" I need your help!".

Erica pleaded with her friend on the other end of the phone. Erica was an intern at PROCAM, she recently started working, this was her second week. Erica had been assigned to the newly renovated studio, to work under Harry as his personal assistant. The call between Erica and her friend was brought to an end a few minutes later.

Erica was in her mid twenties, she happened to be the only daughter to a family of six. She was the last born child and only daughter to the very wealthy Anderson family. Erica indeed was a striking beauty to behold. She had that prim and proper girly attitude about herself. A perfectly structured petite body, blessed with generous amounts of curves in all the right places. Her features gave the finishing touch to any dress she showcased herself in. Erica was the perfect brown skinned girl.

" It has been exactly two weeks since I started working here, and he has never for once noticed me". Erica pondered in silence, while her face stayed buried in her hands. Moments later Harry walked out of his office. Erica's work space was stationed directly outside of Harry's. She had been absent at the time Shelby was present at the studio earlier that day.

Harry walked towards Erica's desk, " Hello Erica?. I hope I got the name correct?", he flashed a smile at her.

Erica froze in shock, she was oblivious as to how mute she was to his statement. The sound of her name uttered with such huskiness, sent thrills rushing through her spine. She definitely was tripping.

" He his talking to me?", She thought absent mindedly.

"Did I say anything wrong?", Harry inquired, with a concerned tone.

She snapped out of her trance, "not at all sir, you hit the bull's eye on the aspect of my name".

Erica showcased her perfect dentals, with a smile that caught Harry off guard. This was the first time Harry got to observe Erica upclose. She was indeed a beauty. He wondered why he never noticed her before now.

Harry stared at Erica's face for a while, "that's progress on our friendship I guess", he said with a smile that was followed by the tilt of his left eye brow.

"He is definitely my style of a perfect man", Erica thought absent mindedly to herself. She listened to Harry update her on a change in his schedule for the evening. Erica initially planned on asking Harry out on a date. His current change of plans seemed to be ruining her plans. Her friend clearly stated on the phone earlier, "if you want a man, make him yours". That was the path she was going to take regardless of the outcome.

Harry arrived at the blue lagoon at exactly 7:00pm. He came dressed in one of his most expensive outfits. A custom made navy blue kingsman tuxedo, with a slim fitted white t-shirt on charcoal black trousers, gold Rolex watch on his wrist and on his feet, a very expensive black designer suede shoe to match. The blue lagoon was no random place anyone could waltz into, it was a lounge for the creme de la creme of Lagos.

Shelby arrived a few minutes earlier than Harry, she sat at the reserved spot for their meeting. It was at the far end of the lounge. Shelby placed her gaze at the entrance of the lounge, there he stood, the one person she made an irrelevant reason to meet up with, she felt butterflies watching him take manly strides towards her. Although Shelby was an expert at concealing her emotions with a straight face. She observed him from head to toe. He had full curly dark hair, very neatly cut. He was most likely 6 ft 2 inches tall, seeing as they were similar in height , based on when they met earlier in the day. His face fully bearded, with a perfectly shaped medium sized mouth, pink lower lip, broad shoulders, perfectly carved chest, and the perfect lower body to accompany his physique, he was a fine black man. Harry's dressing for the meeting showcased his body features perfectly.

"perfect", She whispered to herself.

Harry was swiftly escorted to the table, Shelby was seated. He's eye's were locked on hers the very instant he stood Infront of her. They jinxed on their greetings .

"Good evening!..." , they chorused and laughed.

" I want you to be at ease, whenever you are with me", shelby said matter of factly.

" The way you looked at me at the studio, is completely different from the way you are staring at me now. Right now they look really formal", Shelby stared him in the eye.

"Huh.." , her remark caught him unawares, he cleared his throat.

" I believe we both know there are lines never to cross with the boss". His eyes were locked on hers.

Shelby burst into laughter,

"Okay, will you be more at ease if I sacked you?", She teased with a wicked smile on her face.

He laughed, "Hell no!, I really love working for the company".

A female waiter walked up to their table, cutting off their conversation with an apology. Moments later their orders were placed.

