Meanwhile, the other two slowed their pace down for they noticed the other two are flirting again.

"Are they serious?" Ryezon asked furrowing his brows

"Sometimes I wished to see them bicker with each other, at least their fight will be serious," Rovina said while doing a backflip to avoid Ryezon's bullet.

"That's just bitter of you m'lady hot-head," Ryezon said now chuckling

"Who you calling hot-head!?" With that, the flames of her haladie grew bigger which is hard for Ryezon to avoid.

"Woah, are you trying to fry me, m'lady?" 

"What do you think Ruby-head?" Rovina answered with an evil grin.

Ryezon the gulps before rapidly dodging Rovina's fast attack.


Their battle went on for hours until it ended with a tie, for Diana arrived with the Youth and Rieve, and used her powers to stop the four.