"by now, even your lover sees you as a mutual rival." Vladmond grinned evilly

Avria who had just realized what the dark king said, started breaking into tears, she was expecting her lover to lose his memories but not expecting it to be alternated.

Ebieria knew this was bound to happen, she knew that making them have a deal is the key to this timeline's freedom and the timeline where she came from wouldn't be affected, she knew from the moment the four of them got locked up that she was part of the history, she didn't change anything from the past, she was meant to go to the past, she's the one that needs to lead them to what they were supposed to do,

By just looking at the scenery right now, Ebieria can't help but feel hurt, she felt hurt because it was bound to happen, and the only way to save everyone, including her time. She felt hurt because she knew it's her fault that her greatest grandma Avria didn't end up with the person she truly loves.

Avria, whose tears kept on shedding, held the unconscious prince's hand tightly.

"I-I will find a way to bring back your real memories.." Avria said while looking at the sleeping prince

"Too bad princess, the curse I placed will be impossible to break," Vladmond smirked

Avria looked at Vladmond furiously


Vladmond just kept on smirking while looking at Avria then he diverted his attention and looked at Ebieria

"You know, traveler, I'm not dumb to notice that your lying!"

"I know that if I leave Enchantia, I wouldn't be ruling in your time and that there is no me for you to defeat!" Vladmond continued

Vladmond then clasped his hands and started chanting

"what are you doing!" Ebieria shouted, but instead of getting a reply, she noticed a small circle coming out of Vladmonds hands then it continued to enlarge, he was creating a black hole

Ebieria shouted again, but it was no use, she suddenly noticed Avria closing her eyes while her hands are also clasped, Avria's hair then started glowing, which caused the black hole to stop enlarging and started to become smaller again.

Vladmond directly shot his eyes opened

"This can't be happening!" By that time, Vladmond felt that the power stone was retrieved by some Enchantian escapees and was brought back to the place where it's supposed to be.

"oh, it is happening!" Rivana who got her powers back teleported them on land, and this time, they aren't inside barriers or cages anymore.

Vladmond then made his companions teleport to the place where he's on.

That's how the first war broke, Enchantian's battling every single dark creature they encounter, but this time, they have their powers to help them.

Avria directly fought face to face with the dark king, but because Avria is the element princess at that time, she easily trapped the Dark king.

"I order you to break the curse!" Avria shouted at the dark king while her eyes are glowing white

"The curse can't be broken!" Vladmond shot back

Avria then started tangling the dark king with her poisonous vines

"y-you know, y-you can't k-kill me! e-everyone knows that I, the dark king ate the last fruit of immortality y-years ago!"

"oh, I know, that is why I cast a curse on you silently, when my powers came back directly to me," Avria said seriously

"w-what do you m-mean?"

"What I'm saying is, when the time comes that I and Augustin will get reincarnated, we will be the ones to end your life for good!" Avria shouted

"That's not p-possible! that kind of c-curse won't work!"

"oh, it's possible, after all, I already felt the presence of my reincarnation." Avria looked in the direction where Ebieria is fighting some dark creatures using only her 7th power.

"I-Impossible!" Vladmond shouted

"she can end you right now, but I will give you a chance, now tell me how to break the curse you cast!"


"Both curses will break only if a pure-blooded Valorian and a pure-blooded Elementian will fell in love with each other, but at this point, it'll be impossible for it to happen since the memory curse I placed at Valorians will make them hate Elementians forever!"

Avria knew that it'll be hopeless to break the curse at this point since by now, it'll be impossible for both kinds to fell on each other.

Suddenly, a lady creature that looks like the dark king appeared behind him, she cut the vines so fast that Avria couldn't catch up, then suddenly both creatures disappeared, including all the surviving dark creatures.

Avria looked everywhere, but there is no sign of the dark king or the dark creatures anymore. She directly headed to the sleeping prince who is about to wake up.

"August!" Avria said

"w-who are you?" Augustin stand up and looked at Avria confusingly

"It's me Avria, the heiress of Elementia and your lover.." Avria explained

"Avria...Elementia...Lover..." Augustin mumbled

"Your lying! I, the Valorian prince will never love an Elementian, especially that our kinds are enemies!" he continued then suddenly disappeared

Avria can't believe what she heard, she suddenly fell to the floor.

"Avria!" Both Ebieria and Rivana shouted then headed to her

Rivana then hugged Avria from behind


"Riv, he only sees me as an enemy now," Avria started sobbing

"I'm so sorry I can't do anything to help..." Ebieria apologized and can't help but started crying too

"It's okay my reincarnation, my greatest grandaughter, you being here is already a big help" Avria smiled sincerely

"w-wait, reincarnation? and how'd you know I'm your granddaughter?" Ebieria ask looking dumbfounded

"I can feel it, darling..." Avria smiled then explained to Ebieria everything and about the curse

"w-wait, so that means, I'll have to end him."

"Yes, you and August's reincarnation, I believe you already met him in your time, after all our faces didn't change right?"

"I, yes, I believe it's him..." Then Ebieria suddenly felt her elements about to fuse in her, there's no need to hide her identity anymore since Avria figured out already and at this moment the time stone will be bringing her back to her time.

Ebieria's elements fused within her which caused her real face and look to be revealed to Rivana and Avria

"You look so much alike," Rivana said while looking at both of them back and forth

Avria then hugged Ebieria

"If the dark king appears again in my time I promise I'll end him for good, I and Prince Augustin's reincarnation, we will not fail you," Ebieria said confidently then suddenly she was brought back to her timeline.
