started to scuffle around. Gaja said " fret not, he might be the Raijin but he's powers are nit6 fully awaked and he is weak"

The wierd creatures that have no looks whatsoever gave shrieking noises.

" Satte, satte, satte look who we have here" the raspy voice said. This time the black smoke started to take shape. It took the shape of a man in his late forties with a katana leaning against the arm of the throne

" So you're kuragari?" I said summoning all my courage

Gaja grabbed my head and smacked my face on the ground, giving me a severe nose bleed. " How dare you speak to the lord like that" he said

"Lord!? What lord? Where?" I said

" Kono kusō gaki" he said angrily as he snapped his fingers again. The ropes tightend

" Well it seems i am not invited to this party so I'm outta here" i said, getting up. I felt my strength returning to me. I tried phasing out of the ropes ( i.e vibrating ones molecules at a particular frequency to pass through the gap between molecules ) and i got lucky. The ropes slipped down. I barely got up, summoning an ounce of power. Lightning crackled around me. The demonic creatures shuffled backwards in fear. "Yeah back off mates, if you don't wanna get fried" i said despite my feet trembling with fear. Summoned a last ounce of courage i said "I'll be back for your head, you dark dude, Kuragari is you name right" isl i said to the dark misty dude as he twirled his fingers forming a dagger out of the black mist that surrounded him he flunged it toward me with alarming speed , barely giving me enough time to dodge even with my god-like speed. The moment i dodged it i felt a a sharp pain between my shoulder blades. I screamed ( yeah i did). My knees gave way and i fell hard on the ground. Kuragari gave a raspy laugh

" Kono kozō" he said, which meant "this kid"

" You really think you could run away from me" he said

" I'm the lord of darkness. A God among men"

"Nah, i don't think so" is said, biting back the pain in my left shoulder

" You're the lord of black... misty daggers" i said desperately trying to teleport back

" You dare mock the Dark Lord" said Gaja angrily

" Nah, i haven't the foggiest what ya talking about, i just stated a fact" i said "just look at my back. What do you call this pointy thing protruding from my back then?" I asked as lightning crackled around me

" Anyway, you don't have to answer that, i'm outta here" i said as he noticed a little too late what was going on. I successfully teleported back to the time capsule.

I appeared in front of the console right in the middle of Steve and Beatrice arguing. The moment she saw me she cried my name

" What happened" she said kneeling down  as Hermione and the rest ran towards me

"Harry what...!?" Said Hermione her voice shaking

" the lord of misty black daggers got me" i managed to croak before i passed out.