Smiling slightly, I make my way to the kitchen to get my ice cream from the fridge. The house is not big so I can hear him from the kitchen.

“Do you want to share my ice cream? So I can get you a spoon as well”

“Of course. Don’t think I’ll say no to that”

“I would have been surprised if you actually said no” opening the fridge to get the ice cream, I realise he got two containers of Ice Cream from Njeiforbi...Mmmm and its Coconut flavour. Spectacular! *Mentally kisses fingertips*

I take another spoon for him, leaving the other Ice Cream in the fridge for future consumption and get back to the living room

“What!?” he says, clutching his hand to his chest fending hurt

“You know quite well I’m right Ferdi” I say smiling

“You wound me Ema. so what if I change my mind now and I say I don’t want to eat again huh”

“Ah, you’re just saying because I’ve mentioned it. Stop acting like you don’t feel like eating this delicious delicacy and take this spoon let’s share” I offer the spoon to him while wiggling my brows at him

“Mhmmm...I am thinking about it. I don’t know if I should take that”

“Come's melting away you know and my mouth is watering already. Just take it, I ensure you it won’t bite” I smirk ever so slightly

“Uh...where is the other bowl of ice cream? I remember buying two”

Ugh...he is so annoying right about now

“I left it in the fridge for future consumption. Its common knowledge you know…”

“Oh, yeah right” he says, then takes the spoon from me and the ice cream as well

“Uh, what are you doing?”

“Opening the bowl of course, what do you think I am doing?” he smirks very slowly with just a slight lift to his right upper lip.

If I wasn’t watching him so intently, I would not have caught that but I did. I am glad he could be this relaxed when I’m churning inside from anxiety and fear of the unknown. He has always been the more controlled one between the two of us and he knows how to help me control my very wandering mind.

“Oh okay”

“Were you thinking I was going to make you beg for it?”

He smiles mischievously which I have a feeling he can do just that, I won’t let it pass him to do it

“Uh maybe...I won’t let it pass you to do just that but can you spare me the game and let me have my ice cream in peace tonight?”

“Yeah I can do that. Cause I need some information from you and you’ll have to tell me as much as get from that head of yours, based on your research and then the actual and how I come in to the story”

Yeah that is a lot for one night

“Yeah, right. This is sure going to be a long night”

“Yeah so brace yourself sweetheart, that I’m sparing you with this ice cream for today”

“Oh right. So you are being the “Gentleman” now huh?” I ask with a smirk and wiggling my brows

“Let’s just say yeah, you are right” he smirks back

“Oookay. I see, I think that’s all I will get. No worries” he opens the cup-like bowl of ice cream and places it between us. I go get a plate from the kitchen and place it underneath the ice cream bowl for the water to go down on it

“Oh you seem to be smart sometimes” he says teasingly

“Oh I sure am smart “Most” or if not all of the time buddy”

“Oh yeah sureee” he draws out the “sure” like he just wants to bring out a reaction from me but I am sure not going to give him the satisfaction this time.

“Oh I know alright..” I say while putting a spoon full of ice in to my mouth and smiling through it.

“Okay I am you are having fun in right now”

“I sure am, you have no idea”

“Okay back to business tell me everything you have in mind and how I come in”

Yeah right. The plan which I've been going around in this conversation trying to come up with a better way to explain but nothing. I think I’ll just have to say it the way I think it then

“You know how I said my Dad never mentioned me to any one at his company right?”

“Yeah I do…” he answers becoming serious now

“Yeah, and from Mr. Mark says, Ded didn’t say anything because he didn’t his convening board members, his words not mind won’t use me to bend Dad’s decisions with the board” he nods thoughtfully

“Yeah I see his reason and his point. What does this have to do?”

“Okay so he also said, I mean Mr. Mark” he nods “that Dad put a share in my name, like I am a shareholder and I didn’t know about it” his eyebrows lift in surprise

“Really?” I nod still stalling over the information

“Yeah really. And I am shocked they didn’t question about it or try to find out”

“I think they had no idea since your Dad was at the helm of everything and all”

“Yeah. And since they were mostly interested is their share of the profits they get and their self interest and not the books or anything else for that matter”

“Yeah I see the point. Those guys are so greedy they can’t even see past the money” he says while scooping up some ice cream on his spoon and put in his mouth while nodding for me to continue

“Yeah they sure are. So from this new information, I thought since they don’t know about my existence, I can use this to my advantage to get in to the company”

“And how is that to play out?” I scoop some more ice cream in to my mouth to give myself some time to put my mind together. The sweetness is helping to keep me calm while I talk.

“Yeah okay. I know they’ll have to look for a new CEO for the vacant position and that will take some time”


“Yeah and obviously the new CEO will need an assistant since my Dad never had one so the position is vacant”

“How do you know your Dad never had an assistant?”

“Yeah I asked him cause he always came back home tired and always did the extra work and he said he doesn’t see the need for one”

“Oh I see” he nods with understanding