Rikou then faced Donna, "W-will she be alive once again?"

Donna then gave Rikou a troubled look, "It depends, Prince Rikou, the Holy Seraphim said, if the next generation willingly wants to take Owlfia's soul back without you, or the rest of this generation to force or tell them, then she will come alive once more, and like all of you, she too will age," Donna explained

"How's is that even possible, how is the next generation gonna know about Owlfia," Drake said

"I thought of something," Toozin said, "We can write it in a journal, and when the time comes, the next generation will read and it is up to them whether they wanted to save Owlfia or not," he continued then faced, Donna

"The journal is valid right?" he asked

Donna then nodded, "That is a good plan, but it will take more patience," she said