“Yeah” I scoop up the last of the ice cream in the bowl and put it in my mouth.

“So from my knowledge of what’s happening, the new CEO will be a young man so he’ll obviously need an assistant”

“And where did you get that tid bit of information huh?” he wiggles his eyebrows at me asking

“Uhh...lets just say, I have my ways as well” I smile mischievously cause I can’t let him know its just a speculation cause if he does, he would not let me leave it down. So I decide to just keep that little tid bit to myself

“Uhuh, I see”

“Yeah. Don’t tell me you don’t trust me…”

“Not that I don’t trust you, you have your moments, I am just being skeptical about your source”

“Oh no, you wound me Ferdi” he smiles at that....

“Okay. So with this information about the new CEO needing an “Assistant”, the shares and all, what do you have in mind planned out for this?

“I was thinking to use this as opening to apply for the position once the Company has their new CEO but we’ll have to tweak their system a little to make me the most suitable candidate for the job as well as my documents as well which I’ll use to apply”

“Wow! So you have really thought of this thoroughly huh?” he smiles impressively and I surge with pride

“Not really completely since you are the one to do most of the IT work and Mr. Mark will take care of the Legal stuff concerning the physical documents. So you’ll have to expand the idea more. That’s the thought, so what do you think?” he nods slowly, letting everything I just said sink in first

“I think it is a great idea” my smile stretches across my face, then he lifts his hand up just to kill my smile

“What? Anything wrong?” I asks cause his face is so serious and blank I can’t read him

“ needs some construction and it is lacking a little bit”

My brows furrow together in confusion

“Yeah? What’s lacking?”

“Yeah. How do you intend to hack into their server or get into their system to put you in? It’s not like it is sitting around waiting, you know. Cause I guess that is what you mean right?” I nod

Oh. I didn’t think of that at all. I forgot about the part of how I am going to get in to their system

“I will need some more information on the company like some official docs which I presume your Dad was obviously in charge of, correct?”

“Yeah. he was practically in charge and on top of everything”

“Yeah great. I will need documents that contain his access to the system cause since things are still in chaos at the company at the moment, we have a chance now to get our hands on those before everything is updated or people are reshuffled.”

“Oh. So how do I get such documents then?” I ask thinking of where Dad could have kept these documents cause they are very confidential

“It’ll be much easier to use his access since his access extends obviously to every part of the company and so if any changes are made, I can easily revert from my end.”

“Yeah, it makes sense. And these are confidential documents which he would not have kept just anywhere. But Dad always loved printed copies of everything, saying they were always easier to read...” I smile sadly at that last part.

I really do miss him though...he always had that confident side of him that made feel safe and that he could solve any problem and now…

“Ema…” he calls me out of reverie going down memory lane


“Are you okay?” he ask, concern lased in his voice

“Yeah Ferdi. I am okay. Just remembered my Dad and the tired smile he used to give me”

“I know. With the short time I knew him, he was amazing and he was as close of a Dad I never had”

“Yeah. He was a good man and that’s why I want to help seek justice for him and find out what actually happened to him and the company.”

“Yeah. As for the documents, yeah they are very confidential. I know there will be digital copies as well as hard copies but the issue now is where to find them. Does he have an office at home or a safe?”

Oh yeah... I forgot about his office at home. I just hope Mum has not turned it upside down by now cause it would not be an easy task to find what we are looking for.

“Yeah, he has an office at home. And if I remember correctly, I think he has a safe at home but I don’t know the combination password of the safe.”

“If he has an office at home then that’s great. That’s the first step to getting what we want, but we have to be very careful. We don’t know the kind of people we are against and it's a little scary.”

He is right, this is sure a little scary with the fear of the unknown we are actually facing. If they could kill my Dad, I don’t want to think of what they would do if they find out I actually exist. *shivers*

“Yeah sure. I only hope my Mum has not tempered with his documents or his office for that matter cause it's really going to be hard to find what we are looking for”

“Yeah you are right. But we’ll have to plan this out properly and ensure when going to your house, your mum would not be around. I don’t think I have the will and patience to distract her” I laugh at that and he smiles

“Yeah my mum is quite a difficult one”

“You could say that. That is one way to put it“

“Yeah, but what can I do. I’ll have to go home this weekend and see if I can find something related to what we need. I hope the safe does not block after a couple of wrong attempts cause if so, we will have to remove the safe and manually operate it”

“Yeah. But I think you should check the safe last and start with the drawers and other areas visible, you never know what you could find there”

“Yeah you have a point. My Mum could have helped us by opening the safe though I doubt he would have given her the combination to that safe”

“Why say that?”

“Cause before Dad’s accident, they were not fine. I did not know the issue and still don’t, and Mum started acting up a little strangely few weeks prior to Dad’s travel and then the accident”

“Oh I see. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wasn’t sure and was planning to ask Dad about it when he comes back from his trip but didn’t get the chance with the accident and all”

“Yeah right”

“And also, I wanted to be sure; so many things have been happening at the company it did not cross my mind to border you with my family issues”

“You know you can always tell me anything right?” he asks, his brows pulled together in concern

“Yeah I know. Thanks for always being there for me you know”

“No need to thank me Em, what are friends for. I’ll always be there to listen when you need someone to okay” I nod

“Andd don’t you dare hide such things from me again, I had to practically drag it out of you”

“Yeah. sorry, didn’t mean to I just did not know how to tell you”

“Mmm… Were you planning on telling me Ema if I didn’t ask?” he ask while wiggling his brows at me

“Yeah of course. I just didn’t know how to tell you or put the words together”

“No matter how difficult it is to say, just tell me, we will figure it out together okay?”

“Yes ‘sir’ got it. Okay let me put this bowl in the trash. As for my other ice cream, I’ll get it tomorrow”

“Mmmmm I think you just like coming to my place huh…”

“Naa don’t be so confident. Just don’t want to carry a cold bowl of ice cream at this time of the night” I get up and go to the kitchen to put the empty ice cream container in the trash when he says

“And what is wrong with that? Though I know you’re trying to hide it, you sure like it here” he says with a smile in his voice

“What! Keep telling yourself that..”

“Naa stop playing coy with me, it's just you and I here you know..”

“Yeah I do. Whatever the case, I would not be the one to make you glote”