The Grandeur Plaza

The guard let me in after giving me a curious look. 

Awkwardly, I walked in over the reflective white floor, feeling shabby amongst the other women that walked by in their elaborately tailored dresses. But none of them would've compared to the dress I wore at the Ceremony, not even close.

Self consciously, I strode in towards the main hall, but not before I had caught a glimpse of a massive chandelier in there. I felt very bare in my shabby dress as I approached the ball room. The women were dressed to their necks and wrists, since it was a cold night. I looked to my right and the moon peered down at me from one of the many tall windows. I bit my lip again, wondering if coming here was a mistake. Maybe I should've stayed at home-

"Excuse me!" someone cried after bumping into me. "Oh, I'm so very sorry."