Every dog has its day

The people praised the presentation from women and after some minutes the Emperor finalized and the public went to drink some beverages and eat snacks served by maids.

The royalty together with some guests went to the Hall of Beauty and Arts, a place where they would have meals, drinks, and chatting with the Emperor, the man was wearing his majesty royal tunic, red color with gold buttons and his symbol, a Blue Dragon broided with gold thread and words like Honor, prosperity and happiness besides its eyes decorated with jade, body with parts from lapis lazuli and tiny rubies representing the fire, an incredible masterpiece, in this commemoration he, his wives and niece were wearing a crown made from gold with precious jewels.

Suddenly, the Consort Lanhuã went away with the niece saying they would change the clothes, and when both were walking together with their ladies in waiting and maids met the Consort Li, the woman was with heavy and vulgar makeup and with many jewels, the girl imagined that the woman looked an I'm as a tree, but with a smile very fake and using a voice very sweet praised her by beautiful appearance, her aunt glanced at her with an ironic smile, agreeing too.

When both arrived in the Consort's Hall, they chosen the clothes that would wear to the dinner, Maymay, whispering told about the special dessert and they come back to watch the cocky woman falling in the trap.

Emperor sat and his right side was Empress Dowager, his grandma while in the tables were divided into two parts, right side Consort Li, her families, in majority ministers, governors with wives and children and left side Consort Li, her niece with parents, brother and Old Master, a distant relative with his two sons, an officer of Navy and other from Army with wives and two beautiful kids, and so some dancers started to dance with costumes from two Dragons, a blue Dragon of East and Golden Dragon from Zhukan, same with troubles the Last Emperor had made an according to keep the peace between the countries.

The dinner was very nice, some ministers made questions for the Emperor that included his niece and law, General Zhang was very delighted with the intelligence from Maymay answering the questions with the ability and wiser from a young woman. They talked about martial arts and she suggests a championship after finished with her training and the Minister of War and Justice got admired and agreed with laugh, the Consort Li was enraged with the popularity of the girl. She had been praised together with the aunt by wonderful performances that day when she ate the delicious cake and was helped by that girl until the physician arrives minutes later.

Finally, the dinner finished and all were away, the women were in Bedroom's consort talking about the serpent Li and how ugly the woman was no makeup and the effects from allergy when the girl told what had heard when had overflowed the palace but it was interrupted by an anxious physician telling that the Consort Li was very irritated shouting because, from itch in her whole body, he asked help for the girl known herbal and ointments. The girl who was waiting for this told had a certain knowledge and could prepare the medicine but they must collect Aloe Vera and roses to prepare it. Together with some maids were to collect in the imperial garden and during the whole night she and one nurse used a cloth wet cloth with water and the ointment in her body and after some hours the woman got sleep calmly during the dawn, and the girl exhausted went to the room besides rest too.

Ten days later, Consort Li was healed and recovered from allergy and invited the girl to drink tea with her, the girl had a bad feeling about this but before she needed to have a serious conversation with her aunt.