Augz and Lexus are now inside the mansion where Ebieria, no, Zythira left Austin behind, and a protection spell surrounds him.

"What made you change your mind?" Augz who is temporarily in his human form faced Lexus.

"I was tricked for years, and...even if I envied him, he's still my twin," Lexus said with a serious face

Augz then went past the protection spell since the spell doesn't see him as a threat, he then placed his palm above Austin, "Time to give you back half of your power that you've given me," he muttered.

With that, his palm glowed including Austin's body. Austin's wounds then started to close up, his pale and lifeless body started to regain its normal look.

"You do know that the temporary death spell you used is dangerous," Augz said after the glow disappeared, "the side effect will lose half of his memory once he will lose consciousness again,"