Arriving at the restaurant I immediately see Aliya serving a customer her face shows that she's annoyed. Well, people who aren't close to her will not notice but I know her inside out so I can tell easily. Suddenly, the customer started screaming Aliya tried to calm him down instead of calming down, he stood up. In an instinct, I walk up to them and pull back Aliya to cover her behind me "what are you doing sir?" I clench Aliya's hand. For a moment there, we had an intense eye contact fight but broke it off when aunt Anaya interferes "hun he's your date" she says to me in a scolding manner which made me speechless.
"Well, not anymore" aunt Anaya sigh "hun this is what your nana want" I felt something clench my hand I look at back at Aliya. She's scared her face doesn't tell much, but again I know her. "If YOU disrespect MY best friend ever again today, or whenever in the future, I will make you regret your entire existence" he only smirks at me. Turning back to Aliya as I let go of her hand "you should go back to work" she left after patting me on the back gently.
As I sit down a different waiter have come to serve us I ordered the usual drink I have whenever I come here. Which is a cold lemon tea "what is it that you want from me?" He raises his eyebrows "oh? Not even an introduction?". I look at him sceptically as he raises his hand and waits for me to shake it. " no" I plainly said to him "fine, I'm Erebus Stuckern" hmm, unique name.
"I'll be honest with you on this. Your name is unique. Anyway, I'm Aster De Cordelia" I see his lips go upwards then immediately falls again. His eyes are not looking directly at me but the old woman earlier.
I didn't even notice that the woman left the two of us and now, she's just there monitoring us from her seat. Hmm, why is she monitoring us? Both of them are acting very suspicious.
I've written, read and even watch detective stories so I know that something is going on here. Now, with all the detective things I'm practically Sherlock Holmes junior but with only 2 working brain cells. And is not British. While Aliya on the other hand is Dr Watson junior except she's a Malaysian and a little less like me she has 3 working brain cells.
But anyway, I'm getting sidetracked about me and Aliya being Sherlock and Watson. I was snapped back to reality by the sound of someone screeching. It sounded like the suspicious woman from earlier but now her voice sounds a bit like a male. Everyone in the restaurant looks at the woman like they're looking at a piece of a weird painting that they see at the art gallery. Seems like everyone is interested even the employees that were at the back came to the front to see what's happening. Curiosity is gleaming in their eyes. Fortunately, the manager seems to notice the racket and decided to come out to the front.
It seems like an employee had spilt a drink. Now, that I pay attention to the woman, even more, my eyes go to her hands. Oh? How are her hands so veiny wow! Do old people have that veins on the back of their hands? Her hands are kind of hot.
"Anyway," Erebus speaks up as I take the last glance at the weird woman that has a hand size of a man. "Should we start getting to know each other?" I ponder a bit can I trust this man? WHY should I trust this man? That's the actual question.
"I'll take that silence as a yes, I should go first since I was the one who asked you" I just nod in agreement. "Alright, I am 24 turning 25 thing year this year, I own a company called CornCop" what in the world is CornCop? I am pretty sure that the company that he said does not even exist. Why is he even trying to lie? Wait, are they trying to do something to me? Is that what's going on here.
Well, if that's the case might as well just leave now and run away with Aliya of course, since she has a car and I don't. "Why are you making a face like that?" Didn't even realise I was squinting my eyes at him. His question threw me off but I stayed in my seat "to see your crusty skin much more clearly" okay, let me be honest his skin isn't THAT crusty. But, I have no other excuse to say anything other than that so, it just comes out of my mouth naturally.
"Oh? Really? Are you sure about that? I think my skin is flawless" how is he so confident with crusty skin? Aliya has flawless skin but she isn't confident. "I think you need to re-check that" I roll my eyes "this is getting boring so I'm going to the restroom for a quick second". He smiles widely " oh, sure go ahead" I stood up and walk away to the restroom. Unknowingly that Aliya followed me from behind when I got into the women restroom I felt a hand on my shoulder. In an instinct, I quickly slap the hand off my shoulder as I turn to the person.
Aliya stands there shocked "Aliya, what in the world!?" I take her hand that I had just slapped and examined if I accidentally hurt her. "I'm fine though, it hurts" she pouts "what are you doing?" Suddenly she was the one who's holding my hand "Something is going on".
"Well, yeah no shiz Watson" she makes a disgusted face "Watson?". I purse my lips into a thin line " I'm Sherlock while you're Watson" she just nods her head while letting out a defeated sigh. "I am not even going to bother with you" walking away as she says that with me following after.
As I was walking back I felt someone while that happens I felt some sort of paper on my hand so I clenched my hand as I stop midway. To just look at the paper. My heart stops as I read what was written down.