*The Ceremony [II]: A Princess's Duty

"Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess of the blessed Empire of Wisteria, Princess Cynthia Amaryll De Klaern is about to make her entrance!"

I hesitantly glanced back at Martha when the M.C. called my name, or rather the princess's name. Martha made a V shape with her thumb and index finger, telling me to arrange my pink stained lips in a charming smile. 

Turning back to the door, I arranged the neckline of my dress and fanned the skirt out to tame any potential wrinkles. The diamond embedded tiara on my head felt heavy as I fixed it into position. Then my hands overlapped on my skirt and I smiled without showing my teeth, hoping it didn't look forced.

I could already hear the excited chatter of all the guests and the light instrumental music played by the large commission of talented musicians appointed specially for this event. These people were separated from me by this one wall which I was about to pass through at any moment.

The guards on either side of the large double-doors nodded at each other and bowed before thrusting at the door. The blare of music suddenly hit my ears, much louder now. I was blinded by the sudden beam of golden light before my eyes adjusted to the refulgent glow of a totally different level of magnificence. *ILLUSTRATION

The ballroom was absolutely dazzling.

The green wallpaper didn't look so green under the glare of the several glass chandeliers beneath which stood a horde of on-looking guests, their necks craned up in anticipation at the high indoor balcony. 

Beads of sweat ran down my temples. As if with a will of their own, my feet moved forward, horrifyingly carrying me with them. The guests quietened down and the music came to a stop altogether as I approached the balustrade. In the midst of the sudden silence, I think I heard a few clinking of champagne glasses and a flutter of gowns as the crowd before me fell into deep curtsies and bows.

I swallowed. "Rise," I said meekly and smiled. 

I was all alone on the platform. (Except for the M.C. who preferred to conflate with the door in the background.) 

With a clearing of my throat, words escaped my mouth before I even knew it.

"Loyal subjects, ladies and gentlemen..." I recited, praying that my voice wouldn't break. I hadn't prepared for a speech at all, but thankfully, my school assignments came to mind.

"...it is on this very day that we have all gathered here to celebrate such a wonderful occasion. As most of you may already know, it is the 17th anniversary of my birth."

Mumbles of congratulations.

"It truly is an honor to be in the presence of such wondrous personalities..." I wasn't ashamed to lie through my teeth. Several mumbles of 'likewise' were audible.

"...and I hope that we could all make equally wondrous memories on this day that might as well go down in history."

Many guests, I noticed, exchanged confused glances and some even went as far as whispering when my speech was still in play. But with a shake of my head, I dismissed these actions of supposed impertinence and continued:

"These past seventeen years have been an absolutely amazing journey for me. I got to experience so much love and care which I couldn't have ever dreamed of before."

Another exchange of puzzled glances. I could almost feel the worry of the M.C. behind me. 

"I hope I could continue living," I emphasized on 'living; the several pairs of furrowed eyebrows in the audience brought me much satisfaction, "a long life surrounded by the people I deeply and truly care for. I hope I could be a good princess to you all and that this Empire could flourish under my family's reign. My father-" I paused, not knowing how to continue this topic I had unconsciously brought up.

"My father, the Emperor, is a wonderful man. He has brought me great joy all my life and I wish he could continue to do so, whether it be tomorrow or 30 years from now. I hope I haven't taken much of the night. I'll finish this oration here by saying: enjoy the night! Now, if you may excuse me," I finished and excused myself away from the balustrade and backed up, turning to the M.C. The chatters of the guests had already resumed.

"Your Highness," he said and bowed low, though the several running beads of sweat did not go unnoticed by me. "You may walk down these stairs now and onto the dance floor." He gestured to the flight of red-carpeted curved stairs.

Nodding, I gracefully walked down the stairs with the fold of my dress clenched in my hand to avoid me from tripping and my other hand gliding smoothly across the ceramic railing. 

I had noticed that the Emperor himself was nowhere to be seen and I had been under the impression that he'd be attending his daughter's important ceremony. Guess I was wrong. But now, only one, horrifying thought was going through my mind now: the dance, the dance, the dance… 

"Right," I muttered under my breath as I stepped down from the last step. "Let's see who'll propose to me for the first dance."

