"So that's what really happened," Rovina said with a sad voice

"I still can't stop thinking though, that the dark king escaped and he might be lurking around Enchantia thinking of a plan or creating an army secretly, especially when he knows that in this time you and Austin already exists," she continued

"I know, that is why I'm honing my power and skills as years passed by, but the only problem is that, it'll be impossible to even work with Austin, we're literally enemies in everything!" I exclaimed

Rovina then made a goofy expression

" where lovers in your past life," she said with a teasing voice

"stop, please don't make me remember that," I said while getting flustered

"Me and Greatest grandma Avria might share the same soul, but both of us are a different person with different lives," I continued

My cousin then nodded in agreement.

I was about to place back the book on the shelf when the castle began to shake

"what's going on?" Rovina asked with a worried expression

"The kingdom is about to disappear," I said then directly grabbed Rovina and teleported inside my room in the dormitory

"That was close..." I said, at the exact moment, my elements who are still one, went in the room and then separate from each other

"Master, we need to tell you something," Vienta, my wind element said

"While we were heading back here in the dormitory around 40 minutes ago, we saw that new kid following us, we were about to go near him but then he ran away." Aqua, my water element continued

I looked at Rovina and gave her a questionable look since she told me before going to the reaper's kingdom, that Ryezon already went out before her

"wait, I really thought he directly went back to the dormitory," she exclaimed

"Since he actually didn't go back to the dormitory and even followed my elements..."

"he might saw me using my 7th hidden powers..." I continued looking worried

'fusible de elemento' and with that, my elements fused within me

"I knew it, that ruby-head is bad news!" Rovina said furiously

"Rove, keep your voice down," I told her

"Cousin, what if he's already starting to spread it!?" Rovina exclaimed

"we're not sure if he actually saw us, and if he were to spread it already, then creatures from different kingdoms including the vampires would be surrounding our dormitory already, and our fellow Elementians would be knocking on my door," I explained

"You got a point cousin, but we still need to know as to why he followed your elements," she said

I just nodded in response and was about to go out of my room, but then Rovina stopped me

"Cousin, I had just noticed, but why are you holding 'that' book in your hand?"

I look down and saw that I accidentally brought 'that' book of curses from the kingdom of Reapers.

This is bad, I'm not supposed to bring something outside from that kingdom!

"oh no, I was about to place this on the shelf, but then, the castle began to shake..." I explained while thinking about where to hide this

"Someone might see that or headmistress might find out, we need to bring that back there immediately," she said

"I know, but it won't be that easy," I said while looking worried

"what do you mean?"

"The kingdom only appears once a week, which means that we need to wait for another week for us to return it," I said

"So we need to hide it for a week in here, the only problem is that headmistress can feel something that doesn't come from the school nor from the eight kingdoms," she said worriedly

'Perks for being a pure-blooded Angel'

Suddenly a familiar voice came from the other side of the door, Professor Liwei.

"Princess Ebieria, Headmistress Amrea summoned you again to her office, she also told me to let you bring a certain object that you have right now."

'She sensed it that fast!?' I directly looked at Rovina and told her not to worry, then placed an invisible spell on the book so that no one will notice, I directly went out of the dormitory, following me was Professor Liwei, while heading to the headmistress' office.


"Headmistress Amrea," I bowed down then looked up

She then looks at me with a worried expression

"Princess, we have been talking not too long ago, but then I suddenly sensed an unfamiliar object with you after an hour, why is that?"

I remained silent as to not know how to explain to her everything properly.

The headmistress' just sighed then asked me if I could show her the object, of course, I agreed

"deja que este objeto que estoy sosteniendo sea visible a los ojos de cualquiera" I chanted, and with that, the book became visible

The headmistress' expression began to change and looked horrified

"h-how did you get the hands of this book!?"

"I-it's a long story headmistress, and please don't worry, no one knows about that other than me and Rovina," I explained nervously

The headmistress sighed in relief, she directly placed a spell on the book then it suddenly disappeared

"Headmistress, I know I don't have the right to ask this, but where did you place the book?" I asked calmly

"Somewhere that no one will be able to find it," she answered

I was about to tell her that I was gonna bring it back to the kingdom of the Reapers but then, I don't want to expose myself yet.

"Headmistress, I am sorry for bringing the book inside the school premises, I hope that my mistake doesn't affect the points of my kingdom," I apologized

"It's okay dear, but can you tell me where'd you found the book?" she asked

It took me a long time to think of an answer since I cannot tell her the truth at this moment.

"I found it lying outside the school gates, behind the bushes while wandering around the premises, I picked it up then directly brought it inside the dorm," I explained with a lie

"Are you sure that no one noticed it?" she asked

"Yes headmistress" I answered

"Okay, you may go back to your dormitory now, and please do not tell anyone about our conversation,"

"of course headmistress," and with that I left the office

That lie wouldn't be a lie for long enough since other than Rovina, someone else witnesses what I was really doing, or perhaps what my Elements were doing on the premises.