Auttum Festival ,Chinese Valentine's Day

The Autumn Festival in that year was in August and the whole Palace was very feverish, the people were decorating the places, the Consort was choosing the meals, but Maymay had an idea for the holiday season, dances and a specials presentation where they all could show their abilities, and she would make a surprise for the royal serpent Li, the vein woman would never forget this event. Maylee met her aunt and told her idea and together laugh at the devilish scheme.

Later days, the festival was happening with a new, the Emperor ordered that those soldiers who were singles and want to get married in that week from festivities could choose a maiden from the village because they would have a wedding ceremony in the palace's patio was decorated with red patterns, red roses in several blue porcelain vases, laces, red carpets and many chairs for the couples could watch the artist that shown their abilities, many artists came in this year and the own Emperor would present a surprise in the final, the soldiers were happy and grateful because from the permission of the Emperor, a new that made all chocked, but they knew her niece had changed the bad humored man in an educated and wiser man.

However, at the same time, The Consort Lanhuã was talking to her niece, the girl told her plan, Aunt, I discovered the snake Li has an allergy to strawberries and our cook will prepare a pie with peaches and he will use strawberries sauce because is the favorite fruit of Emperor, so, she won't discover it. I prepared an ointment from aloe vera mixed with roses petals that will heal her allergy in some days and after this, she won't disturb us for some time." The women commemorate the victory and talked about their presentations.

The festival had incredible presentations with artists from a circus, trapezists, clowns, shadows hands telling the legend from cowboy and the weaver, Zhi nü and Niu lang, the crowd got emotional with the wonderful story and the emperor told that his consort Lanhuã and niece Princess Mayllee finalized the show and after would serve beverages and moon cakes for everybody.

Maylee and Consort came, a girl carried an instrument called pipe, a guitar Chinese that caused shock in the persons, after all, was used by women in brothels but they knew she had learned arts with a master so she knew many musical instruments and nobody would defy the Emperor.

The two women appeared on the stage and the admiration by astonishing beauty and elegance from women was enormous, the commotion caused by their simple presence was tremendous.

Consort Lanhuã started the exhibition, while her niece played the pipe, a type Chinese from guitar, the woman with gestures elegant and soft, danced and sand a song about the famous legend from love, her voice was so potent from soprano, causing surprised to the people because no one knew she could sing and with deep emotion told the sad love history from a legend from butterflies and in the final caused tears from emotions.

The royal family let the best for last and just Consort and Emperor known about the abilities from Maymay because she had told about her band at University when she was student, the girl, her best friend and ex-

boyfriend made shows to get money to pay the expenses from scholarship in an apartment where they lived together. The girl had to rehearse many kinds of music and taught her aunt the song, a special music favorite from her beloved daddy Zhang called "The moon represents my heart."

She walked in the half of the stage, a glamorous woman who was so shining like a star, the crowd took their breath, waiting and so she started the show, singing with a wry half-smile and a deep gritty voice that evokes passion, seduction, the music and her voice was so beautiful that the people told during many days as like a goddess singing from Celestial kingdom and her nickname was perfect, Goddess Cheng'E, the moon.

They didn't know between the people , the hide was the Prince of Zhukan that was enchanted by a pretty woman and with lascivious minds had decided to get her like his wife, a man so hated by his people by cruelty , had decided the destiny from princess, same she was married this wasn't important for him.