*The Ceremony [III]: Caught before the Act

I had almost reached the staircases when a hand grabbed onto the tulle of my dress and pulled me aside in one, swift motion.

"Hey!" I was about to yell when a gruff hand covered my mouth. I was under the stairwell and it was dark so I couldn't see who it was. "Mmm!!"

"Shush, Your Highness," said the dark, husky voice. "It's only me, so do not fret so."

The hand on my mouth slid away and slowly, as I calmed down, I was able to recognize who this was.


Dressed in a very smart white dress coat and his usually black, unruly hair swept back, he looked quite ready for the event. This was the first time I was seeing him in palace-appropriate attire and I dare say, I was dead chuffed. 

"Good god..." I said quietly, my eyes sweeping over him. "Couldn't find your cloak today?"

He rolled his eyes and crouched lower as he began to speak, "All jokes aside, Your Highness, we have to get you out of here. Like, now."

I sat up. 

"What time is it?"

"Almost 7:45."

*Sharp inhale* "Are we running late?"

"Very much."

"How did you even manage to come here? You said once before that you aren't of noble birth, so how did you break through the especially vigilant guards today?"

He contemplated a while as to how to answer my question. "I'm just that amazing."

"Amazing enough to be a master criminal, no less."

He said, shocked, "You know I'd never-"

"Yes, yes, now listen to what I've to say before someone notices that the princess has disappeared."

"I'm all ears." 

Quickly, I informed him about 'Plan: Decoy' but was careful enough to leave Yvonne out of it so as not to taint her name. I told him about Zoie and the wig and the exchange of garments while he nodded and when I finished, he sat back in amazement.

"I didn't expect you to come up with such an idea, or was it really you?" he asked.

I laughed awkwardly, gathering the hems of my special dress. "Of course it was me. Now let's get moving."

I got out from the shelter of the curving stairs first, making sure no one noticed and proceeded to tap my feet up all the way to the top.

"Erm..." I said uncertainly as I approached the M.C. 

Alarmed, he bowed deep low and then stood up when I told him to. "Stanton Morley at your service, Your Highness."

"Right," I said, relieved and then gestured towards the large double-doors. "Could you perhaps let me through?"

"Forgive me, Your Highness, but it is not permissible to leave before 9-"

"-Unless it's an emergency?" I completed. "Though it is, Mr. Morley. I'd like to go grab something from my room, you see, it is quite valuable. My good friend Marquess Huxley has proposed a deep interest in the article, so I'd like to give him a little look at it."

"Of course, Your Highness," Morley said quickly. "Though it would be better if you could ask a guard to fetch it for you, if you don't mind me saying, as it isn't quite the emergency."

"I understand, Mr. Morley," I said as I tried to keep the desperation out of my voice, "but I don't want a guard going through my private belongings. If you don't let me through now, I'll inform my Father of this insolence and dare I say, he won't be very nice about it."

Finally intimidated, Morley moved aside and bowed once again before opening the door for me. "Sir Elton will gladly accompany you," were his last, parting words.

With my feet thudding against the carpet as I ran through the corridor which led to my room. The folds of my dress clenched in sweaty palms, I looked around, half expecting to see Reynard right behind me. But sadly, it was only the guard who was doing a great job at matching my pace. 

In 5 minutes I was standing outside the door of my room. "Sir Elton," I said, addressing the guard. "You may wait for me 10 yards away from this door. Don't ask any questions as to why."

When he had gone, I pushed open the large, delicately engraved door and was astonished to see the sight before me. It was good of me to have sent the guard away or else he'd already be raising his sword.

On my bed, enjoying a hot cup of tea, sat Yvonne in all of her glory. Though the atmosphere was tense, she looked especially tranquil, the expression on her face lighting up slightly at the sight of me. Zoie stood in the corner with a pot of tea in her hand, the cover of her black skirt not able to hide the fact that her legs were shaking. ILLUSTRATION:

What seemed to be the most appalling of this scene, was that Reynard sat directly across from Yvonne on my bed with a similarly poured cup of tea in his hands. I could already see the sweat on his face as he tried to keep his expression composed.

This would've looked like a lovely tea party aside from the fact that it was with the totally wrong attenders. 

Awkwardly, I stepped through the door frame before slamming shut the door behind me. I wasn't ashamed to admit that I was afraid. I couldn't fathom the fact that Reynard had been caught by none other than Yvonne, when he had always succeeded in sneaking in and out. 

I looked from face to face, not certain how to address this situation. 

Finally, Yvonne placed her cup of tea down and smiled.

"Your Highness," she said calmly. "Zoie and I had been waiting in your room when this little bird decided to take a dive in through your bedroom window. He claims to be an acquaintance of yours, pray tell, is he lying?"

I hesitated. Answering this question could go either way. "I'll have to agree with the gentleman," I said finally. 

Yvonne took a long sip. "Though however close of an acquaintance he may be, does it or does it not feel unnatural of him to visit the princess's private chambers through the means of none other than a window when she is well away? And on the 1st floor, nonetheless."

"You're right, it is extremely unnatural," I said, smiling sweetly at Reynard who seemed to be sweating much more now. "But I'll forsee it just this once," I said firmly, hoping Yvonne would follow my lead, "as I dare not lose this acquaintance."

After a long moment that was spent in silence, Yvonne decided to speak up once more. "Your Highness," she said, her blue eyes glittering with mischief, "is this the same little bird who informed you of the prophecy?"