“The best way, to show this, is with a vampire bat, and a real wolf. The vampire bat will try and feed on the wolf because it needs blood to survive.

The wolf will not like this if it knows, and the bat is a nice morsel to eat that, even comes to it; rather than, having to be hunted. To each of them, the other is prey. Just food. There is no ancient blood feud going on.

Normally, vampires feed on humans, usually relatives; and then, move on to friends, and others in the town/village, or even city.

And, generally, they attack night after night, slowly draining the victim of life.

Of course, they also tend to wear the victim out, too. More than one vampire has been associated with sex, coming back from the grave to visit his widow until she eventually succumbs to death. This is basically like the plague. One victim falls ill, then another, then another, and so on.

The werewolf, however, tends to kill outright. They eat the victim or parts of them. And, generally, they prey on weaker victims, such as children and women.

They prefer isolated attacks, where they can kill and feed, or at least drag the victim off to eat without being discovered.

Now, if they meet, it will depend on what form. Usually, the vampire will feed on a sleeping werewolf, inhuman form. The werewolf will attack and feed on the “sleeping” vampire, in the grave.

The werewolf might attack a physical vampire (body), but this would be rare, as they are not normally seen, the way human shows them. No Counts from Royal Families with fangs and horrible accents.

Think more of a ghost or spirit, that the wolf could not bite. This would make it extremely hard, for a werewolf, to defend itself, too. Not exactly a fair fight.

There is also, the fact that some legends say that you become a vampire after being a werewolf. In other words, the werewolf dies; and then, becomes a vampire, continuing to prey on the living, even in death.”

For these, two reasons, vampires, and werewolves, will forever be enemies and will never accept the union between their clans and will do whatever it takes to avoid it.