Tears then started falling down Ebieria's eyes, which made Austin worried.

"Hey, Princess, are you o-" but before he can finish, Ebieria slapped him then grabbed his face and kiss him, which made him dumbfounded.

The kiss didn't last long since they immediately let go when they noticed the Dragon landing beside Augz and is glowing. Austin then carried Ebieria, bridal style, and hopped off.

There they saw the dragon, changed its look, its scales color is now a mixture of 5 elements, and its eyes are the same as Ebieria.

Augz who had shrunk himself slithered on Austin's shoulder and started explaining what happened to the dragon.

"Since Princess Ebieria permanently killed, Zythira, the dragon's former owner, it now serves the Princess and took the form of the Princess' liking," he explained