Love At First Sight

"Sooo... about what you said before."

Haziel perked up. She had suggested we walk the gardens together for a while before the Marquess arrived, so here we were. The moon shone brightly upon us from above, so much it was as if it was smiling. The lush grass crunched under our feet and I could feel grass blades poking at me through my sandals. It bothered me, while Haziel, who wore closed shoes, was oblivious. 

In the distance I could make out the faint, moon-lit silhouettes of clean-cut bushes and certain shrubbery lined neatly outside the Plaza walls. As a soft breeze flew past us, the stray strands of my hair danced wildly upon my face. Pulling them behind my ears, I covered my shoulders with my hands because of the cold night.

Haziel alongside me walked casually, swinging her arms as if undisturbed by nature. 

"What about?" she asked as she leaned forward and gave my face a sideways glance.