She glanced through the newly placed file on her desk, it was tagged "enlisted photographers", it was a list of a few scouted photographer's for PROCAMS magazine cover page. She selected the best two photographer's in the company and instructed Becky, her personal assistant to give both photographers a trial run for the contract, with little adjustments made.

Becky was puzzled, "I am really sorry boss, I believe we need one photographer".

Shelby gave her a fierce gaze before going on to state her motive.

" I am clearly aware of the fact that it takes one photographer to do a cover page. On paper they are both rated the best, almost equals if I must say. I shall put them to the test and see who becomes, my best ", Shelby sighed, drank the half glass of water on her desk.

"why are you still here?", She yelled at Becky. Becky picked up the files and hastily walked out of the president's office, closing the door as gently as possible.

" Why does she always have to act out, this is a very obvious reason to her being single".Becky was conscious enough to say such words in her head, for as much as she despised her employers authoritative character, she absolutely loved working for Shelby. Fun fact, they were old time buddies, only at the office they were simply "employer" and "employee".

A week later, Shelby decided to visit the newly renovated studio. One of the two photographer's, was giving this studio for the test run of the companies magazine cover page. Shelby had been with the other listed photographer the previous day, she was not impressed with his concept. He was a very attractive young man, only he clearly was overhyped when it came to the aspect of photography. She believed he was meant to be a model and not a photographer.

Her driver parked the car at the entrance of the studio, Becky came down to open the door, she was silently in prayer.

"This Harry guy better be the one", she whispered to herself.

Becky got a earful from Shelby the previous day, on how incompetent she and the previous photographer both were. Shelby stepped out of the car, took a look at the environment and in magestic strides, walked into the studio building.

Harry was the only new staff, present at the moment. He was assigned a P.A, two weeks ago. Shelby was easily able to recognise him, based on the pictures she had seen of him in the file, a week earlier. She replied the greetings of the other staff's present, before returning her gaze to the man in question. Surprisingly his camera was directed at her, she walked towards Harry with a smile on her face and curse on her lips.

"Hello..." she unknowingly muttered with a smile on her face, after staring at the face behind the camera. Harry was nothing compared to what he looked like in pictures, he was obviously good looking in pictures, only in person he was head over hills better looking. Harry stretched out his hands for a shake, then with the perfect range of huskiness in his voice, he muttered, "hello?". He had this dreamy and confused look on his face, she couldn't understand why.

"Shelby Sulaiman", she replied. Becky was on the verge of collapsing, she forgot to call him the previous day, regarding them dropping by the studio.

" I am Harry Davies", he replied before turning his attention to Becky.

"what brings you here?", he asked with a smile on his face. It finally dawned on Shelby that he had no idea who she was. Becky was about to speak shortly before shelby poked her wrist and dragged her to the side with a smile on her face.

" Shut up!", She whispered. Becky was puzzled once again, her friend and boss, was clearly fund of putting her in a confused spot.

" if you didn't do your work yesterday, why do it now?. I want to see how well he treats me, seeing he has no knowledge on who I am ". Becky smiled sheepishly and whispered, " yes boss!". Shelby ended up laughing, fully aware of Becky's understanding.

Harry ushered them to take a sit in his newly renovated office. He pleaded with them to wait a while, he was currently busy with a photo shoot. It definitely had been a long while since she was treated or seen as a regular person. Shelby wanted to enjoy it while it lasted, it was strange because this particular young man got her in a trance. The way his gaze was set on her, made her feel special. A few minutes later the shoot was done. Harry walked into the office with cold drinks and two boxes of Domino pizza. After they had a few bites and quenched the little of their rising thirst, Harry turned his gaze towards Shelby, who was equally observing him stylishly.

"Hmm.....I am really sorry", he was not sure if she were mad about the fact, he did not recignise who she was.

" I had no idea you were going to be present today", Harry broke the silence. Shelby was a bit disappointed, he discovered her identity. She knew it was inevitable, she was back to being the boss.

"Now that you are clearly aware of who I am, I believe we can get down to business", she said with a straight face.

Harry got his laptop from his desk and showcased his idea for the cover page. Becky was completely mute the whole time, the very minute she saw the work done by Harry, she knew she wasn't having a verbal wash down by the boss. Shelby was really impressed, she had secretly wished he would marvel her with his works and that he did.

" I presume the editing of the pictures, will be completed within the next two days", Shelby said while scrolling through a few other pictures on Harry's laptop.

" I can get them to you this evening", he replied with a boyish smile on his face. Shelby and Becky both stood up from their sits.

"Becky, cancel all appointments for the evening", she turned to face Harry.

"Mr Harry, meet up with me by 7:00pm at the blue lagoon. I believe you are familiar with the place". .

Becky was as confused as Harry was. Shelby never addressed any of her employees with a Mr or Mrs before their names, not even the worker's who were a lot older than her. Harry didn't know that part, Becky did. Harry was completely confused as to why he had to have a meeting.

" I am really sorry boss", it felt awkward calling her "boss", he was well aware they were probably age mates.

" I think sending the pictures via E-mail, will save you the trouble of a meeting", Harry stated plainly.

Shelby walked up to the door of Harry's office, took a pause and turned to face Harry.

" First and foremost, stick to calling me Shelby and not boss. I am clearly aware of the internet and it's services", She sighed, "I prefer we talk face to face, that way I can see how passionate you are about the project". With that being said, she exited the office leaving that sweet fragrance behind.

" My days!", Harry exclaimed shortly after the door was closed. He was really deep in thought at this point, he believed he had definitely found the one he had been searching for.

" Why does everything good always come hard? Why does she have to be my boss?".

She definitely had the looks of an angel. Harry's colleagues gave him the heads up on the kind of person Shelby was, during the time he went out to finish his shoot. They were curious to know how well acquainted he was with the boss. Shelby rarely visited the studio, except on occasions when she was furious at something done wrong. The staffs popped his bubbles on the aspect of a love at first glimpse fairy tale encounter. Shelby gained high praises on her business achievements, early pay cheque policies and a few extra credits to her name. The fact remained that she was a terror to work under, the good boss with a hellish attitude. Harry took a large gulp from his drink, before diving into the little project work left on his laptop. He could still perceive the lingering sweet scent of his boss.