Astaroth, Mammon, Agares, Belphegor, Beelzebub and Belia, ascended to where God was, to see what was happening there, and for that reason, they would not be taken by surprise, and they hid in such a way that, no one noticed their presence.
In heaven, God was nervous and, at the same time, happy about the birth of his second child.
While, that moment did not come, the Archangel Nuriel, was always next to that baby that has not yet been born; so that, nothing bad happens to him.
Along with the Archangel Nuriel, were the Archangels Gabriel, Haniel, Nathaniel, Shamsiel, Uriel, Ariel, Azrael and Chamuel, protecting that baby who was not yet born.
While all this was happening, Astaroth, Mammon, Agares, Belphegor, Beelzebub and Belia, were there, witnessing it all.
When the time comes, for the son of God to be born, both the angels and the archangels, were close to God, his wife, and his son, always protecting them.