
A young boy sat down on the hard, plastic bench. His friends around him seemed to acknowledge his existence but said nothing to the brown-haired male. He sighed as he slid his hand down to his open backpack. Bringing it back up with a sketchbook in hand.

The boy opened his book to an empty page. Grabbing the pen he always has tucked behind his ear, the male begins to sketch what comes to his mind. When the young boy got done sketching, he looked over his masterpiece. It was a simple doodle of him, but with highlights. The boy was wondering if he would look great with pink highlights as it was breast cancer awareness month. That and it would be a great excuse to finally dye his hair, even if it’s highlighting.

The boy turned to another blank paper. Just as he did so the bell rung, indicating that it was now the first period. The boy looked up as others around him raced down the bleachers and to their first period. All but the boy, and a handful of other children, remained on the benches. The boy grabbed the strap to his backpack. This was the time of day he would dread. Not because it means that school has started. Not because large crowds made him squeamish. No, it was because he had to dress out for gym, his first-period class. He hated the looks the others gave him as he took off his shirt and pants. It gave him anxiety just thinking about the boys' locker room.

He thought about not dressing out today, to skip dressing out, but that would mean his grades would drop if he didn't. And, if we're completely honest, his grades in the gym weren't looking too hot, to begin with. With a sigh of acceptance, the boy reached a free hand in his backpack. Pulling out his clothing, the brown-haired male slowly got up from his spot. He headed towards the despicable locker room. He looked around for someone to fight, or even to delay him on his trip. There were only a couple of students left leaving the gym, so whoever he picked had to rush to get their attention before they leave. The boys’ green eyes landed on a young male with brown-tinted skin and black hair.

Quickly, the young boy rushed towards the young male. Just as he was a few inches away from him, the boy stopped. He didn't understand it, but somehow he just wasn't going to do what he had planned.

"Oh, hello!"

The boy jumped. He came back to his senses just in time to see the mixed male looking at him. A warm smile etching from the corners of his eyes. The boy lost his voice for a second, completely startled by this warm greeting.

"H...Hello." The male said in his feminine voice.

"I'm Yunxu." The other guy said, holding out his hand.

The boy hesitated. He looked away.

"...I'm Chipita." The boy said.

Yunxu smile softly, tilting his head.

"Hey, that's a cute name for a girl like you! Are you a foreigner too?"

Chipita’s face started burning with blush. He was not a woman, so why did this man think that he was a woman? Of course, he knew why Yunxu thought this. Before the smaller male could get a word out of his mouth, he realized that Yunxu was walking away from him, waving at him with every step he took.

Chipita blinked, then turned his head towards the boys' locker room. It was time to go and change out for the first period. Inside the locker room, Chipita could see the disgusting looks he was given. He went to the very edge of the locker room and sighed.

He didn't wanna be here. He wishes he didn't have gym class. He began to redress himself.

When he got down to just his trousers and his bra, he looked at himself in a nearby mirror.

This, his body, was the reason why he hated gym class so much. He was a male inside a female’s body.