I made my way to the middle of the dance floor as the guests started to scamper out of my way. In a haze, I somehow remembered to keep my back straight, chin high and the bust out. 

I stepped into the middle of the grand circular mosaic pattern on the floor and exhaled. My eyes looked from face to face as I tried to distinguish these guests, hoping no one would approach me. Martha had previously given me a list of the guests who'd be attending the ceremony to study and memorize for the event. Honestly, I had procrastinated until the last day and had cast it aside at the end. I can't say I didn't regret it now.

Then, all of a sudden, 6 males approached me from all directions, all of them perhaps a bit older age wise. Internally, I was panicking. It meant I had to choose who I'd dance with. Martha had said to dance with the guy who looked the most distinguished and honestly, all of them looked like high-class nobles. 

The men approached me and offered their gloved hands, saying in unison, "Your Highness, may I have this dance?"

It was most cringy.

Honestly, I was disheartened as I had expected for Reynard to show up as well. It seemed as if he had better stuff to do.

I shivered as I looked from one expensive looking face to the other, wondering if all these guys used some sort of miracle skin cream. My right hand hovered in the air for a moment before I decided to place it under the care of a well-dressed, blonde guy who was much taller than me. Korean Seonhee could never.

The music resumed as everyone around me chose partners and started to dance.

The blonde guy put a hand around my waist, startling me, and swooped me along with his tall legs as he twirled in the orderly fashion.

"Your Highness, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Parr Huxley, oldest son to Duke Huxley of Notdale. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said with a low, gentle voice.

I smiled. "I need not introduce myself, I hope?" 

It seemed that Sir Andre's lessons had been somewhat beneficial. I was doing quite well by far, and I hadn't once twisted my ankle or stepped onto my partner's shoe.

"Of course not," he said as we parted hands for a moment only to be united once again as loud, lovely music enveloped us all. The flow of the song wasn't very fast paced so I had no fear of losing my breath.

"Marquess Huxley, is it?" I asked. "What a pleasure. Pray tell how you're finding the ceremony so far."

He grinned. "Most wonderful. I must say, everything is put together very well."

Another twirl, another parting. I was painfully aware of all the eyes etching into my back, peering upon us with awe or envy as we led the dance. I so wished this would end soon.       

It looked as if the song was about to come to a close. Parr Huxley was still going strong, his coattails moving in rhythm with his moves. The dance came to an end and all partners bowed or curtsied as a sign of thanks and moved onto the second dance.

"Care to join me, Your Highness?" he asked, offering me his hand once again. "Or would you prefer another partner?"

I edged away awkwardly, looking for the exit. "Thank you," I said, "but I'd like to rest for a bit. Please excuse me."

He bowed as I left. 

I knew there was no chance that I could leave unnoticed as everyone's eyes were still on me as I walked briskly along the dance floor, my heeled feet tapping along the white tiles and my dress flowing in rhythm with my walk, the pink glinting under the light.

From the corner of my eye, I could see several men walking towards me, their hands outstretched as if hoping to ask me for the dance. Desperately, I fast-walked to the door by the end of the hall, only to be met by a couple of guards blocking my way. 

They bowed as I approached.

"Rise, gentlemen. I'd appreciate it if you could just move to the side," I said as I inched towards the doors.

"Forgive us, Your Highness," said Guard 1 in the most robotic tone. "Nobody's allowed to leave till 9 unless it's an emergency."

I thought for a moment, my mind racing. I was possessed by an urgent need to get out of here. "I'd like to go to the washroom, please."

"Lavatories are along the fifth door on the far wall." Guard two pointed by the staircases. 

"Then let me go to the gardens. It's rather stifling in here."

The guards didn't budge. "The conservatory could be visited by the archway on the dextral wall. A table of refreshments could be found by each end of the ballroom, if needed."

Guard 2 muttered to Guard 1, "I'm sure Carsten had one placed in the conservatory as well." Carsten was the butler.

"Right, gentlemen," I said, turning on my heel in a huff, "I'll be seeing you later." Or not, if all goes well.