" Are you ready to see the edited shots, for the cover page?", Harry asked. He's mind was completely blank on how to converse freely with Shelby. The fact remained, she was his boss.

She was disappointed at the newly found topic,"Sure, let's get that over with quickly", Shelby replied dryly.

Harry got his tab unlocked, opened the file folder before handing the tab to Shelby. She swiped through slowly, raised an eyebrow in agreement to every picture she viewed and approved. Shelby was a hundred percent sure he was going to impress her. Fully knowing her reason for meeting him here was never about the project. The waiter came in with their orders, spaghetti Bolognese, accompanied with an expensive bottle of Escujo rojo red wine. After the meal was finished, they both engaged in a debate on who was paying the bill for dinner. Shelby resorted to pulling rank and she got to cover the bill. They got up from their seats ready to exit the lounge. They both got up to exit the lounge, Harry had no idea the kind of outfit , Shelby showcased herself in for their meeting. Harry had only noticed the upper part of her clothing, seeing as she was already seated on his arrival. Shelby wore an all white nike sneakers, grey fitted nike joggers, an orange nike crop top under a black denim designer jacket. Harry's jaw's dropped the very second she walked past him. It was a deliberate act he believed to be coincidental. Shelby was very curvaceous, she was indeed the exact same height as Harry. Her beauty and body were her obvious selling points. She was very picky when it came to men, that's why she had none. They walked side by side in silence all the way to Shelby's car. Shelby bidded him goodnight, soon after her car's tail lights were seen exiting the parking lot. Harry had no idea, his boss abored feelings towards him.

" Oh man, I sure messed up today". He deeped his right hand in his tuxedo pocket, got out his keys, located his car and in the next minute was cruising on the highway home.

Harry decided to branch the supermarket on his way home. He parked his car next to an Audi R8. He dreamily fantasised cruising in such an exotic ride. Moments later he finished paying for his purchase and was on his way out. He got to the exit of the supermarket, where he bumped into Erica his P.A, she was on her way out of after purchasing a few items herself, she was wearing a green camouflaged bum shot on a white hoody. Harry became more aware of how pretty his P.A was. Erica was not as tall, neither was she as endowed as Shelby, she was a solid 5ft 6 inches, still equally attractive and sexy. She could easily be seen as a fair competition to Shelby, based on looks. Erica scoped her handsome boss in his dinner outfit, she had never seen him in such before. He always dressed casually to work.

"I wonder who he had the meeting with, looking this good", she thought to herself. The thought of him on a date with another lady, got her a little jealous. Harry never told her the reason for the change in his schedule.

They walked out of the mall together, pushing their shopping carts in the direction of their cars. Surprisingly they were parked next to eachothers.

" That's your car?". Harry pointed at the car parked next to his, shining his eyes in utter suprise.

Erica had managed to keep a low profile at work, no one knew she was from the wealthy Anderson family. She definitely didn't plan on walking into her boss at the mall. She really missed driving her baby, seeing as she always drove the minicooper to work.

He was very chatty and more himself with Erica. He helped her offload her items from the shopping cart, into the boot of her surprisingly expensive car. Harry was still mind blown at the fact that she was the owner of the 2019 Audi R8 model, parked next to his flashy 2018 Mercedes Benz S class series. He had been humbled twice in one night. Shelby had driven a 2020 Maybach out of the blue lagoon earlier that evening. Harry could understand Shelby driving such, seeing as she was his boss and obviously a billionaire. Erica on the other hand was his personal assistant , how on earth could he loose a car show off to her. All this went on in his head silently.

Erica finally broke the silence, " Do you mind going to the movies with me, this weekend?", her fingers were crossed as she asked the question before thinking about it.

Harry was finally convinced he was dreaming, someone was definitely pulling a fast one on him. He was not one to have dating offers, yet strangely the very day he noticed two mind-blowing ladies, he ended up getting date offer's with them both.

" And if I refuse?", he asked with a boyish smile on his face.

Erica sighed sadly, " I will keep insisting till you say yes some day". She tilted her head up to stare at him.

Harry had no idea when he replied, "sure thing!".

They agreed to hanging out on Saturday. They got into their cars, bid themselves a good night's rest and drove to their individual homes.