
The Forest Speaks

Lou and Winona ate in silence other than the server, Clarence, making small talk with the both of them. Lou had hoped this lunch date would be more progressive, yet Winona hadn't done as much as look her way. She wondered how to properly bring up a conversation about her sister who was murdered. How did journalists get through interviews like this? The hell if Lou knew. She felt herself giving up on this lead to Koko's story.

They finished, and Lou offered to pay, leaving a generous tip for old man Clarence who turned out to be better company than the company she came with. This, she hoped, could lessen the intense mood that Winona has been in. They got into Lou's car, and she decided now was a better time than never to interview Winona.

She sneakily began recording on her phone. Winona glanced at her as Lou put her phone back into the cup holder.

"So—," Lou began.

Winona cut her off. "You came to me asking to talk about Koko, but haven't brought it up since we left."