He turns on the couch now, facing me completely and takes my hand in his. Looking at me in the eyes, he says very calmly that its a little scary

“Ema, I know you really want to find justice for your Dad but are you really confident you’d find what you are looking for? This is very risky and you never know what you might find instead. Why don’t you leave the job for the experts huh?”

“The job was left to the experts a long time ago and what happened? Nothing! So I want to find out what happened. You know I wouldn't rest until I actually do. Even if I can’t get all the info I want, I have a strong feeling I’ll get something out of there. I can’t just get out empty handed”

“Or maybe you might not get out empty handed but what if something bad happens to you Em….?” he says with a worried expression on his face.

I know he cares about me and is worried for me, but I just can’t help it. Its like something is pulling me to find out the truth of what really happened. Mum’s reaction the last time we talked confirmed it; there is something fishy and I really want to know. I’m curious like that *mentally wink*.

“Nothing will happen to me okay. This is something I really want to know, and you never know I might find out something that might safe a lot of lives you know…” I try smiling but it just feels fake.

“Yeah right. I know there is no getting your mind out of this or convince you otherwise, you are that strong willed. Okay, so on a scale of one to ten, how important is this to you?” he ask putting some crackers in to his mouth


“Christ! Em, that important huh?” he swipes his palms across his face

“Yeah, that very important. Mum is hiding something and since she does not want to let me in on it, I have no choice but to go find out for myself”

“Okay so what do you want me to help you with huh?” my eyes widen in surprise

Huh….don’t think I heard him right. He’s really going to help me?

“Huh...really?” am stunned, didn’t think it’ll be that easy

“Huh what? Why are you acting surprised, didn’t think I was going to help you out?”

“Not really...just thought you would try to talk me out of it or something. Ugh I don’t think I’m making sense.”

“What!? That hurts Em…” He ask holding his hand to his heart in mock horror like he’s actually offended.

“I would always help you no matter what, you should know that by now. I’ve talking you out of it and it's no good but that does not mean I won’t be a part your adventure every step of the way” he says the last part smiling

“Adventure huh…” I ask, raising my brow and finally relaxing after being scared I don’t have a backup plan if Ferdi doesn’t agree. But he seems happy to help even though he is concerned and being the cautious one here and I’m glad he agreed to help.

“Yeah, or what will you rather call it? Humor me Em”

“Oh now you’re having fun at my expense huh…”

“Ah one needs to loosen up once in a while you know. Getting too serious leads to over-thinking and I don’t want that”

Yeah right. Joking about the situation makes it easier to comprehend and accept. I can’t believe I am really doing this….planning to secretly infiltrate my Dad’s company. Oh God! I am scared and excited at the same time.

“Yeah right. Adventure is right but it isn’t the fun kind of adventure, but the risky and dangerous kind”

“Yeah but we can always make it fun…” he smiles mischievously

“Yeah, what do you have in mind?”

“I need to know the explicit plan first, step by step and then we can see how to enjoy it and not be tense”

“Ohhh I love that, sounds like fun”

“Yeah so what’s the plan?”

I chew for a while silently thinking of how to put the words out. I send out my hand absentmindedly to pick up another cracker and my hand comes back empty….huh! Looking down to ensure it's really finished, and it sure is finished.

“What!?” I ask stunned how it got finished so fast

“What is the problem?” Ferdi ask a bit alarmed from my unexpected exclamation.


“ did the crackers finish so fast?”

“Oh. That..” he relaxes when he realises what the alarm I made was for

“Yeah that. What happened?”

“You could have just asked Em not to act dramatic. I thought something has happened.”

“Oh, sorry didn’t mean it that way just surprised”

“Yeah. As for the crackers, we have been talking a lot Ema and we have not been doing that siting still while talking but eating. So what were you expecting huh”

“Oh” is all I could say. What else could I say by the way *mentally shrugs shoulders*

“Yeah, oh is right. Do you need more? I can make some more”

“Naa its okay. Just surprised it got finished that fast”

“Yeah? Are you sure?”

“Yeah I am, thanks. If I need more I’ll just make some, you don’t need to do that you know”

“Yeah I know but I would love to”

“Okay I won’t argue but I have my ice cream in the fridge so I can have that while we talk out the plan and put together what to do next.”

“Oh yeah, the ice cream, slipped my mind”

And this is one of the reasons I feel very comfortable when I am around Ferdi. He is fun and knows how to pamper. The woman he is going to end up with is going to be one hell of a lucky girl, hope he finds the one who deserves him.

“What? You forgot about my ice cream, That is not fair Ferdi, have you been so caught up in crackers you forgot about my ice cream so you would eat later huh?” I wiggle my brow at him teasingly

“Oh no you don’t. I know what you’re trying to do Ema, stir me away from the discussion at hand. Its not working babe, give me the details”

I get up to get my ice cream from the fridge before we continue with the intense conversation while smiling feeling more relaxed.

“Oh my, thought I’d be getting off with is sure an intense conversation you know”

“Oh sorry to be the breaker of bad news dear but because it is a tensed conversation, we need to harsh it out and get it out of the way”
