Chapter 1: ~How are you~

The cool morning blizzard, he assumed it was another day of that damned season that he hated the most, winter.

As every day at the first hour of the day, young Ethan, had to do his homework, and one of the first with which he must comply is school.

After getting ready for school, he said goodbye to his mother who only smiled with joy when she knew that his son was about to finish high school. While on the other hand, the young man of only 18 years old was thoughtful about a dream that he had had previous nights where he was talking with a young woman, (of whom he was completely unaware).

Not even with the cold morning air his thoughts were not interrupted, since he only wanted to know the reason why "that young woman" appeared in each dream, it is not that it was frequent to dream of her because it was not like that, each Some time he could dream of that girl and this very day he saw her again in that fantasy and mysterious world.

Looking at the sky.- Who are you? ....- he asked himself while the wind made his golden hair dance.

Ethan couldn't help but smile as he felt a warmth in his chest which was followed by a small tickle in his stomach, hinting that something in that young woman had to provoke that involuntary reaction from her body. he.

- This is a bit strange, I can't remember your face, try as I might, I can't forget you and that sweet voice calling me ..." he thought.

The poor young man just kept quiet, or that was supposed to transmit, since inside his thoughts were in chaos because of that dream, that would make it difficult for him to pay attention to the classes.

While on the other side of the world, a young brunette was about to go to her bedroom, but that feeling of warmth invaded her, causing her a silly smile, which worried her mother.

- Son, are you okay?-. Asked her mother.

She looked away.- Sure mom.- she answered to turn around and put her hands on her chest.

-Are you sure? Lately you have been very distracted and ... how to say it ..- she said with a worried tone.- weird ...

That was a bit of a hard blow for the young woman, but it took little importance before those words of her mother since she always told him or criticized her way of being, so he just smiled and said goodbye to her to going to sleep.

Going up to the second floor of her home, he just headed down the hall to go to her room. With the feeling of warmth flooding her being, she just flopped down on her bed and with a smile just hugged her stuffed puppy.

-I don't know what this is ...- she looked away. -But, I really like this warmth, it makes me feel like I'm not alone.- She released the teddy bear and looked at the ceiling. -It even gives me security.

Even with a slight smile plastered on her face, she only covered herself with the sheets to try to get her to sleep since the next day she had to go to high school.

She took a while to sleep but when she finally managed to fall into the arms of Morpheus, she met that young man, who caused her happiness, but she did not know why whenever she saw him he spoke to her with such confidence .

-Hey, Amy!.- The young man greeted a little excited. - Come I want to show you something ...

She hesitated a bit to follow him, but the very cheeky one took her hand and led her towards a temple that was in the middle of a jungle. Being in front of that monument, they climbed the stairs to admire that beautiful view of the place, while she still held Amanda's hand, Ethan only sat on the step, an action that she imitated.

- Amy.- he said, still taking her hand.- Do you remember what those people had told us?.- the young man asked enthusiastically.

The girl only took a while to think about what that blond was referring to, which she just stared at nothing and then spoke.

-They said they would give us a test ...- he spoke while keeping his face full of seriousness and then directed his gaze to the young man.- but that we would not be alone, according to them, they had mentioned that there would be other young people competing for the same 4 positions. ...

The young man quickly took both hands of Amanda to look into her eyes, Amy was confused by that action on her part, since her behavior changed drastically.

- What if ...? - His voice cut off, causing concern in her, who only approached him to hug him.

-Quiet, I know you will be able to pass that test ...- in those moments he was trying to enthuse that young man who had been following him during the strange journey of his dreams, since he approached her and spoke with great confidence, he became his friend and had to help him calm down.- I assure you Ethan ...

-But ... you? -He hugged her with great force, causing a slight blush on the part of the opposite of her .- I don't know, but I would like you to also pass the test, because ... me. ..

- You?.-Amanda asked at the pause the boy had taken.

-It's that you ...

The young man's words were interrupted by that annoying alarm of hers, which had awakened her from that dream, which in her opinion was strange, so to speak.

Amy just got out of her bed and then put on her slippers and headed to the bathroom to wash her face. When the water fell on her face, she could flee fleetingly remember the face of that young man from her dreams, causing a slight blush on her face.

In an almost inaudible whisper she said.- Ethan .... nice name.- when pronouncing that name the face of that young man was present, provoking curiosity.- Who are you? ...

Those thoughts were interrupted by her mother who was rushing her, since she was getting a little late to go to high school.

"I'm leaving mom," she said to say goodbye to her and run out of her house, since in a short time she would pass the truck that would take her to her school.

When boarding the truck, she was still lost in her thoughts, trying to remember the name and appearance of that young man, who had puzzled her by those words:

- "I would like you to pass the test too" ...

Words that echoed in her head, the sentence that she did not know what it meant, causing her not to realize that she had already reached her destination, that if it were not for her friends, Amy would still be in the truck.

When she got to her classroom, she tried to tell her friends about that dream, but to her misfortune, she no longer remembered the name of the young man or his appearance, which made her a little desperate and even more so when she had her friends asking her questions about him. young.

"I already told you that I don't remember ..." she said for the third time to one of her friends, who wanted to know more about that strange dream.

- So .. do you know him? ....- asked another of her friends .- If you saw him, would you talk to him? Would you introduce him to us? Is he handsome?

At that moment she felt frustrated, or rather annoyed, since every question she asked she could not answer, especially when it came to that young man.

-It's better that we put this aside ...- she sighed heavily to pay attention to her teacher who was still explaining a topic that at that moment, Amanda was unaware.

The day passed slowly, causing more irritation in her, reaching the point that the most question that her friends asked her bothered her and they realized that, so they only left her alone for those moments.

-I would like to sleep to return to that boy ...- she thought, since that subject of the unknown test had left her with some curiosity.