HER LIFE FOR HIS (Special chapter 3)

The next day, while the group is eating, those who do not know about what Andrew did, got confused as to why the others look so dull.

Donna then decided to break the silence, "I know all of you are in a tight spot right now and I apologize for I can't do anything to help you all," she started

Owlfia then stood up and went towards her, "No need to apologize, Donna, you did your best to help us, guide us until now," she said with a sad smile, "I guess there are just times where one needs to stop for the many rather than the many to stop for that one person," Owlfia then faced her team.

"This is after all our Destiny, all we have to do is live our life to the fullest and give a happy memory for that one to remember when they cross," she said her eyes starting to sparkle. The team then stood up and went to hug her except for Andrew who was still looking down.